摘要:29.A.For B.With C.From D.Upon


“Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal(丑闻) showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

1.The downfall of the Arthour Andersen accounting firm is due to ________.

A. its dishonesty in business  B. its previous images

C. its bad management      D. its poor service

2.Why did some famous people fall from grace?

A. Their images were not well built up

B. They failed to live up to their images.

C. They felt much pressure from the public

D. They paid little attention to fame and fortune

3.The structure of the passage is ________.

A: Argument     P: Point     C: Conclusion



4.The author tries to argue that _________.

A. image creates everything

B. image is the key to success

C. truth is unlikely ever to be equaled

D. truth and image are equally important



“Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal (丑闻) showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

1.The downfall of the Arthur Andersen accounting firm is due to ________.

    A. its dishonesty in business                   B. its previous images

    C. its bad management                           D. its poor service

2.Why did some famous people fall from grace?

A. Their images were not well built up    

    B. They failed to live up to their images.

    C. They felt much pressure from the public 

    D. They paid little attention to fame and fortune.

3.The structure of the passage is ________.

    A: Argument              P: Point               C: Conclusion

4.The author tries to argue that _________.

    A. image creates everything                     B. image is the key to success

    C. truth is unlikely ever to be equaled         D. truth and image are equally important



Tanzania Tarangire is a national Park which lies in Tanzania.The park itself covers an area of around 2,850 square kilometers, making it the sixth largest park of its kind in the country.I recently visited Tarangire to see what it was like….

    One of the first sightings upon entering the park which I found was a huge herd(群)of elephants. Our guide told us that Tagrangire was probably the best place in Tanzania to find large herds of elephants, and that their population in the park was around 2,500.We continued to watch the elephants as they stood under trees and scratched themselves against the trees to hit the spot of an itch(痒处).

    To the right of the elephant herd, we noticed a big tree! Our guide informed us that this was a Baobab tree and that they could live for hundreds of years.Compared with this tree, the elephant just looked like dwarfs(侏儒)! We were informed that Tarangire was one of the best National Parks in Africa to see so many Baobab trees.

    As we continued our drive through the park, we finally reached a watering hole.Our guide warned us that there were lions all around us.It took us all a while to find them, but there they were! Most of them are resting in the shade under brushes, but there was one that was drinking from the watering hole directly in front of us.We then noticed just to our right, there were a couple of fresh zebra corpses(尸体)— it seemed as if the lions which were resting had killed them! We were unlucky not to have seen the actual kill, as our guide had mentioned that the zebra corpses were fresh and the kill had occurred within the last hour.

    Our final big sighting was one that none of us were expecting to see, even our guide! We pulled over to where there was a large gathering of cars, with a sleeping leopard(美洲豹)there! We took photos happily and excitedly and observed its surprising body before returning to our hotel as it was getting late.

    So, I hope you enjoyed my description of Tarangire, and that I have inspired you to add this amazing park to your very own Tanzania travel route.

1.Which statement is correct about the park?

    A.It covers an area of about 2,580 square kilometers

    B.It is the largest park of its kind in the country

    C.Their population in the park was around 2,000

    D.There are a lot of Baobab trees in it.

2.How did the writer travel in Tanzania Tarangire?

    A.On foot                   B.On horseback       C.By car               D.By bicycle

3.What did they see when they stopped with some other cars?

    A.A large herd of elephants             B.Some lions        

    C.Some zebras                            D.A leopard

4.What does the writer think of his trip in Tanzania Tarangire?

    A.Boring                    B.Challenging         C.Dangerous      D.Enjoyable



       “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

       First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal (丑闻) showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

       Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

       To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

1.The downfall of the Arthour Andersen accounting firm is due to ________.

       A.its dishonesty in business                   B.its previous images

       C.its bad management                          D.its poor service

2.Why did some famous people fall from grace?

       A.Their images were not well built up

       B.They failed to live up to their images.

       C.They felt much pressure from the public 

       D.They paid little attention to fame and fortune.

3.The structure of the passage is ________.

A: Argument                                             P: Point                     C: Conclusion

4.The author tries to argue that _________.

       A.image creates everything

       B.image is the key to success

       C.truth is unlikely ever to be equalled

      D.truth and image are equally important


“Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the precondition that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance behind the image, the product, service or person will fail at length.


       First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal (丑闻) showed that behind that image, it had dishonest business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

       Similarly, personal consultants can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace(体面)like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

       To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the "selling" of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself—the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

1.The downfall of the Arthur Andersen accounting firm is due to ______.

     A.its dishonesty in business                   B.its previous images

       C.its bad management                   D.its poor service

2.Why did some famous people fall from grace?

A.Their images were not well built up       B.They failed to live up to their images.

C.They felt much pressure from the public. D.They paid little attention to fame and fortune.

3.The structure of the passage is             .

4.The author tries to argue that______.

    A.image creates everything                   B.image is the key to success

    C.truth goes hand in hand with image        D.truth and image are equally important


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