摘要: A. For B. Because C. While D. Whether


For a clearer picture of what the student knows, most teachers use another kind of examination in addition to objective tests. They use “essay” tests, which require students to write long answers to broad, general questions such as the following: “Mention several ways in which Benjamin Franklin has influenced thinking of people in his own country and in other parts of the world.”

One advantage of the essay test is that it reduces the element of luck. The student cannot get a high score just by making a lucky guess. Another advantage is that it shows the examiner more cares about the student’s ability to put facts together into a meaningful whole. It should show how deeply he has thought about the subject. Sometimes, though, essay tests have disadvantages, too. Some students are able to write rather good answers without really knowing much about the subject, while other students who actually know the material have trouble expressing their ideas in the essay form.

Besides, in an essay test the student’s score may depend upon the examiner’s feelings at the time of reading the answer. If he is feeling tired or bored, the student may receive a lower score than he should. Another examiner reading the same answer might give it a much higher mark. Because of this, the objective test gives each student a fairer chance, and of course it is easier and quicker to score.

Whether an objective test or an essay test is used, problems arise. When some objective questions are used along with some essay questions, however, a fairly clear picture of the student’s knowledge can usually be gotten.

What may have been discussed in the previous paragraphs?

A. The essay test.                    B. How teachers test their students.

C. How students write their essays.      D. The objective test.

The essay test is preferred because ______.

A. it shows more about the student’s understanding of the subject

B. it tests the student’s knowledge of the material as well as his expression of ideas

C. it gives each student a fairer chance

D. its scoring may be influenced by the examiner’s feelings

The underlined word “this” refers to the fact that ______.

A. students may receive a lower score in an essay test

B. another examiner usually gives the answer a higher mark

C. different examiners may give the same essay different scores

D. the objective test gives each student a fairer chance

According to the passage, which of the following statements about the objective test is NOT true?

    A. It is more objective than the essay test in terms of scoring.

    B. It allows the student to guess the correct answer without really knowing the material.

    C. It shows the student’s ability to think about difficult problems.

    D. It is easy and quick to score.


A Full-Time School Called Life

       You are enrolled in a full-time school called “life”. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

       Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very ling time. What we and our ancestors have overlooked, however, is there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual. 全品高考网

Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else's. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and connection of your own life.

       As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons that others don't have to face, while other spend years struggling with challenges that you don't need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on for certain is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn; whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you.

The challenge here, therefore, is to align(与…保持一致)yourself with your own unique path by learning individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be faced with in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will be completely different from others. But, remember, don't compare your path to the people around you and focus on the difference between their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth. 全品高考网

       Our sense of fairness is the expectation of equity—the assumption that all things are equal and that justice will always prevail. Life is not, in fact, fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult lift path than others around you, deserved or not. Everyone’s circumstances are unique, and everyone needs to handle his or her own circumstances differently. If you want to move toward calm, you will be required to move out of the comparing phase of “it’s not fair”. Focusing on the unfairness of circumstances keeps you comparing yourself with others rather than appreciating your own special uniqueness. You miss out on learning your individual lessons by distracting yourself with feelings of bitterness and anger.

11.According to the passage, how can the meaning of your life be realized?

       A.Having the same opinions as others.

       B.Taking the distinct path from others.

       C.Learning the lessons presented to you.

       D.Doing the different things from others.

12.From the passage we can conclude            .

       A.everyone has his own track to follow

       B.the same things usually happen to the peers

       C.a painful divorce must lie in financial problems

       D.a wealthy man must have a wonderful marriage

13.In your lifetime, the lessons you are faced with           .

       A.are beyond your power   B.keep you from growth

       C.limit your development   D.help you with your success

14.Which of the following is TRUE?

       A.All things are equal and justice will always prevail.

       B.You should learn to appreciate your specific uniqueness.

       C.One has to fix his mind on unfairness of circumstances.

       D.You have to complain “it’s not fair” whenever possible.

15.Life is called a full – time school, because           .

       A.it is full of all lessons to learn

       B.you have plenty of time to learn lessons

       C.you meet with specific lessons every day

       D.there are so many subjects for you to choose


Whether rich or poor, we all have problems: that unfaithful mate, that annoying colleague, that persistent(持久的) disease, and the investment that is turning into a huge loss.
How can we remain calm, positive and even elegant in the face of all these difficulties of
The following suggestions may help.
It comes with the pay. I have a friend who used to complain about her dead-end job and
unreasonable boss. Sounds familiar? One day I told her, "Look at it this way. You are getting
paid for the annoyance as well as the work. It comes with the pay. "
This has become my favorite saying for work-related frustrations. "Take every day as a bo-
nus. " When we learn to treasure every moment of what we have, we begin to see life in a whole
new attitude.
It's all in the mind. Sure, the psychologists tell us it is important that we work at resol-
ving problems. But they also say if you try to resolve a problem that would not go away, it would
only compound(使更复杂) the frustration.
If you tell yourself there isn' t a problem, there won' t be one. It is all in the mind.
Stop thinking about your own problem-help others instead. A lady who is struggling a
life-threatening disease showed she coped with her illness by making herself useful, by offering
help to others in a similar situation.
She has spoken to at least five other women with breast cancer. She says that the sharing
has helped her to find fresh meaning in her own life.
Never give up on your dream. Why do we give in or give up when we meet difficulities?
ls it because we have no confidenee in our cause and no commitment (承担义务)for what we
One strong-hearted lady was the late head of the tragic Kennedy family, Rose Kennedy.
She said this on nationwide television one week after losing yet another son to assassin's( 暗杀者) bullet--Boddy Kennedy:"And we go on our way with no regrets not looking backwards to
the past, but we shall carry on with courage. "
Not the end of the world. Do you know something else? I' ve learned that care as you
might, love as,you might, some people don't care back.
And it is not the end of the world. After all, it's not the event that makes a person, is it?
It's what we do about what happens to us.
It was said that Albert Einstein' s last request on his death bed was to be given his equa-
tions(方程式) and his unfinished statement. Einstein first picked up his equations and lament-
ed(悲叹) to his son, "if only I had more mathematics!" What a great persistent spirit!
45. All of the followings are wrong EXCEPT_____.
A. some people have many problems while some have none
B. Albert Einstein pursued his dream till the last minute of his life
C. Rose Kennedy must be a timid (缺乏自信的) woman
D. we shouldn' t love those who don' t care about us
46. The passage is intended to inform the readers_____ .
A. how to face problems                       B. how to resolve problems
C. how to hold on to your dreams              D. how to help others
47. By saying "Take every day as a bonus", the author is trying to tell us __.
A. we should get a bonus every day     B. we should treasure every day in our life
C. we should make advances every day  D. we should enjoy ourselves every day
48. The last paragraph of the passage is out of place; it should be put under the subtitle of_____.
A. It comes with the pay                      B. It' s all in the mind
C. Never give up on your dream               D. Not the end of the world


Whether we’re 2 years old or 62, our reasons for lying are mostly the same: to get out of trouble, for personal gain and to make ourselves look better in the eyes of others. But a growing body of research is raising questions about how a child’s lie is different from an adult’s lie, and how the way we deceive changes as we grow.
“Parents and teachers who catch their children lying should not be alarmed. Their children are not going to turn out to be abnormal liars,” says Dr. Lee, a professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Institute of Child Study. He has spent the last 15 years studying how lying changes as kids get older, why some people lie more than others as well as which factors can reduce lying. The fact that children tell lies is a sign that they have reached a new developmental stage. Dr. Lee conducted a series of studies in which they bring children into a lab with hidden cameras. Children and young adults aged 2 to 17 are likely to lie while being told not to look at a toy, which is put behind the child’s back. Whether or not the child takes a secret look is caught on tape.
For young kids, the desire to cheat is big and 90% take a secret look in these experiments. When the test-giver returns to the room, the child is asked if he or she looked secretly. At age 2, about a quarter of children will lie and say they didn’t. By 3, half of kids will lie, and by 4, that figure is 90%, studies show.
Researchers have found that it’s kids with better understanding abilities who lie more. That’s because to lie you also have to keep the truth in mind, which includes many brain processes, such as combining several sources of information and faking that information. The ability to lie — and lie successfully  — is thought to be related to development of brain regions that allow so called “executive functioning”, or higher order thinking and reasoning abilities. Kids who perform better on tests that involve executive functioning also lie more.
【小题1】What’s the purpose of children telling lies?

A.To help their friends out.
B.To get rid of trouble.
C.To get attention from others.
D.To create a popular image.
【小题2】The underlined word “deceive” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “      ”.
A.tell liesB.handle troubles
C.raise questions D.do research
【小题3】From the second paragraph we can know that       .
A.which factors can reduce lying
B.why some lie more than others
C.it is normal for kids to tell lies
D.how lying changes as kids grow
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that        .
A.children’s lies are the same as adults’
B.the better kids are, the more they lie
C.the older kids are, the more they lie
D.kids always keep the truth in their mind
【小题5】What is NOT included in the passage?
A.The reasons why kids tell lies.
B.Which kind of kids tells more lies.
C.Experiments about lying of young kids.
D.What to do with lying children.


A few months ago I was at a bus stop in town in the evening. The bus came on time and I took the window seat. The bus was travelling by the seashore and I was enjoying the soft wind while watching the sea waves (海浪). After a few minutes the bus made its next stop. A young boy and a girl got on. They were standing on my left when the bus pulled off. I looked at them in surprise and realized that all the window seats were taken up. They could sit but not together. Suddenly a different wave passed through my body and my inner mind gave me the advice to get up. I got up and offered them my seat. The young lady smiled kindly and said thanks. I took another seat and we parted our ways. I don’t remember whether I got off the bus before them or not.
Months passed by. Suddenly one day while I was standing at the same bus stop waiting some time for the bus to arrive I heard a voice.
“Excuse me, Uncle.” I looked in the direction of the voice. It was a beautiful young lady.
Puzzled, I said, “I do not recognize you.”
She said, “Do you remember you gave us your window seat?”
Puzzled, I said, “Maybe, but what is so great in that?”
She said, “If you had not given your seat that day, perhaps I would have not sat with my friend. By sitting together it helped us bridge a misunderstanding that had been between us forever. Do you know we are getting married next month?”
“Good! God bless both of you,” I replied.
The young lady again said thank you and went on her journey. I realized the importance of giving that day.
【小题1】Why were the young boy and the girl standing on the bus?

A.Because they couldn’t sit together.
B.Because they wanted to enjoy the sea weaves.
C.Because there were no empty seats.
D.Because they preferred to stand.
【小题2】The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means that the author had a feeling that ______.
A.the sea wave made him upset
B.he wanted to do something special
C.a wave from the sea passed by him
D.he wanted to make a sea wave in his heart
【小题3】The author’s act of kindness helped the young boy and the girl ______.
A.begin to talk to each other again after a time of silence
B.sit together and become friends very soon
C.know each other and get married
D.clear up a misunderstanding between them
【小题4】From the story, we can know that ______.
A.small things can create great happenings in life
B.giving is more important than receiving
C.offering one’s seat to others will lead to a marriage
D.we sometimes forget what happened in the past


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