摘要:12.A 句意:我主动要求粉刷这座房子.作为交换.在这里住宿一周.A项意为“交换 ,B项意为“关于.至于 ,C项意为“借助--手段 ,D项意为“代替.顶替 此题考查介词词义辨析. 版权所有:() 版权所有:()


根据下列每小题的意思或要求用适当的单词、短语或句式的合适形式完成每个小题,使每句话句意完整(共13小题满分25分,每小题2分,但第7小题1分 )

【题文1】The             of the Olympics is “            , Higher and Stronger.”

【题文2】What he said was very ___    ____(有说服力的) and at last we all              (接受)his idea.

【题文3】She looks like a           girl, but in fact she is not the proper person to             (可信赖).

【题文4】We are all looking forward to                                             (游览紫禁城).


                     my help, he gave me                                  .

【题文6】He was involved in a bank robbery and                                 (被判处终生监禁).

【题文7】Don’t call me between 12 o’clock and 13 o’clock,                   I’m usually having lunch.

【题文8】单句改错:Suffered from loneliness in the lonely house, Ann had to learn to like there.


【题文9】                        (众所周知),America is a developed country               (属于)the First World.

【题文10】He said, “Let’s go to the pictures.” 改成间接引语


【题文11】用定语从句及devote翻译: 伟人是把自己的一生致力于帮助别人的人。


【题文12】One of the rules for the Olympic Games is “ No smoking                 (允许). If you are discovered, you                          (罚款)”

【题文13】翻译:当前,两国正在打仗, 所以大批军队已被派往前线作战。






86. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。

The audience ___________ its/their ____________as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

87. 我期待暑假见到你。

I’m __________ ___________ to seeing you this summer vacation.   

88. 你会知道她是个信守诺言的女孩。

You’ ll find that she is a girl who always ___________ her ___________.

89. 他们很年轻的时候,就开始谋生了。

They began to___________ their ____________ when they were very young.


She told me she would meet me here at 8:00. But it is 9 o’clock now and she still hasn’t _____     ___    __ yet.

91. 考试作弊必予追究。

If you cheat in the exam, you'll never                       with it.

92. 这本词典不久就要出版。

The dictionary will be published _________ _________.

93. 经过长时间的讨价还价,我妻子终于把那件裙子的价钱砍了下来。

After bargaining for a long time, my wife succeeded in       ___________the price of the dress.


All those who knew him          him            his winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry.


They were all                     by that old man.



完成句子 (共10小题,满分10分)


86. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。

The audience ___________ its/their ____________as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

87. 我期待暑假见到你。

I’m __________ ___________ to seeing you this summer vacation.   

88. 你会知道她是个信守诺言的女孩。

You’ ll find that she is a girl who always ___________ her ___________.

89. 他们很年轻的时候,就开始谋生了。

They began to___________ their ____________ when they were very young.


She told me she would meet me here at 8:00. But it is 9 o’clock now and she still hasn’t _____     ___    __ yet.

91. 考试作弊必予追究。

If you cheat in the exam, you'll never                       with it.

92. 这本词典不久就要出版。

The dictionary will be published _________ _________.

93. 经过长时间的讨价还价,我妻子终于把那件裙子的价钱砍了下来。

After bargaining for a long time, my wife succeeded in       ___________the price of the dress.


All those who knew him          him             his winning the Nobel Prize for chemistry.


They were all                      by that old man.






1.Who is Kate?


2.Where is the man going?


3.What happened to the woman?



4.Where does the dialogue take place?


5.How much should the woman pay for the duck?


6.How many kinds of food does the woman order?



M:Hello, Jane.Nice to see you again!

W:Hi, Josh.Haven't seen you for quite a long time! What are you doing these days?

M:I am   7   in the national park.

W:Oh? National Park? Wonderful! What are you doing there?

M:Many things to do.You see, I have to clear the roads after storms, check on the young deer and new plants, and even check the water in faraway streams sometimes.

W:Great! It must be a great experience!

M:Yes.Though it's tiring, I feel it is really   8   , especially looking after the deer.

W:The deer? You mean the endangered milu deer?

M:Yes, they are so tame.They never hurt others.The number of this kind of deer has increased recently, but their   9   are not so good as hoped for.

W:So you have to make sure they have something to eat and drink?

M:Yes,   10  .It's my job to help them be independent of man in nature.I have to help teach them how to live in the wild.




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