




1.Who is Kate?


2.Where is the man going?


3.What happened to the woman?



4.Where does the dialogue take place?


5.How much should the woman pay for the duck?


6.How many kinds of food does the woman order?



M:Hello, Jane.Nice to see you again!

W:Hi, Josh.Haven't seen you for quite a long time! What are you doing these days?

M:I am   7   in the national park.

W:Oh? National Park? Wonderful! What are you doing there?

M:Many things to do.You see, I have to clear the roads after storms, check on the young deer and new plants, and even check the water in faraway streams sometimes.

W:Great! It must be a great experience!

M:Yes.Though it's tiring, I feel it is really   8   , especially looking after the deer.

W:The deer? You mean the endangered milu deer?

M:Yes, they are so tame.They never hurt others.The number of this kind of deer has increased recently, but their   9   are not so good as hoped for.

W:So you have to make sure they have something to eat and drink?

M:Yes,   10  .It's my job to help them be independent of man in nature.I have to help teach them how to live in the wild.




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C.Teacher and students

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In an office

B.In a bank

C.In a hospital

3.What will the man drink?

A.Coco Cola


C.Soda water

4.What does the man want to order?

A.TV sets.


C.Personal computers.

5.What is the man's problem?

A.He is tired.

B.He is sick.

C.He is homesick.




6.What happened to the man?

A.He found his house broken into.

B.He locked himself out.

C.He was knocked down by a car.

7.What is the woman probably?

A.A driver.

B.A policewoman.

C.A doctor.

8.What is the woman most probably going to do?

A.Look round the house.

B.Talk to the man's wife.

C.Lock all the windows.


9.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Professor and students.

10.Where do the woman's foreign teachers come from?




11.How many hours will the woman work every day if she is employed?

A.Four hours.

B.Five hours.

C.Six hours.


12.Why does the woman mention the Sahara Desert?

A.She watched a TV program about it last night.

B.She thinks it is the largest desert in the world.

C.She knows that the man likes foreign things.

13.What kind of film does the woman like actually?

A.Love films

B.Travel films

C.Horror films

14.What can we learn about the man?

A.He doesn't like eating lunch with the woman.

B.He likes to try new food.

C.He gets sick of chips.


15.How did Rebecca lose much weight?

A.She was on a diet and exercising.

B.She had too much work.

C.She had too much sport.

16.What sport does Rebecca like best?




17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man was on the school football team.

B.Team work is of great importance in the match.

C.The football team practiced five hours a day.


18.What were dogs mainly used for in the old days?




19.Why do people in cities keep dogs now?

A.They want friendship.

B.They want them to watch house.

C.They love animals.

20.What can we learn from the text?

A.Most people in the West still keep dogs for protection.

B.The dog is useful for both children and adults.

C.People feel more and more lonely.




Example:How much is the shirt?





1.How long will the man be on holiday in Hong Kong?

A.Three weeks

B.One month

C.Two weeks

2.What’s the occupation of the man?

A.An actor

B.A writer

C.A soldier

3.Why did the woman get a ticket?

A.She sped

B.She ran a red light

C.She parked at the wrong place

4.What do we know about the chair?

A.It is damaged

B.It is blue and yellow

C.The salesman is charging $ 159 for it

5.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?







6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the street

B.In the hospital

C.In a car

7.How did the man break his leg?

A.An attacker hit him

B.He had a car accident

C.The doctors had it broken


8.Why does the many have only a few minutes to talk?

A.Because he will have a test.

B.Because he has a training course.

C.Because he will attend an important meeting

9.What does a student usually have to do before taking Anderson’s course?

A.To pass a test

B.To attend an interview

C.To meet the headmaster

10.When will the man give the woman a reply?

A.Right now


C.Next week


11.Who is most probably sitting together with Danny?

A.His new girlfriend

B.His classmate

C.His mother

12.When is Danny’s mother coming to visit him?

A.In a few days

B.Next week

C.This weekend

13.What are Fiona and Rex going to do?

A.Say hi to Danny

B.Go back to the college for a rest

C.Attend a lecture at the college


14.What is James probably doing at present?

A.Taking part in a sailing competition

B.Watching a dolphin show

C.Driving to a nearby country

15.What will James do first when he arrives?

A.Have a big dinner

B.Have a date with Rachel

C.Take a hot bath and have his hair cut

16.Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A.In a plane

B.On the phone

C.In a studio


18.Who is the speaker most probably talking to?

A.Some tourists

B.Some students

C.Some researchers

19.When will the group of people probably get up tomorrow?

A.At 5∶00 am.

B.At 5∶30 am.

C.At 6∶00 am.

20.What shouldn’t they take tomorrow?

A.The map

B.Warm clothes

C.Video cameras




1.Which restaurant will the speakers most likely choose?




2.What does the man mean?

A.He'll go to the park with the woman.

B.The weather report is not always true.

C.They'd better stay indoors tomorrow.

3.What's most important for the woman?

A.Living environment.

B.Convenient transportation.

C.Job opportunities.

4.Why is the man complaining?

A.He dislikes filing documents.

B.His work is always the same.

C.His co-worker was careless.

5.How did Adam probably get the football?

A.He bought it himself.

B.He borrowed it from someone else.

C.It was given to him as a birthday gift.




6.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Attend an art course.

B.Paint a portrait of her mother.

C.Pay for the portrait.

7.How does the woman feel in the end?





8.What does the woman show the man?

A.Some clothes.

B.A magazine.

C.A new store.

9.What is the problem at the store?

A.The clothes are too expensive.

B.The clothes are not the right size.

C.The clothes are not available.

10.What will happen next Tuesday?

A.There will be a party.

B.The man can get what he wants.

C.The clothes will be delivered to the man.


11.What did the woman do for the man?

A.She cleaned his house.

B.She made him breakfast.

C.She said something nice about him.

12.What does the man think the woman wants to do?

A.Something bad.

B.Something nice.

C.Something funny.

13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is fond of shopping.

B.She wants to borrow some money.

C.She took up a new hobby.


14.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.An online service.

B.The woman's favorite TV shows.

C.The quality of TV shows nowadays.

15.What does the woman like to watch?

A.Current TV shows.

B.Movies rented from stores.

C.Old TV shows.

16.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a TV.

B.Join Netflix.

C.Watch a movie.


17.What's the speaker's suggestion in the talk?

A.Getting a variety of clothes.

B.Taking an umbrella in summer.

C.Drinking plenty of water.

18.What is summer like in the United States?

A.It lasts for about 5 months.

B.It often rains in most areas.

C.The temperature almost keeps the same.

19.Why are many homes and buildings cool even in summer?

A.They are built with special materials.

B.Doors and windows are kept open.

C.They often have fans or air conditioners.

20.Where might the talk take place?

A.In a classroom.

B.On TV.

C.On the radio.




1.What is probably the woman?

A.A policewoman

B.A shopkeeper

C.A waitress

2.How much less did the man pay for the vase?




3.What do we know about the man?

A.He likes driving very much.

B.He lives far from the subway.

C.He used to have a car.

4.What is the man advised to do?

A.Have a rest

B.Have a check-up

C.Drink a lot of water

5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.An animal

B.A baby

C.A story




6.Why does the man want to redo his bedroom?

A.To rent it out.

B.To match the furniture.

C.To repair the furniture.

7.What color does the woman suggest?




8.What do we know about the man?

A.He will change the bed.

B.He will change the sofa.

C.He will change the wallpaper.


9.What is Mr.Carson doing when Mr.Prince calls him?

A.He is having a talk with his customer.

B.He is having a meeting.

C.He is out for lunch.

10.What's Mr.Prince's number?

A.Hong Kong 68261427 extension 4063.

B.Hong Kong 86261427 extension 4036.

C.Hong Kong 68261427 extension 4036.

11.What's the relationship between the woman and Mr.Carson?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Boss and secretary


12.What do we know about the factory leaders?

A.They will build another factory to recycle the wastes.

B.They've gained the respect of local people.

C.They've promised to do something against the pollution.

13.What will the special machine be used to do?

A.Recycle the wastes into useful things.

B.Take in the fine dust in the smoke.

C.Filter the waste water.

14.Where does the man's family live?

A.Near a river

B.Near a factory

C.Near a school


15.How many more credits does the woman take than the man?




16.Why does the woman want to know more students?

A.To borrow books from them.

B.To know the teachers better.

C.To make friends with them.

17.What will the woman do next?

A.Go to the bookstore.

B.Go to the library.

C.Go to meet someone.


18.What do some international students do during their gap year?

A.Take this chance to travel.

B.Perform their military duty.

C.Meet other educational requirements.

19.What are the parents concerned about?

A.Students may miss their friends at collage.

B.Students may not want to continue their studies.

C.It goes against the schedule of some colleges

20.What is Holly Bull's job?

A.To provide tutorship to students.

B.To call the media's attention to the gap year.

C.To help students plan their gap year.

第一部分 听力技能(共2节,满分20分)

第一节 听力理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)




1.Is the shopping center far away?

A.Yes, it is too far to walk.

B.No, it is within walking distance.

C.No, but it is too far to walk.


2.How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?

A.Fifty students

B.Forty students

C.Twenty-five students


3.Can the woman buy a carpet?

A.Yes, but not a special low prize

B.Yes, at a special low price

C.No.they are not for sale.


4.Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A.In railroad station

B.In an airport

C.In Miami


5.What does the man think about Paul?

A.He is not hungry

B.He wants something to eat

C.He is angry


6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student

B.Salesgirl and customer

C.Doctor and patient

7.What does the man feel will help the woman?

A.Some medicine

B.Breathing slowly

C.Some tests.


8.What happened to the man's bike?

A.It was hit by a car

B.It was hit by a truck

C.It was broken on a street

9.How was the bike after the accident?

A.There was nothing wrong with it

B.It was completely damaged except the wheels

C.The wheels were both damaged

10.When did the accident happen?

A.When was the man riding on it

B.When the bike was in front of the man's house

C.When the man was getting off the bike.


11.where is the woman?

A.At home

B.At Doctor's Smith's office

C.In Doctor Smith's room

12.What's wrong with the man?

A.He hurt himself

B.There's something wrong with his leg

C.He broke his leg

13.What's the woman going to do?

A.To help Mr.Green in his home

B.To ask Dr.Smith to see him right away

C.o go and bring Mr.Green back to Dr.Smith's office


14.Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A.In the city

B.In the country


15.What will he do there?

A.To do some farm work

B.To study at home

C.To do some homework

16.Which of the following is true?

A.The boy's grandparents live in the country.

B.The boy's school is in the city

C.The girl knows how to farm, too.

第二节 笔录要点(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)


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