

It is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. Though we may have no     36    in unexpected events that happen to us, we most certainly have choice in   37   we interpret what happens, and in what we choose to do about it. These choices make all the   38   in how we experience our world and very much determine our    39     of life.

Neither does what we own    40    a major role in quality of life. One person with all the money and possessions in the world may have a   41   life, while another in the lowest income classes may    42   love their life. It is what we do with what we own that   43   our level of satisfaction and joy in life. It's not what you    44    or what happens to you in life that    45    , but rather what you do with it.

Every    46    something is happening in our lives. And every moment we    47    or a judgment about what happens. By choosing to become more   48   of how we react to what happens, we can   49   towards what we really want in our lives.   50    following habitual, reactive patterns which   51   more of the same, we can recognize and  52   our old habits to move powerfully in the   53   of creating the life we really want. Yet to do this, we must first find the    54  to look at some of the disempowering, often unconscious   55   which get in the way and don't serve to increase our quality of life. But by continually reminding ourselves of our intention to be creators, we can transform our life.

36.A.need                B.courage           C.choice             D.necessity

37.A.what               B.whether           C.that                 D.how

38.A.difference        B.troubles           C.decisions          D.measures

39.A.type                B.quality             C.amount            D.level

40.A.take                B.play                C.make               D.get

41.A.miserable         B.accessible         C.acceptable        D.adaptable 

42.A.practically              B.privately          C.absolutely        D.adequately

43.A.creates             B.investigates      C.affects             D.handles

44.A.lack                B.need                C.reserve            D.possess 

45.A.means             B.exists               C.works              D.matters

46.A.time                B.period             C.date                 D.moment

47.A.make a mistake                                   B.make a discovery

    C.make a decision                            D.make a fortune

48.A.conscious         B.sensitive          C.reasonable        D.active

49.A.alter                B.shift                C.differ                     D.distinguish

50.A.Other than              B.Rather than      C.As well as        D.According to

51.A.lead to             B.lie in               C.call for            D.appeal to/ equal to

52.A.transplant        B.transform         C.transport          D. transmit

53.A.edge                B.way                 C.direction          D.center

54.A.hope               B.interest            C.chance             D.courage

55.A.patterns           B.frames             C.landscape         D.examples

36---55   CDABB   ACCDD   DCABB   ABCDA  



36.C  根据37空见可以看出答案,意思是“我们的生活品质很大一部分并非取决于发生了什么,而是我们的处事态度。纵然我们无法选择发生在我们身上的意外,但我们理所当然可以选择怎样理解和处理所发生的事情。”difference“大有影响”。Make troubles“制造麻烦事”,trouble作为可数名词,意思为“麻烦事,问题等”;make decisions“做出决定”;measure应该和take搭配。这些选择造就了我们所体验生活的不同,并很大程度上决定了我们的生活质量。

 D   /   38. A

39.B  根据文章大意及第一句可知,此处应为“生活质量”,非“类型”和“水平”。

40.B  play a major role短语,意思为“我们所拥有的东西也不构成决定生活质量的主要因素。”

41.A  拥有世界上所有财富的人也可能过着悲惨的生活。

42.C  与上一句相对应,一个拥有全世界金钱和资产的人依然可能生活得很痛苦,而收入位于最低列的另外一个人则可能绝对热爱他的生活。本题易误选D。

43.C  此句为强调句型(It…that…)。我们如何对待我们所拥有的才真正影响我们满意水准和生活乐趣。本题易误选D。

44.D  possess“拥有”,在意义上与上下文保持一致,符合题意要求;而lack 意为“缺乏”, need“需要”,reserve意为“保留;预计”均不合题意。句意为“你拥有什么或者发生了什么都不重要,你怎样看待和处理这些才至关重要。”

45.D  matter“有关系,有重要性”。 本题易误选C。

46.D  每时每刻,而不是每一次。参考47空可知。

47.C  And every moment we make interpretations or judgments about what happens.make a mistake犯错误、弄错了;make a discovery发现;make a decision

       做出决定;make a fortune赚一笔钱。生活的每一刻都在发生着什么。每一刻我们也都在作出决定和判定到底发生了什么。

48.A  be conscious of“意识到”。句意为“通过有意识的选择怎样应付发生的事情,我们可以更接近我们生命中真正想要的。” 本题易误选D。

49.B  shift“改变,移动”,shift to/toward;alter,改变;differ,是difference的动词形式,意思是“不同……”,differ in...,“在某方面或某事上不同”的意思; distinguish,后面常跟介词from或between,意思是:“从……中区别出来,不同”。比较这四个词的意义及用法,可以看出只有B才是正确答案。本题易误选D。

50.B  不再采用很少变化的习惯性地应对方式,这些方式(会)导致同样的结局。本题易误选C。

51.A  lead to“导致”。 参考上句。lie in后加原因。本题易误选C。

52.B  句意为“我们可以意识到并将我们的旧习有力地向创造我们想要的生活方向转变。”

53.C  in the direction of“朝……方向”。参考上句。

54.D  然而要做到这一点,我们首先必须有勇气审视某些消沉面,通常无意识/潜意识行为会过来挡道,阻碍我们提升生活的品质。本题易误选C。

55.A  pattern指“模式,行为”; frame指“框架”;landscape指“风景线”;example指“范例,榜样”,可见A为正确答案。




1. If you take away 3 from 8, 5 _____ (剩下).                               1.         

2. We’ve just bought a big house and need some new _____ (家具).                             2.         

3. It is no use _____ (后悔) what you have done.                                                 3.         

4. It was so cold that many wild animals were_____ (冻) to death.                        4.         

5. This is not the _____ (原创) picture, but just a copy of it.                                 5.         

6. December is the _____ (第十二) month of the year.                                         6.         

7. I’m _____ (好奇的) to know what she said.                                                   7.         

8. They are now living _____ (分开).                                                                 8.         

9. She _____ (提醒) me that I hadn’t written to Mother.                                       9.         

10. Taking morning exercise can make people much _____ (健康).                        10.         

11. He’s _____ (明显) a man of very high intelligence.                                        11.         

12. Not all of the _____ (屋顶) of the houses in this area are flat.                          12.         

13. We apologize for the late_____ (到达) of the train.                                        13.         

14. _____ (比较) to many women, she is indeed very fortunate.                                   14.         

15. He is about five feet in _____ (高度).                                                           15.         

16. If you are all sitting _____ (舒服), then I’ll begin.                                                16.         

17. She is making _____ (准备) for her marriage.                                               17.         

18. John _____ (复习) his notes before going to bed.                                                  18.          

19. She is famous, both at home and _____ (国外).                                             19.         

20. The thief spoke in a low voice, _____ (承认) he had stolen the money.                     20.         



Human Relations

                     ----- By Marion Williams

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. Certainly the boy was   1   as the apple of their eyes.

       One morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle   2   .As he was late for work, he asked his wife to cap the bottle and ___3____. The mother, who was busy in the kitchen,   4    the matter. The boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was    5    with its color,and drank it all. It   6    to be a poisonous medicine    7    adults in small dosages. When the child showed   signs of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital,   8   he died. The mother was stunned(使昏迷).She was too   9    to face her husband. When the   10   father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he   11    his wife and uttered just four words.

       The husband just said “   12    ”

       The husaband was indeed   13    in human relationships.The child was dead. He could   14   be brought back to life. There was no   15    in finding fault with the mother.   16   , if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, this would not have happened. No one is   17   . She had also lost her only child .What she needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and   18   from the husband. That was what he gave her.

If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点), there would be much fewer  problems in the world. Sometimes we spend time in asking who is    19    or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we   20   some warmth in human relationship .

1.A.treated              B.thought                 C.ignored                  D.abandoned

2.A.shut                  B.close                      C.bare                       D.open

3.A.put it aside        B.set it aside              C.put it away            D.leave it alone

4.A.completely forgetting                                B.wholly terrified

   C.totally forgot                                      D.absolutely remembered

5.A.satisfied            B.fascinated             C.puzzled                  D.calmed

6.A.happened          B.seemed                   C.appeared               D.uttered

7.A.stood for           B.made for                C.meant for              D.called for

8.. A.when               B.then                       C.but                        D.where

9.A.ashamed            B.frightened             C.annoyed                 D.worried

10.A.awful              B.angry                     C.distraught             D.patient

11.A.looked at     B.stared at                C.glared at                D.amazed at

12.A.I hate you, now.                                  B.How do you do?

    C.How did this happen?                        D.I love you, Darling.

13.A.a idiot             B.a genius               C.a success                D.a evil

14.A.never              B.seldom                   C.even                       D.once

15.A.wonder            B.point                     C.pleasure                 D.worry

16.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise              C.Besides                  D.However

17.A.to blame        B.to be blamed          C.to be accused         D.to be noticed

18.A.explanation      B.courage                  C.excuse                    D.sympathy

19.A.suitable           B.believeable             C.accessible               D.responsible

20.A.make out         B.look out                 C.stand out               D.miss out


Childish Voice

When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time to teach a man everything. I didn’t understand and wondered why   36   had such a big influence   37   a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult.But now,   38   I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel   39   to express my own   40    on this saying. I know that I’m just a high school student with very   41   experiences. There are still many things   42   me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.

I once read this sentence: “To make this world a happy place to live, you’d better   43   youreself and your heart , instead of the whole world.” I was shocked. It made me think about life   44   . There are so many things around us that    45    our will. We can’t force life    46    our wishes.The earth won’t stop turning no matter whether we   47   it or not. What we can do is just to make ourselves  48   the world. I think we should learn to accept   49   life gives us, no matter whether it’s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.

Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother (by Jay Chou), I always try to   50   every pleasant thing in my life, but now I see I don’t catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more   51   that they slip by and leave you feeling   52   . I realize that I’m not just living   53   myself and that there are the others around me I should think of .They all pay attention to my growing up, even if it’s just a little progress.

Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life, be it positive or   54    . It doesn’t matter, I think. There is one   55   that should be obeyed—and that’s to make this world better.

36.A.man                B.time                       C.thing                            D.parent

37.A.about                  B.with                       C.on                          D.in

38.A.before             B.after                      C.as                          D.when

39.A.anxious           B.worried                  C.tired                      D.glad

40.A.beliefs             B.opinions                 C.confidences            D.expressions

41.A.a few                     B.little                      C.few                        D.a little

42.A.waiting for      B.sticking with          C.dealing with           D.doing with

43.A.ask                  B.change                   C.exchange                D.force

44.A.myself             B.itself                      C.oneself                   D.themselves

45.A.go with           B.go along                 C.go ahead                D.go against

46.A.being followed B.to be followed        C.to be following              D.to follow

47.A.receive            B.accept                    C.refuse                    D.approve

48.A.fit                   B.suit                        C.beat                       D.match

49.A.what               B.whatever                C.which                    D.why

50.A.miss                B.catch                            C.escape                    D.lose

51.A.probably          B.likely                     C.possibly                 D.unlikely

52.A.regretful        B.awful                     C.successful               D.terrible

53.A.for                  B.by                          C.on                          D.with

54.A.wrong             B.false                       C.negative                 D.true

55.A.point               B.rule                       C.thing                            D.word

Human Relations
----- By Marion Williams
A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and you can imagine how excited they were. Certainly the boy was   1  as the apple of their eyes.
One morning, the husband saw a medicine bottle   2  .As he was late for work, he asked his wife to cap the bottle and ___3____. The mother, who was busy in the kitchen,   4   the matter. The boy playfully went to the medicine bottle, was    5    with its color,and drank it all. It   6   to be a poisonous medicine    7   adults in small dosages. When the child showed   signs of poisoning, the mother took him to the hospital,  8   he died. The mother was stunned(使昏迷).She was too   9   to face her husband. When the  10   father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he   11   his wife and uttered just four words.
The husband just said “   12   ”
The husaband was indeed   13   in human relationships.The child was dead. He could   14   be brought back to life. There was no   15   in finding fault with the mother.   16  , if only he had taken time to keep the bottle in the cupboard or other place, this would not have happened. No one is   17   . She had also lost her only child .What she needed at that moment was consolation(安慰,慰藉) and   18  from the husband. That was what he gave her.
If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective(观点), there would be much fewer  problems in the world. Sometimes we spend time in asking who is   19    or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we   20  some warmth in human relationship .
1.A.treated             B.thought                 C.ignored                  D.abandoned
2.A.shut                 B.close                      C.bare                       D.open
3.A.put it aside        B.set it aside              C.put it away            D.leave it alone
4.A.completely forgetting                               B.wholly terrified
C.totally forgot                                      D.absolutely remembered
5.A.satisfied           B.fascinated             C.puzzled                  D.calmed
6.A.happened         B.seemed                   C.appeared               D.uttered
7.A.stood for          B.made for                C.meant for              D.called for
8.. A.when               B.then                       C.but                        D.where
9.A.ashamed           B.frightened             C.annoyed                 D.worried
10.A.awful              B.angry                     C.distraught             D.patient
11.A.looked at     B.stared at                C.glared at                D.amazed at
12.A.I hate you, now.                                 B.How do you do?
C.How did this happen?                        D.I love you, Darling.
13.A.a idiot            B.a genius                C.a success                D.a evil
14.A.never             B.seldom                   C.even                       D.once
15.A.wonder           B.point                     C.pleasure                 D.worry
16.A.Therefore        B.Otherwise              C.Besides                  D.However
17.A.to blame        B.to be blamed          C.to be accused         D.to be noticed
18.A.explanation      B.courage                  C.excuse                    D.sympathy
19.A.suitable          B.believeable             C.accessible               D.responsible
20.A.make out        B.look out                 C.stand out               D.miss out

Childish Voice
When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time to teach a man everything. I didn’t understand and wondered why   36  had such a big influence   37   a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult.But now,   38  I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel   39   to express my own   40   on this saying. I know that I’m just a high school student with very   41  experiences. There are still many things   42   me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.
I once read this sentence: “To make this world a happy place to live, you’d better   43  youreself and your heart , instead of the whole world.” I was shocked. It made me think about life   44   . There are so many things around us that    45   our will. We can’t force life    46   our wishes.The earth won’t stop turning no matter whether we   47   it or not. What we can do is just to make ourselves  48  the world. I think we should learn to accept   49  life gives us, no matter whether it’s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.
Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother (by Jay Chou), I always try to   50   every pleasant thing in my life, but now I see I don’t catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more   51  that they slip by and leave you feeling   52  . I realize that I’m not just living   53   myself and that there are the others around me I should think of .They all pay attention to my growing up, even if it’s just a little progress.
Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life, be it positive or   54   . It doesn’t matter, I think. There is one   55   that should be obeyed—and that’s to make this world better.
36.A.man               B.time                       C.thing                            D.parent
37.A.about                 B.with                       C.on                          D.in
38.A.before            B.after                      C.as                          D.when
39.A.anxious          B.worried                  C.tired                      D.glad
40.A.beliefs            B.opinions                 C.confidences            D.expressions
41.A.a few                    B.little                      C.few                        D.a little
42.A.waiting for      B.sticking with          C.dealing with           D.doing with
43.A.ask                 B.change                   C.exchange                D.force
44.A.myself            B.itself                      C.oneself                   D.themselves
45.A.go with          B.go along                 C.go ahead                D.go against
46.A.being followed B.to be followed        C.to be following              D.to follow
47.A.receive           B.accept                    C.refuse                    D.approve
48.A.fit                  B.suit                        C.beat                       D.match
49.A.what               B.whatever                C.which                    D.why
50.A.miss               B.catch                            C.escape                    D.lose
51.A.probably         B.likely                     C.possibly                 D.unlikely
52.A.regretful        B.awful                     C.successful               D.terrible
53.A.for                 B.by                          C.on                          D.with
54.A.wrong            B.false                       C.negative                 D.true
55.A.point               B.rule                       C.thing                            D.word

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