摘要: His suggestion that you once more sounds reasonable. A. try B. tried C. must try D. can try 答案A. 解析:分析句子意思可以知道.名词suggestion之后的从句为同位语从句.从句中应使用 "should+动词原形".其中 should 可以省略.


When I was fourteen, I earned money in the summer by cutting lawns(草坪), and within a few weeks I had built up a body of customers. I got to know people by the flowers they planted that I had to remember not to cut down, by the things they lost in the grass or struck in the ground on purpose. I reached the point with most of them when I knew in advance what complaint was about to be spoken, which request was most important. And I learned something about the measure of my neighbors by their preferred method of payment: by the job, by the month—or not at all.

Mr. Ballou fell into the last category, and he always had a reason why. On one day, he had no change for a fifty, on another he was flat out of checks, on another, he was simply out when I knocked on his door. Still, except for the money apart, he was a nice enough guy, always waving or tipping his hat when he’d seen me from a distance. I figured him for a thin retirement check, maybe a work-related injury that kept him from doing his own yard work. Sure, I kept track of the total, but I didn’t worry about the amount too much. Grass was grass, and the little that Mr. Ballou’s property comprised didn’t take long to trim (修剪).

Then, one late afternoon in mid-July, the hottest time of the year, I was walking by his house and he opened the door, mentioned me to come inside. The hall was cool, shaded, and it took my eyes a minute to adjust to the dim light. 

“I owe you,” Mr Ballou said, “but…”

I thought I’d save him the trouble of thinking of a new excuse. “No problem. Don’t worry about it.”

“The bank made a mistake in my account,” he continued, ignoring my words. “It will be cleared up in a day or two. But in the meantime I thought perhaps you could choose one or two volumes for a down payment.

He gestured toward the walls and I saw that books were stacked (堆放) everywhere. It was like a library, except with no order to the arrangement.

“Take your time,” Mr. Ballou encouraged. “Read, borrow, keep, or find something you like. What do you read?”

“I don’t know.” And I didn’t. I generally read what was in front of me, what I could get from the paperback stack at the drugstore, what I found at the library, magazines, the back of cereal boxes, comics. The idea of consciously seeking out a special title was new to me, but, I realized, not without appeal--- so I started to look through the piles of books.

“You actually read all of these?”

“This isn’t much,” Mr. Ballou said. “This is nothing, just what I’ve kept, the ones worth looking at a second time.”

“Pick for me, then.”

He raised his eyebrows, cocked his head, and regarded me as though measuring me for a suit. After a moment, he nodded, searched through a stack, and handed me a dark red hardbound book, fairly thick.

The Last of the Just,” I read. “By Andre Schwarz-Bart. What’s it about?”

“You tell me,” he said. “Next week.”

I started after supper, sitting outdoors on an uncomfortable kitchen chair. Within a few pages, the yard, the summer, disappeared, and I was plunged into the aching tragedy of the Holocaust, the extraordinary clash of good, represented by one decent man, and evil. Translated from French, the language was elegant, simple, impossible to resist. When the evening light finally failed I moved inside, read all through the night.

To this day, thirty years later, I vividly remember the experience. It was my first voluntary encounter with world literature, and I was amazed by the concentrated power a novel could contain. I lacked the vocabulary, however, to translate my feelings into words, so the next week. When Mr. Ballou asked, “Well?” I only replied, “It was good?”

“Keep it, then,” he said. “Shall I suggest another?”

I nodded, and was presented with the paperback edition of Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa (a very important book on the study of the social and cultural development of peoples—anthropology (人类学) ).

To make two long stories short, Mr. Ballou never paid me a cent for cutting his grass that year or the next, but for fifteen years I taught anthropology at Dartmouth College. Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock (吊床) (though I have since enjoyed many of those, too). A book, if it arrives before you at the right moment, in the proper season, at an internal in the daily business of things, will change the course of all that follows.

1.Before his encounter with Mr. Ballou, the author used to read _____________.

A.anything and everything                  B.only what was given to him

C.only serious novels                      D.nothing in the summer

2.The author found the first book Mr. Ballou gave him _____________.

A.light-hearted and enjoyable               B.dull but well written

C.impossible to put down                   D.difficult to understand

3.From what he said to the author we can guess that Mr. Ballou _______________.

A.read all books twice                     B.did not do much reading

C.read more books than he kept             D.preferred to read hardbound books

4.The following year the author _______________.

A.started studying anthropology at college

B.continued to cut Mr. Ballou’s lawn

C.spent most of his time lazing away in a hammock

D.had forgotten what he had read the summer before

5.The author’s main point is that _____________.

A.summer jobs are really good for young people

B.you should insist on being paid before you do a job

C.a good book can change the direction of your life

D.books are human beings’ best friends



The United States economy has dipped into economic recession (经济衰退). This caused discomfort and hardship in every level of society; but for many of the nation’s poor, discomfort and hardship turned into misery (苦难).

An increase in homelessness is probably the worst result of a nation’s financial disaster. About 3 million Americans were homeless because of a lack of affordable housing. Experts suggest that a family should spend no more than 30 percent of its income on housing. In fact, in some families housing costs make up 50 percent or more. An unexpected event, such as losing work or illness, can quickly push a family into homelessness.

An article in Time magazine tells a story of one such family. A young couple and their three children rented a two-bedroom apartment for about $350 a month. They could hardly go on with the husband’s $920-a-month take-home pay; so when their rent was raised to $500 a month, they could no longer make ends meet.

Another woman was found dead on a street in Washington D.C., the capital, and she died at a bus-stop across the street from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

People become homeless for different reasons. Some may not be able to pay for housing, because they have lost their job and cannot find another place they can afford. Others have mental diseases, or are addicted to drugs or alcohol, many of whom do not live with their family. And what’s more, there are not enough centers for shelter as the government doesn’t pay enough attention to this social problem. 

People are making efforts to solve the problem. However, it will not be easy, because it is a personal and economical problem as well as a social problem.

1.The passage is mainly about __________ in the US.

A. ways of solving economic problems

B. homeless people being taken good care of

C. different reasons for economic recession

D. economic recession leading to social problems

2.In the passage the author supported his view by __________.

A. presenting specific figures                        B. giving examples

C. explaining in details                               D. discussing different opinions

3. One main result that economic recession has led to is __________

A. an increase of living costs                     B. more and more deaths

C. an increase of homeless people       D. less centers for poor people

4.How many reasons why people become homeless are listed in the passage?

A. 2.        B. 3.               C. 4.              D. 5.



For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?

Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositely. Both feel trapped.

In this article, I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends. Second, blaming. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, needing to be right. It doesn’t matter what the topic is. The laws of physics or the proper way to break an egg —the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an authority—someone who actually knows something — and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.

1.Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?

A.Both can continue for generations.          B.Both are about where to draw the line

C.Neither has any clear winner               D.Neither can be put to an end

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

B.The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict

C.The teens cause their parents to mislead them

D.The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents

3.Parents and teens want to be right because they want to ________.

A.give orders to the other                  B.know more than the other

C.gain respect from the other               D.get the other to behave properly

4.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A.Causes for the parent –teen conflicts       B.Examples of the parent –teen war.

C.Solutions for the parent –teen problems    D.Future of the parent-teen relationship



What is your body language saying to your children? What is their body language telling you? I had the honor of hearing Jan Hargrave speak the other day. She is one of four body language experts in the US. Jan Hargrave says we lie with the right side of our brains, so it is our left hand that gives us away. A person touching his nose, pulling at his ear or rubbing his eye with his left hand might be lying to you. Also, a person who, in any way, crosses any fingers might just be lying. That, she says, is a holdover(遗留物) from childhood, when we crossed our fingers to signal that we didn’t mean what we were saying. When children squint(眨) their eyes, move their body away from you, or can’t seem to make good eye contact, you may need to ask for a little more clarification.

But just as important, children learn early how to read our body language when they are conversing(交谈) with us. Here are some acceptance signals to let them know you are interested when they are talking to you. Lean(倾斜) towards them. Make good eye contact and smile. Open your arms. Let your hands relax with the palms(手掌) showing: an open, upward palm always show acceptance. If your legs are crossed, make sure you are not crossing them away from your child. These are important because they signal to your child that you are focused on them and are accepting and welcoming them into your world.

By paying attention, we can open those lines of important communication with our children and we can see the truth more clearly. I think it would be a mistake to use these tools to lie, but we need to be aware of the signals we are giving so we can show people that they really do matter to us.

1.According to Jan Hargrave, we can tell whether a person is lying by _______.

A.observing his/her left hand’s movements.

B.looking at how he/ she crosses his/ her fingers

C.observing whether he/ she uses body language

D.making good eye contact with him/ her

2.We can learn from the passage that body language _______.

A.is hard to master for children

B.can be understood in different ways

C.may help improve communication

D.is more likely to hide the truth

3.Which of the following does NOT show acceptance to people?

A.Smile while making eye contact.

B.Open your arms to them.

C.Relax your hands with the palms showing.

D.Cross your leg away from them.

4.In the last paragraph, the author seems to suggest that parents_______.

A.spend more time with their children

B.learn to read and use body language

C.pay attention to family communication

D.try to prevent their children from lying



As computers become all the more popular in China, Chinese people are increasingly depending on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters. But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgetting the exact strokes(笔画)of each Chinese character when writing on paper. Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.

Do you write by hand more or type more? In Beijing, students start using a computer as early as primary school. And computer dependence is more wide-spread among university students. Almost all their homework and essays are typed on a computer.

All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer.

It's faster and easier to correct if using a computer. And that's why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education. But when people are taking stock in computers increasingly, problems appear.

"When I'm writing with a pen, I find I often can't remember how to write a character, though I feel I’m familiar with it."

"I'm not in the mood to write when faced with a pen and paper."

Many students don't feel this is something to worry about. Now that it's more convenient and quick to write on a computer, why bother to handwrite?

Many educators think differently. Shi Liwei , the headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said "Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic(审美的) value. But those characters typed with computer keyboards only have their practical value. All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost. And handwriting contains the writer's emotion(情绪). Through one's handwriting, people can get to know one's thinking and personality. Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them.”

To encourage students to handwrite more, many primary schools in Beijing have made writing classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities, some professors are asking students to turn in their homework and essays written by hand.

1.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A.The Importance of Handwriting and Typing.

B.To Type or To Hand Write

C.Writing By Computer Will Replace Writing By Hand

D.Practical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters.

2.The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly because______.

A.they are usually asked to e-mail their homework and Essays

B.they can correct the mistakes they make quickly and conveniently

C.they find it not easy to remember how to write a character

D.computers have become popular in China.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the advantages of handwriting?

A.Handwriting contains the writer's emotion.

B.The writer’s thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting,

C.Handwriting can impress people well and build up one’s self-confidence

D.Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic value.

4.The underlined expression “taking stock in”(Paragraph 4) probably means_____.

A.getting bored with                      B.getting dependent on

C.becoming crazy about                    D.getting curious about

5.We can draw the conclusion from the passage that_______.

A.more and more students will give up writing on a computer

B.writing by hand will give way to typing by computer one day

C.more and more students will pay attention to handwriting

D.the typing article better expresses one’s emotion and quality



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