摘要: Police Officer Fang was different from other policemen.


In order to separate loving parents from their freshman sons, Morehouse College in Atlanta has held a/an ___36_____"Parting Ceremony."
When University of Minnesota freshmen ____37_____ at the end of this month, parental separation will be a little trickier: mothers and fathers will be ___38_____ to a reception elsewhere ___39_____ students can meet their roommates and talk about dorm room space -- _____40_____ adult breaking in.
In the latest wave in which superinvolved parents ____41_____ their children to college, universities are ____42_____activities ____43_____to speed the separation. In the age of MSN and twice-daily texts home, ___44______colleges are urging "sticky parents" to leave sooner so students can ___45____independence.
Grinnell College here, like others, has found it ____46____ to make it clear when parents _____47__ say goodbye. After computer printers and bags had been carried to dorm rooms, everyone gathered in the gymnasium, students on one side, _____48____on the other.
Shortly____49______, mothers and fathers were urged to leave campus.
Moving their students in usually takes a few hours. Moving on? Most deans can tell _____50_____of parents who hang around campus for days. At Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. "We recognize it's a ____51______ day for families," Beverly Low, the dean(学监) of first-year students said.___52___, during various parent meetings on Colgate's move-in day, Ms. Low and other officials plan to tell the parents ____53_____ that "activities for the class of freshmen begin at 4 on time, so parents should leave before 4." she said.
Formal departure ceremonies are unusual __54___ growing in popularity, said Joyce Holl, head of the National Orientation Directors Association. A more common method is for colleges to limit the hour for last hugs.____55_____, the parents of Princeton freshmen learn from the move-in schedule, "the rest events are intended for students only."
【小题1】A  formal                 B  informal                 C  casual              D  grand  
【小题2】A  move out              B  move in                  C  move around    D  graduate
【小题3】A  sent                     B  driven                    C  invited             D  called on
【小题4】A  so                        B  but                         C  still                 D  yet
【小题5】A  with                     B  as                           C  where              D  without 
【小题6】A  rescue                  B  deliver                    C  bring               D  release
【小题7】A  running out          B  taking out               C  carrying out     D  picking out
【小题8】A  wanted                 B  meant                     C  devoted           D  prepared
【小题9】A  in which               B  which                     C  how                D  where  
【小题10】A  form                  B  create                     C  increase           D  develop
【小题11】A  necessary            B  unimportant            C  useless             D  difficult  
【小题12】A  will                    B  need                       C  must                D  would  
【小题13】A  teachers              B  police                     C  professors        D  parents
【小题14】A  before                B  after                       C  later                D  passed
【小题15】A  news                  B  comments               C  stories             D  shadows
【小题16】A  little                   B  huge                       C  long                D  large  
【小题17】A  Still                   B  Therefore                C  Thus                D  Whereas
【小题18】A  rudely                B  directly                   C  conveniently    D  hardly   
【小题19】A  and                    B  but                         C  however          D  so
【小题20】A  For the time beingB  For a long time      C  For example     D  For a change


A man noticed his father alive on television — five years after he thought he had cremated(火化) him. A body discovered three years after his disappearance in 2000 was thought to be the pensioner (a retired person), but it’s now emerged(显出) it wasn’t.
When John Delaney disappeared, he was spending much of his time living outside, and sleeping on the streets. He was last seen in a hospice(收容所) in Manchester. His family searched the streets of the city for him but had no luck. So when a badly-rotten body was found in the grounds of the Manchester Royal Infirmary in 2003, wearing similar clothes, police believed it was Mr Delaney and his family held a funeral.
But earlier this year his son, John Renehan, saw a picture of his father on a BBC programme.
An appeal was being made for anyone who knew the man — who had memory loss—to give information.
John Renehan:
Well I knew at that very moment that was my dad. I knew at that very moment. Obviously his face, it was a bit changed, but I just knew at that very moment that was my dad. It emerged that John Delaney had been living in a care home for the last eight years.
Police have admitted they made mistakes and their enquiries were insufficient. Mr Delaney’s son now wants to know the identity of the man he cremated — thinking it was his father.
41.John Renehan cremated his “father”         .
A.in 2003                  B.in 2000                   C.in 2005                   D.in 2008
42.What mistake did police make?
A.They couldn’t find Mr Delaney as soon as possible.
B.In 2003, they took a badly-rotten body for Mr Delaney.
C.They didn’t give any information to John Renehan.
D.They made John Renehan cremate the rotten body.
43.The most probable reason why Delaney disappeared was that        .
A.he had memory loss.                                   B.his family disliked him
C.he liked to live outside                     D.he met with a friendly family
44.It can be inferred from the passage that Delaney       .
A.has recovered his memory
B.often quarrelled with his family
C.loitered(游荡) in the streets for 5 years
D.was once a man with luck
45.Which of the following is the best title?
A.A Badly-rotten Body                                   B.Missing Body
C.Missing Father                                       D.Dead Father


Thanksgiving Day was near. Lucy, the first grade teacher, gave her class a fun   36 — to draw a picture of somebody or something for which they were    37  . When the students    38  
their assignment, she found most of them drew some pictures of their family, teachers, friends or neighbors.
Douglas, however, made a different kind of picture. He was a   39   boy. He didn’t act the same as others. He always seemed to be shy and sad. He   40  played with other children during the break   41  they kindly invited him to. Lucy treated him very well. She always helped him and   42   him to be confident. Yes, his picture was different. He just drew a   43 . Nothing else. His abstract image   44   the imagination of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? One guessed it was a mother’s hand, for mother’s hand gives children warmth and   45  . Another child guessed it was a police officer’s hand, because the police   46  people and care for people. And so the discussion   47 .
When the children were discussing it, Lucy paused at Douglas’ desk,   48  down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy murmured, “It’s   49 , teacher.” Douglas was most thankful for her hand. She was   50  and felt tears in her eyes. She thought of the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there. She   51   how often she had said to him, “Take my   52 , Douglas. We’ll go outside.” or “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.”
The story speaks of   53  thankfulness. It also says something about teachers teaching and parents parenting and friends showing friendship. They might not always say “  54 ” out, but they’ll remember the hand that you   55 out to give them love and be grateful to you always.

A.assignmentB.question C.suggestionD.solution
A.gave inB.handed inC.put off D.called off
A.because B.though C.as D.since
A.comfort B.praise C.sorrowD.coldness
A.endedB.succeeded C.continuedD.failed
A.hisB.yours C.my mother’sD.my father’s
A.disappointed B.annoyedC.tiredD.touched
A.handB.book C.lesson D.gift
A.rather thanB.more than C.anything but D.nothing but
A.I’m sorryB.Take careC.I’m all rightD.Thank you
A.get B.reachC.putD.make


“We started as a group of friends with the same problem: difficulty in our personal life to manage our time, being always in a hurry.” This thought was recently offered by Bruno to explain the origin of The Art of Living Slowly, an organization that he founded two years ago, with his wife, Ella.

Bruno and Ella said they decided to draw more people’s attention to the overlooked idea that “time is wealth.” On February 19th last year, they created a new holiday, the first Global Day of Slow Living. Despite its ambitious name, the event was limited almost entirely to Italy, where the couple arranged a number of events: a reverse bicycle race in which the last rider was declared the winner; an afternoon of grandfathers reading poetry to children etc.
One Monday in late February, 2008, the couple staged a New York version (版本) of the Day of Slow Living. “It has to be a Monday, the worst day to try to slow down.” Bruno explained. Bruno was wearing a police cap, mirrored sunglasses, and a sandwich board stating, “Watch out! Speed-walking camera is in action!” He flagged down passers-by and handed them postcards printed with fourteen “slowmandments.” For example, No. 4: Write your text message on your cell phone with no symbols and get in the habit of starting with “Dear …” No 7: Avoid being so busy that you don’t have time for yourself. Bruno told the passers-by to read them once a day and keep the doctor away.
Many said, “I can’t do this. New York is too fast.” Bruno admitted. But many stopped, they read and said. “This one is good for me, because trying to slow down is like trying to stop smoking.”
When asked about their plans for the future. Bruno and Ella looked at each other and chanted the name of the city they have chosen for next year’s Global Day of Slow Living, “Tokyo!”
68. The Art of Living Slowly was founded to help people         .
A.understand the truth of life.    B.know the difficulty in managing time
C.avoid being in a hurry all the time  D.make friends with the same problem
69. What did Bruno do in New York?
A.He advertised his idea on a sandwich board.
B.He stopped passers-by and delivered postcards.
C.He served as a policeman to prevent accidents.
D.He took photos for the people who walked fast.
70. Which statement may be included in the fourteen “slowmandments” in paragraph 3?
A.Wake up five minutes earlier.  B.Do two things at the same time.
C.Make a habit of writing letters.      D.Don’t work on weekends and relax.
71. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The new holiday is usually celebrated on a fixed day.
B.Italian grandfathers enjoy reading poetry to children.
C.The couple tend to choose busy cities to promote the idea.
D.New Yorkers have a negative attitude towards slow living.


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