摘要: —Well, I forgot to bring my dictionary here yesterday. —Actually you it here. You were not allowed to use it. A. needn’t bring B. needn’t have brought C. didn’t need to bring D. don’t have to bring


Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as U.S. Secretary of State. Her youth, gender and skin color have  36  a lot of attention throughout her political career.

Condoleezza Rice, 37  as Condi to her close friends, was born in 1954 in Birmingham. During 1950s,blacks were not treated as  38  citizens in the south. Although slavery was 39  in 1865,the southern states passed their own laws to continue the  40 of blacks and whites. Despite the discrimination  41  black people, her parents told her she could become? 42  she wanted. They taught her to believe that great things were  43  for her.

Rice was a gifted student with a  44  for the piano and she entered college at the age of 15 with the  45  of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was 46  by political? scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice  47  her plans and studied international politics, and in the 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University, 48  her career developed quickly. She 49  on George H. Bush's national security council(顾问) in 1989.Later she  50  to Stanford, and became its youngest, first female and first  51  provost after two years.

In 2001,Rice re-entered the political world, 52  George W. Bush's national security advisor. She has drawn international  53  in this position, and has been the most powerful national security advisors in American  54 .

She held this position until 2005,when  55  Secretary of State.

36.A. directed B. turned C. paid    D. attracted?

37.A. known   B. Considered C. Seen   D. accepted?

38.A. respectful     B. equal  C. different     D. noble?

39.A. finished B. Stopped     C. Prevented   D. ended?

40.A. difference     B. disagreement     C. separation   D. division?

41.A. against  B. to              C. with    D. towards?

42.A. whoever       B. whomever  C. whatever    D. whichever?

43.A. desiring B. waiting      C. preparing   D. longing?

44.A. talent    B. interest       C. hobby D. favourite?

45.A. purpose B. goal    C. intention    D. attention?

46.A. effected B. affected      C. impressed   D. influenced?

47.A. changed B. postponed   C. cancelled    D. exchanged?

48.A. which    B. where C. when  D. that?

49.A. acted     B. waited C. served D. called?

50.A. paid a visit    B. showed concern C. attended     D. returned?

51.A. black     B. white  C. capable      D. efficient?

52.A. turning  B. holding      C. becoming   D. taking?

53.A. praise    B. approval     C. criticism     D. attention?

54.A. politics  B. history       C. culture              D. government?

55.A. elected  B. invited       C. appointed   D. succeeded??


President Barack Obama's speeches are proving a best-seller in Japan -- as an aid to learning English. An English-language textbook, "The Speeches of Barack Obama," has sold more than 400,000 copies in two months, a big hit in a country where few hit novels sell more than a million copies a year.
  Japanese have a fervor for learning English and many bookstores have a corner dedicated (专门用于) to dozens of journals in the language, many of them now featuring the new U.S. leader's face.
"Speeches by presidents and presidential candidates(候选人) are excellent as listening tools to learn English. Obama's are especially so. His speeches are so moving, and he also uses words such as 'yes, we can,' 'change' and 'hope' that even Japanese people can memorize," said Yuzo Yamamoto of Asahi Press, which produced the best-selling text book.
  Speeches by George W. Bush and former nominee(提名) John Kerry's four years ago did not have the same interest, however, and nor do those made by Japanese politicians. “We have to turn to a foreign president for someone in whom to place our hopes”, Yamamoto said.
  The 95-page paperback features Obama's speeches in English from the 2004 Democratic National Convention and during the Democratic Party primaries(初选), in which he defeated Hillary Clinton. They are accompanied by Japanese translations.
  The 1,050 yen ($12) book, which includes a CD of the speeches, tops the bestseller list on bookseller Amazon's Japanese Website, http://www.amazon.co.jp/. He said lawmakers from Japan's main opposition Democratic Party had bought the book to study Obama's speeches.
  Following Obama's inauguration(就职典礼), Asahi Press plans to issue a sequel(续集) that includes his inaugural address, as well as President John F. Kennedy's 1961 inaugural speech. It will also feature a reading of President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address of 1863.
64. Speeches by presidents and presidential candidates are excellent as listening tools to learn English because ________.
A. the speakers are all great
B. the speakers have high speech skills
C. the language is full of humor
D. the contents are good and the words are easy to catch
65. Why do Japanese place their hopes in a foreign president?
A. Because they don’t have politicians who have such a positive influence.
B. Because they have the same attitude as the foreign presidents.
C. Because they have never made a political speech.
D. Because they hope to have a foreigner as their leader.
66. Which is true about “The Speeches of Barack Obama”?
A. It contains all Obama’s speeches .
B. It has 1,050 pages with a CD.
C. It includes his inaugural address.
D. It is an especially popular book in Japan.
67. Which of the following can best describe the main idea of the passage?
A. Japan speaks highly of Obama president .
B. Japan learns English from Obama speeches textbook .
C. Obama gains his fame from his election speeches.
D. Obama gives Japanese speeches on how to learn English.


Condoleezza Rice is used to standing out. It is not only because she holds the position as U.S. Secretary of State. Her youth, gender and skin color have  36  a lot of attention throughout her political career.

Condoleezza Rice, 37  as Condi to her close friends, was born in 1954 in Birmingham. During 1950s,blacks were not treated as  38  citizens in the south. Although slavery was 39  in 1865,the southern states passed their own laws to continue the  40 of blacks and whites. Despite the discrimination  41  black people, her parents told her she could become? 42  she wanted. They taught her to believe that great things were  43  for her.

Rice was a gifted student with a  44  for the piano and she entered college at the age of 15 with the  45  of becoming a concert pianist. Along the way she was 46  by political? scientist Josef Korbel, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Rice  47  her plans and studied international politics, and in the 1980s she was teaching at Stanford University, 48  her career developed quickly. She 49  on George H. Bush's national security council(顾问) in 1989.Later she  50  to Stanford, and became its youngest, first female and first  51  provost after two years.

In 2001,Rice re-entered the political world, 52  George W. Bush's national security advisor. She has drawn international  53  in this position, and has been the most powerful national security advisors in American  54 .

She held this position until 2005,when  55  Secretary of State.

36.A. directed B. turned C. paid    D. attracted?

37.A. known   B. Considered C. Seen   D. accepted?

38.A. respectful     B. equal  C. different     D. noble?

39.A. finished B. Stopped     C. Prevented   D. ended?

40.A. difference     B. disagreement     C. separation   D. division?

41.A. against  B. to              C. with    D. towards?

42.A. whoever       B. whomever  C. whatever    D. whichever?

43.A. desiring B. waiting      C. preparing   D. longing?

44.A. talent    B. interest       C. hobby D. favourite?

45.A. purpose B. goal    C. intention    D. attention?

46.A. effected B. affected      C. impressed   D. influenced?

47.A. changed B. postponed   C. cancelled    D. exchanged?

48.A. which    B. where C. when  D. that?

49.A. acted     B. waited C. served D. called?

50.A. paid a visit    B. showed concern C. attended     D. returned?

51.A. black     B. white  C. capable      D. efficient?

52.A. turning  B. holding      C. becoming   D. taking?

53.A. praise    B. approval     C. criticism     D. attention?

54.A. politics  B. history       C. culture              D. government?

55.A. elected  B. invited       C. appointed   D. succeeded??



Nelson Mandela

  Nelson Mandela is one of the great political leaders of our time.His lifelong efforts to the fight against racial(种族)oppression(压迫)in his country won him the admiration(钦慕)of millions worldwide, as well as the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.As the leader of South Africa’s anti-partheid(反种族隔离)movement, Mandela was a key player in helping to move his country toward multiracial government(多民族政府)and majority rule.

  Mandela’s long, hard struggle is a victory of dignity(尊严)and hope.He’s a man of true courage.If determination and patience were considered talents, Mandela would win hands down in any sort of competition.

  accomplishments(成就)& fame(名誉)

  Nelson Mandela’s greatest accomplishments were his role in ending apartheid, and becoming South Africa’s first elected black president.He has been the recipient(收件人)of dozens upon dozens of awards, prizes and honors from countless associations and organizations, but perhaps none more prestigious(声望很高)than the Nobel Peace Prize, which he shared with former South African President Frederik W.de Klerk, in 1993.

  He has been awarded several other major peace prizes, such as the UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)Peace Prize in 1991(also shared with F.W.de Klerk); the Africa Peace Award in 1995 and the International Gandhi Peace Prize in 2002.

  Mr.Mandela also received dozens of honorary degrees(名誉学位)from universities the world over, including the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow, London, Nottingham, and Oxford, as well as an Honorary Doctorate from the Sorbonne University in Paris(all in July 1996), and Harvard Business School’s Statesman of the Year Award in 1995-to name but a few.He has also been presented(赠送)with the key to cities such as Rome, Rio de Janeiro, London, Dublin, and Sydney, Australia(where he became the first person ever to receive the Freedom of that city).In July of 2002, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States highest civilian(公民)award.


  There’s something admirable about having been a leader fighting for a people’s freedom and equality in an unjust society.Mandela has become a worldwide symbol(楷模)of the struggle of the oppressed(被压迫者)over the oppressor.He has been celebrated in song by artists the world over, in many different languages.One entitled “Nelson Mandela”was recorded by British 2-Tone group The Special A.K.A(formerly The Specials); making the top 10 in the UK and a few other European nations in 1984.

  Personal style

  As a president, Mandela sported the typical garb(服饰)of high-ranking government officials: expensive, well-tailored(缝制精致的)suits.Now retired(退役)from public life, Mandela the elder statesman dresses in an ordinary way.

  He attends many activities, often where he is the guest of honor, in bright, colorfully patterned(典型的)traditional African robes(长袍)or shirts all the better for getting down when the music begins.


Mandel was not only admired(钦慕)for his long fight against ________but also for ________.


How many peaceful prize has Mandela got?He has got________ in 1991, ________in 1995 and ________ in 2002.


Mandela is a man full of ________and his greatest success was to play a part in getting rid of ________ and to be elected ________.


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