摘要: It was in New Zealand Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. A. that B. how C. which D. when 解析:此句意为“伊利莎白第一次见到史密斯是在新西兰. 考查强调句型的用法.It is/was+被强调部分+that/who从句.如果把 It was以及that去掉的话.句子就变成了in New Zealand Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.句子仍然完整. 答案:A 点评:本句是对地点状语的强调.构成强调句的it本身没有词义,强调句中的连接词一般只用that, who.即使在强调时间状语和地点状语时也如此.


 Last weekend  I was out walking with my dog. She loves wandering around and seeing           we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.

    Then we      0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.

    After I got home, I quickly      some of the wonderful  lavender(薰衣草) in my garden

Wonderful! They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty. I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and           it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression           she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!  It             made me happy. It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my         . She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the       0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.

    Never        that it's the gift from the heart that is the most        .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the         acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift

1.A. dogs          B. people         C. scenes               D. food

2.A. came across   B. came up       C.   came to           D.   came into

3.A.  exciting     B. natural         C.  active              D.  difficult

4.A. bought       B. cut              C. raised               D. buried

5.A. leaves         B. grass            C. flowers              D. roots

6.A. took          B. posted           C. placed              D. moved

7.A. because       B. when            C. until                D. if

8.A. hardly        B. probably         C. merely             D. completely

9.A. breath .        B. sigh            C. look                D. step

10.A. idea          B. kindness         C. activity              D. matter

11.A. form          B. desire          C. act                  D. service

12.A. Lose          B. realize          C. warn                D. remove

13.A. forget          B. consider        C. change              D. mention

14.A. honest         B. friendly        C. valuable             D. expensive

15.A. total           B. true            C. easy               D. simple



During the Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father’s car. He was going to a New Year’s Eve   21   to be held in Vermont. The father was   22   about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year’s Eve. However, a(n)   23   reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.

So he drove to Vermont, got completely   24  , and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadblock. He was told to   25   the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the sobriety (not drunk)   26  . However, the policeman   27   him out. He was     standing off to the side while the others were   29   the police officer how well they could walk a   30   line, etc.

         At 7:00 am the next morning, his father got up to answer the   31  . There were   32   policemen there. They asked him if he was the   33   of that red FIAT. He replied, “Yes, I am.” One of the policemen asked him if he was driving the car the evening before and he said that his son had been the driver.

         When the young man   34   himself in front of the policemen, he knew he was in some sort of   35  . Upon questioning, he   36   that he was driving the car. But when asked if he had been   37  , he said, “NO!” When the policemen asked if they could see his car, he was unable to remember the   38  . He said that it was in the garage.

         And when the four of them walked out to look at the car, instead of looking at the car he had driven the   39   before, they saw a   40   car parked there.

A. party               B. meeting              C. concert                         D. sports meeting

A. sure             B. worried           C. curious                   D. anxious

A. suggestion    B. condition          C. conclusion                  D. agreement

A. excited         B. tired                C. pleased                   D. drunk

A. stop             B. get out of             C. drive                  D. get into

A. punishment     B. test                 C. education             D. talk

A. gave             B. made            C. missed                    D. found

A. considered      B. required          C. suggested             D. left

A. showing       B. explaining           C. asking                    D. telling

A. long             B. straight            C. calm                   D. direct

A. telephone      B. call                 C. doorbell                 D. question

A. many             B. two                 C. four                       D. one

A. manager       B. father                  C. student                   D. owner

A. stood              B. found              C. put                         D. took

A. danger            B. test                 C. trouble                   D. accident

A. believed      B. told                 C. admitted                 D. said

A. driving         B. hurting            C. drinking                 D. missing

A. drive              B. test                 C. time                          D. line

A. day              B. morning       C. evening                  D. afternoon

A. similar           B. familiar         C. police                     D. damaged


It was in the hospital that I first saw Tommy.

He must have been crying a lot __21_  his chest was still heaving(起伏)as I __22_  the bed. I knew he was trying to __23_  his tears. I felt helpless, unable to __24_  the pain from the little boy. Suddenly an idea hit me. I wanted to __25_  him the ancient Hawaiian wisdom. __26_  over, I whispered, “Tommy , did you know our Hawaiian Lizards(蜥蜴)grow their tails back and little boys can grow their  __27_  back too?” Tommy’s eyes grew wide with  __28_  .

“They can?” he asked, obviously  __29_  .

“Yes!” I answered with  __30_ . “Close your eyes,” I said. He nodded with his eyes closed  __31_  .

“Tell your finger every day how much you love it and you need it to  __32_  the phone and to write your homework in school.” I paused, __33_  his little face focused in deep __34_  . “Now say, grow for me, finger. I love you. I need you so much.” __35_  later, Tommy opened his eyes. I told him, “Your finger will be perfectly fine. Let’s __36_  until it completely recovers.”

A year later, Tommy came to say good-bye to me. His broken finger was just the same as any other finger should be. Only a(n) __37_   scar(伤疤)remained.

Tommy remains forever in my heart and  __38_   me of the possibility of miracle(奇迹). From him, I have learnt to _39_  failure. He inspires me to improve myself and to remember the ancient __40_  : Everything is possible if you truly believe.


A. so                B. but             C. because         D. or


A. left             B. approached       C. touched          D. saw


A. flow out         B. wipe out         C. hold up          D. hold back


A. remove           B. move             C. stand            D. suffer


A. amuse            B. teach            C. inspire          D. treat


A. Turning          B. Watching         C. Looking          D. Bending


 A. hands           B. arms             C. fingers          D. feet


 A. ease            B. excitement       C. fright       D. disappointment


 A. tired           B. confident        C. astonished       D. worried


 A. certainty       B. pride            C. honesty          D. pleasure


A. slightly        B. firmly           C. loosely          D. straight


 A. call            B. answer           C. dial             D. receive


 A. changing   B. noticing             C. washing          D. covering


A. sadness         B. fantasy          C. regret           D. attention


A. Years           B. Weeks            C. Minutes          D. Hours


A. stay            B. stop             C. wait             D. rest


 A. fine            B. ugly             C. terrible         D. big


A. warns           B. reminds          C. educates         D. shows


A. forget          B. accept           C. refuse           D. challenge


A. game        B. lesson               C. wisdom           D. truth






James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to __21__ people—what they did, what they said and what they wore. Subconsciously, he was making quick __22__ all the time. He couldn’t really __23__ it; it just happened.

For example, he once saw a man whose body was __24__ with tattoos(文身). That man was strong and walked proudly. James imagined his __25__ people up, sometimes with sticks and sometimes with his hands, speaking __26__ words each time he opened his mouth. A troublemaker, perhaps, James __27__ to himself.

Sometimes James felt __28__ for judging others this way, but that feeling was __29__ and never really lasted.

Then, one day, he saw a woman seated alone in a café. The woman was __30__, quite fat, and although she was not __31__, James could tell she was a short lady. __32__, James glanced across at her, looking at her from top to bottom. As his eyes reached her __33__, he got a shock.

There she was, on her left foot, wearing a platform shoe that was at least 3 inches high. __34__ could such a little middle-aged lady who was average-looking at best be so vain as to wear high platforms? Look beautiful? In that short moment of time, __35__ thoughts flowed through James’ mind.

A second later, James’ eyes naturally moved across to the lady’s right foot. And there, he got an even bigger __36__. ----It was a flat shoe. She was not vain; she had a birth defect(缺陷) ----uneven length of her legs. If anything, she deserved __37__ and understanding, certainly not blame, not even mental ones.

James was __38__ with guilt. It was a(n) __39__ lesson he learned about not __40__ conclusions, about not judging people, especially so quickly.

A. greet                         B. watch                       C. meet                 D. cheat

A. mistakes                    B. progress                   C. judgments         D. promises

A. help                            B. get                           C. accept               D. keep

A. faced                           B. covered                    C. filled                D. charged

A. cheering                    B. dressing                   C. beating              D. holding 

A. humorous                  B. modest                     C. bad                   D. cautious

A. thought                      B. proved                            C. explained          D. told

A. curious                      B. guilty                       C. excited              D. happy

A. temporary                  B. strange                     C. permanent         D. deep

A. young                        B. middle-aged             C. old                   D. pretty

A. speaking                    B. standing                   C. sitting               D. walking

A. Therefore                   B. However                  C. As well             D. As usual

A. feet                      B. hands                       C. eyes                  D. legs

A. When                          B. Why                        C. How                 D. What

A. inspiring               B. blaming                   C. persuading         D. defending

A. pleasure                       B. honor                       C. comfort             D. shock

A. love                            B. award                      C. sympathy          D. respect

A. hit                              B. started                      C. equipped           D. struck

A. new                            B. valuable                   C. interesting         D. difficult

A. denying                       B. reaching                   C. leading to          D. jumping to


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