摘要:31.It is not socially for parents to leave children unattended at that age. A.accessible B.adorable C.adaptable D.acceptable


Some people have very good memories, and can  26  learn quite long poems by ___27__ . There are other people who can only __28__ things that they have said again and again.

   A __29__ memory is a great help in learning a language. __30__ learns his own language by remembering __31__ he hears when he is a small child. Some children __32__in their own country, and they seem to learn two languages ___33__ as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn __34__ foreign language because students have so __35 __time for it and they are busy with other lessons, too.

  A man’s mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only __36__ what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo__37__a camera, there is much to do when the photo is finished and __38__to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work __39__ before we can keep a picture __40__ in our minds.

1.A. easy            B. easily             C. interesting             D. interestingly

2.A. heart            B. mind            C. memory                   D. attention

3.A. notice           B. recognize        C. remember            D. learn

4.A. good            B. poor            C. rich                 D. bad

5.A. Nobody        B. Somebody      C. Everybody            D. Anybody

6.A. that                   B. which         C. /                  D. what 

7.A .live                   B. don’t live      C. didn’t live          D. lived

8.A. almost         B. mostly          C. nearby              D. hardly

9.A. the            B. this             C. one               D. a

10.A. much        B. little            C. many               D. few

11.A. about         B. at               C. with                D. of

12.A. as           B. for              C. of                D. with

13.A. certain               B. ready               C. clear              D. sure

14.A. to be done    B. to be doing    C. having been done    D. being done

15.A. up          B. on              C. ever                           D. forever



Some people have very good memory(记忆力) and they can easily remember quite long texts. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them again and again. The famous English writer Charles Dickens said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many great men of the world have a wonderful memory.
A good memory is greatly helpful in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children, like the boys and girls who live abroad(国外) with their parents, seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn a second language because the students have so little time for it, and they are very busy with other subjects too.
A man’s mind is like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, Some people have very good memory(记忆力) and they can easily remember quite long texts.In the same way, there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever(永远) in our minds.
Memory is a diary, and we all carry it about us. We keep things we have experienced (经历)in this diary.
【小题1】Which of the following is true?

A.Charles Dickens had a good memory because he was a famous writer.
B.People without a good memory cannot be great men of the world.
C.People became great because they have a good memory.
D.Many people may never become great though they have a good memory.
【小题2】To learn a language well, one must ________.
A.live abroadB.write it every day
C.often hear itD.go to school
【小题3】The writer thinks a camera in one’s mind can take photos of ______.
A.what we see
B.what we feel and hear
C.what we smell and taste
D.what we see, feel, hear, smell and taste
【小题4】If you have a good memory, ________.
A.you can learn a second language easily
B.you can remember things for ever easily
C.you can learn your own language easily
D.you can remember things better
【小题5】Which of the following is true?
A.We all keep a diary in our mind.
B.One has to do a lot of work before he can keep a picture in his mind forever.
C.A person with a good memory can remember things forever.
D.A good memory helps to remember everything forever.



It is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. Though we may have no     36    in unexpected events that happen to us, we most certainly have choice in   37   we interpret what happens, and in what we choose to do about it. These choices make all the   38   in how we experience our world and very much determine our    39     of life.

Neither does what we own    40    a major role in quality of life. One person with all the money and possessions in the world may have a   41   life, while another in the lowest income classes may    42   love their life. It is what we do with what we own that   43   our level of satisfaction and joy in life. It's not what you    44    or what happens to you in life that    45    , but rather what you do with it.

Every    46    something is happening in our lives. And every moment we    47    or a judgment about what happens. By choosing to become more   48   of how we react to what happens, we can   49   towards what we really want in our lives.   50    following habitual, reactive patterns which   51   more of the same, we can recognize and  52   our old habits to move powerfully in the   53   of creating the life we really want. Yet to do this, we must first find the    54  to look at some of the disempowering, often unconscious   55   which get in the way and don't serve to increase our quality of life. But by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators, we can transform our life.

36.A.need                B.courage           C.choice             D.necessity

37.A.what               B.whether           C.that                 D.how

38.A.difference        B.troubles           C.decisions          D.measures

39.A.type                B.quality             C.amount            D.level

40.A.take                B.play                C.make               D.get

41.A.miserable         B.accessible         C.acceptable        D.adaptable 

42.A.practically              B.privately          C.absolutely        D.adequately

43.A.creates             B.investigates      C.affects             D.handles

44.A.lack                B.need                C.reserve            D.possess 

45.A.means             B.exists               C.works              D.matters

46.A.time                B.period             C.date                 D.moment

47.A.make a mistake                                   B.make a discovery

    C.make a decision                            D.make a fortune

48.A.conscious         B.sensitive          C.reasonable        D.active

49.A.alter                B.shift                C.differ                     D.distinguish

50.A.Other than              B.Rather than      C.As well as        D.According to

51.A.lead to             B.lie in               C.call for            D.appeal to/ equal to

52.A.transplant        B.transform         C.transport          D. transmit

53.A.edge                B.way                 C.direction          D.center

54.A.hope               B.interest            C.chance             D.courage

55.A.patterns           B.frames             C.landscape         D.examples


Eric and Doris King Turner are packing their bags for New Zealand. They're busy deciding what to pack and what to leave behind in Britain and are making plans to extend their new home in Nelson. Doris is looking forward to getting the garden into shape and Eric has his heart set on a spot of fly fishing. The difference is that Eric is 102, Doris is 87. Eric thinks he's Britain's oldest emigrant.
In January next year Eric King Turner and his wife of 12 years will wave goodbye to their neighbors, and set sail from Southampton on the voyage of a lifetime. The ocean liner (远洋客轮)Saga Rose will take six weeks to get to Auckland and the couple are expecting a red-carpet welcome from family.
Doris was born in New Zealand but gave up her homeland when the couple met and married in the late 1990s. But New Zealand is close to both their hearts and the attraction of family and friends, and the good fishing helped to persuade them to move.
Doris, who has five children and nine grandchildren, supported her husband's application to settle in New Zealand. The paperwork took five months. Eric says, "We not only had to produce a marriage certificate(证书) but we had to produce evidence that we were in a long and stable relationship!" He also said he was not asked about his age but had to show that he could support himself financially (财政上) in New Zealand.
"I like New Zealand. The way of life is very much the same as it is here but it is not so crowded." His wife has always been “a little bit homesick” but has never complained. Now the couple are in the middle of the task of sorting out possessions and selling their flat.
【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.They decided to leave all the things behind in Britain.
B.The wife always complained about the life in Britain.
C.The couple will set up their new home in Nelson.
D.Doris and Eric will go to New Zealand to hold the wedding.
【小题2】The underlined word "emigrant" in Paragraph 1 probably refers to a person who___.
A.lives in a country foreverB.moves from one place to settle in another
C.travels around the worldD.visits many places in a country
【小题3】What makes the couple's move to New Zealand special?
A.Their age.B.The red carpet.
C.The ocean liner Saga Rose.D.Their marriage certificate.
【小题4】The best title of the passage may be       .
A.Better late than never
B.Eric and Doris King-Turner are packing their bags
C.To leave or not to leave, that's the problem
D.Eric, 102, leaves Britain with his wife


Because of the financial crisis in the US and UK, college students are beginning to struggle to find ways to pay their tuition fees and accommodations.

Recently, two major US student loan lenders — Citibank and JPMorgan Chase — announced they were leaving the student loan industry altogether. Because banks currently have a lack of credit, they are reluctant to offer students low-interest loans that need a several-year wait for any return of interest.
In the US, many undergraduates top up their financial needs with a private loan, although the majority can get government-funded loans. In the 2005­-2006 academic year, $17 billion in private student loans was used to finance higher education. The shortfall in private funding has yet to be covered and will hit many US students hard.
Across the Atlantic, UK students have been less troubled by the crisis. Most undergraduates in the UK cover their university expenses with government-funded loans and grants (助学金). Their biggest concern is a sudden steep increase in student rent.
Most young professionals now rent houses, since 80 percent of UK mortgage schemes (住房抵押贷款计划) have disappeared — a direct result of the credit crisis. This has boosted the house rent market.
In large cities, UK students are paying almost 6.5 percent more in rent than the previous year. Figures from the UK organization Accommodation for Student show students in big cities such as London paying an average weekly rent of £103. Yet, despite students’ suffering, the number of this year’s university applications is expected to grow. During economic slumps (经济萧条时期), people regard further education as a way to survive tough job markets.
【小题1】According to the passage, banks are unwilling to offer students loans because ________.

A.the students are poor and sometimes they can’t pay off the debt
B.banks prefer lending the money to the young professionals
C.banks don’t have enough money left at the present time
D.they think college students are not studying hard
【小题2】The underlined phrase “top up” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.
A.put up B.make upC.fill upD.pick up
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.UK college students have to pay more if they want to rent houses.
B.More UK students want to further their study in college.
C.It is not so easy for US students to loan money now.
D.College students’ tuition fees have risen greatly.
【小题4】It can be inferred that ________.
A.there are no private student loan lenders in the UK
B.loans for US college students will be increased next year
C.private funding falls a little because of higher-interest loans in the US
D.private loans play a very important role in financing US students’ education


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