摘要: A boy was crossing the street in front of my car, and I stop very quickly. A. must B. have to C. has to D. had to 答案:D



 “Earthquake!” The word flashed in my brain. A roaring sound filled my ears . I tried to slide beneath my desk. The desk did a wild tap dance, slipping and sliding towards the centre of the room. I twisted my body and grabbed at the window sill behind me, somehow kicking free of my dancing chair. I tried to stand. My legs skated away as if on a bucking escalator.

  My fingers shook, grasped and held the window sill tightly. Somewhere through the roar sounded the terrified scream of some wounded animal. I looked behind me and tried to steady my gaze on the other kids but the scene was a dizzy nightmare. Some of the class was sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs and desks. One girl was screaming. A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy overarm crawl.

  My grip froze me to the window sill.

  I cried aloud, “I’m going to die. I’m going to die. Save me, I’ m not ready to die, I’m not ready!”

  I hunched forward on my knees and pressed my face against my clenched fingers. I looked at the backs of my fingers and stupidly noticed the fragile pale hairs growing out of the pores. The fingers would soon cease to exist. Somehow the impending horror of my death was too terrible to even cry about.

  Suddenly, I became aware that the rocking had ceased. Perhaps I wasn’t going to die.

72. The roaring sound was made by ______.

A. a wounded animal           B. people screaming

C. children running            D. an earthquake

73. When the narrator clenches his fingers he is ______

A. afraid     B. angry     C. injured     D. impatient

74.Pararaph Two describes the _______.

A. injuries suffered by the narrator     B. effects of a bad nightmare

C.disorder in the classroom           D. narrator’s fear of death

75. At the end of the passage there is a felling of ______.

A. panic    B. hope     C. sorrow     D.  excitement



A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and loved the boy very much. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.
The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous(有毒的)medicine meant for adults in small dosages(剂量). When the child fell down, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was shocked. She was terrified how to face her husband.
When the father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. The husband just said ‘I am with you, Darling’. The husband's totally unexpected reaction is active behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would not have happened. No point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was comfort and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.
If everyone can look at life with this kind of viewpoint, there would be much fewer problems in the world. Take off all your envies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we miss out some warmth in human relationship.
【小题1】The uncapped medical bottle was not put back into the cupboard because         .

A.the husband was carelessB.the wife ignored the matter
C.the husband was busyD.the wife wasn’t informed of the matter
【小题2】What do we know about the bottle?          .
A.It contained poison only for adultsB.It was kept in the kitchen
C.It was broken by the childD.It appeared like a nice drink
【小题3】The husband’s attitude towards his wife can be described as           .
【小题4】What did the writer intend to tell us about life?          .
A.Think of nothing and life will be easy
B.It is always useless finding who is responsible
C.Let go the negative side and we can enjoy life.
D.Life should give way to responsibility


“Earthquake!” The word flashed in my brain. A roaring sound filled my ears . I tried to slide beneath my desk. The desk did a wild tap dance, slipping and sliding towards the centre of the room. I twisted my body and grabbed at the window sill behind me, somehow kicking free of my dancing chair. I tried to stand. My legs skated away as if on a bucking escalator.
My fingers shook, grasped and held the window sill tightly. Somewhere through the roar sounded the terrified scream of some wounded animal. I looked behind me and tried to steady my gaze on the other kids but the scene was a dizzy nightmare. Some of the class was sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs and desks. One girl was screaming. A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy overarm crawl.
My grip froze me to the window sill.
I cried aloud, “I’m going to die. I’m going to die. Save me, I’ m not ready to die, I’m not ready!”
I hunched forward on my knees and pressed my face against my clenched fingers. I looked at the backs of my fingers and stupidly noticed the fragile pale hairs growing out of the pores. The fingers would soon cease to exist. Somehow the impending horror of my death was too terrible to even cry about.
Suddenly, I became aware that the rocking had ceased. Perhaps I wasn’t going to die.
72. The roaring sound was made by ______.
A. a wounded animal          B. people screaming
C. children running            D. an earthquake
73. When the narrator clenches his fingers he is ______
A. afraid     B. angry     C. injured     D. impatient
74.Pararaph Two describes the _______.
A. injuries suffered by the narrator     B. effects of a bad nightmare
C.disorder in the classroom           D. narrator’s fear of death
75. At the end of the passage there is a felling of ______.
A. panic    B. hope     C. sorrow     D.  excitement


“Earthquake!”The word flashed in my brain.A roaring sound filled my ears.I tried to slide beneath my desk.The desk did a wild tap dance,slipping and sliding towards the centre of the room.I twisted my body and grabbed at the windowsill behind me,somehow kicking free of my dancing chair.I tried to stand.My legs skated away as if on a bucking escalator.

My fingers shook,grasped and held the windowsill tightly.Somewhere through the roar sounded the terrified scream of some wounded animal.I looked behind me and tried to steady my gaze on the other kids but the scene was a dizzy nightmare.Some of the class were sitting in the middle of the room,surrounded by chairs and desks.One girl was screaming.A boy was trying to claw his way across the floor to the door in a crazy overarm crawl.

My grip froze me to the windowsill.

I cried aloud,“I’m going to die.I’m going to die.Save me,I’m not ready to die,I’m not ready!”

I hunched forward on my knees and pressed my face against my clenched fingers.I looked at the backs of my fingers and stupidly noticed the fragile pale hairs growing out of the pores.The fingers would soon cease to exist.Somehow the impending horror of my death was too terrible to even cry about.

Suddenly,I became aware that the rocking had ceased.Perhaps I wasn’t going to die.

The roaring sound was made by______.

A.a wounded animal                                        B.people screaming

C.children running                                           D.an earthquake

When the narrator clenches his fingers he is ______.

A.afraid                       B.angry                        C.injured                      D.impatient

Paragraph two describes the______.

A.injuries suffered by the narrator                      B.effects of a bad nightmare

C.disorder in the classroom                               D.narrator’s fear of death

At the end of the passage there is a feeling of______.

A.panic                        B.hope                         C.sorrow                      D.excitement


Sydney – A shark savaged a schoolboy’s leg while he was surfing with his father at a beach in Sydney on February 23.it was the third shark attack along the coast of Australia’s largest city in a month.

The 15 – year – old boy and his father were in the water off Avalon, on Sydney’s northern beaches, around dawn when he was attacked.The city’s beaches are packed with locals and tourists during the summer months.

“The father heard a scream and turned to see his son trashing (扭动) about in the water,” police said.“Fortunately, the shark swam away and the boy was helped to shore by his father.”

Lifesaving Club spokesman Nick Miller: “It got him around the top of his left leg and the father came and dragged him out of water.” He said the boy was bleeding heavily when he was brought to shore.“There was a lot of pain, as you can imagine”.The teenager was airlifted to hospital for treatment for leg injuries.

Police said the bites “cut through to the bone”, but the boy did not appear to have sustained any fractures (骨折).He was in a stable condition now.

Several beaches were closed after the attack.Water police and lifeguards were searching for the shark, while police hoped to identify its species by the shape of the bite marks.But they said it was too early to say what type of shark attacked the boy.“I don’t even know if he saw it,” Miller said.

Many shark species live in the waters off Sydney’s beaches, but attacks on humans are still relatively rare.However, there were two attacks on successive days earlier this month, one on a navy diver in Sydney harbor, not far from the famous Opera House, and the other on a surfer at the city’s world – famous Bondi beach.

Fishermen say shark numbers are on the rise.There is a ban on commercial fishing in the harbor, which has increased fish stocks.Marine experts also claim environmental protection has created a cleaner environment, attracting sharks closer to shore as they chase fish.Many shark species, including the Great White – the man – eater made famous in Steven Spielberg’s Jaws – are protected in Australian waters.

1.The report mainly tells us          

                 A.shark attacks on humans are on the rise

                 B.sharks attacked humans three times in one month

                 C.a boy was attacked by a shark at a Sydney beach

                 D.shark numbers are increasing in the waters off Sydney’s beaches

2.The underlined word “savaged” in the first paragraph probably means “        ”.

                 A.attracted   B.dragged     C.bit      D.packed

3.What do we know about the city of Sydney from the passage?

                 A.It is one of the largest cities in Australia.

                 B.Sydney harbor is not far from the famous Opera House.

                 C.There are many locals and tourists on its coast all year round.

                 D.There are few shark species in the waters off Sydney’s beaches.

4.About the injury of the boy we know that         

                 A.he was losing much blood when he was dragged out

                 B.he was very nervous when he was sent to hospital

                 C.he may be in danger of losing his leg

                 D.he was injured in the right leg



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