
 Last weekend  I was out walking with my dog. She loves wandering around and seeing           we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.

    Then we      0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.

    After I got home, I quickly      some of the wonderful  lavender(薰衣草) in my garden

Wonderful! They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty. I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and           it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression           she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!  It             made me happy. It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my         . She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the       0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.

    Never        that it's the gift from the heart that is the most        .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the         acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift

1.A. dogs          B. people         C. scenes               D. food

2.A. came across   B. came up       C.   came to           D.   came into

3.A.  exciting     B. natural         C.  active              D.  difficult

4.A. bought       B. cut              C. raised               D. buried

5.A. leaves         B. grass            C. flowers              D. roots

6.A. took          B. posted           C. placed              D. moved

7.A. because       B. when            C. until                D. if

8.A. hardly        B. probably         C. merely             D. completely

9.A. breath .        B. sigh            C. look                D. step

10.A. idea          B. kindness         C. activity              D. matter

11.A. form          B. desire          C. act                  D. service

12.A. Lose          B. realize          C. warn                D. remove

13.A. forget          B. consider        C. change              D. mention

14.A. honest         B. friendly        C. valuable             D. expensive

15.A. total           B. true            C. easy               D. simple





















1.考查名词。根据常识以及we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.可知,小狗出去散步,喜欢转来转去看人。dogs 狗;people人;scenes场面;food食物,故选B。

2.考查词组。根据She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.可知这里句意为,然后我们偶然遇到了我们的邻居,came across偶然遇到。故选A。

3.考查形容词。根据Then we     0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon .可知这里想说,我可以说,对于她来说,这是艰难的一天。Exciting令人激动的 natural自然的 active积极的 difficult艰难的。故选D。

4.考查动词。根据in my garden可知这里想说我回到家后,在我的花园里快速地剪了一些薰衣草。bought 买;cut剪;raised提高;buried埋葬,故选B。

5.考查名词。根据They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty.可知这里想说它们闻起来味道很好,花也很美丽。Leaves树叶;grass草;flowers花;roots根,故选C。

6.考查动词。根据I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and          it to my neighbor for her open house.可知这里想说我包装了一束花,送到了我的邻居家。Took带 ;posted邮寄;placed放置;moved移动,故选A。

7.考查连词。根据she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!可知这里想说,她看到一束薰衣草花时的表情,我很喜欢。Because因为;when当……时候;until直到……才;if如果,故选B。

8.考查副词。根据It             made me happy.可知这里想说它让我很开心。Hardly几乎不 probably或许 merely仅仅 completely很,故选D。

9.考查短语。根据It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

可知,它使得她停下来,深吸了一口气,take a deep breath深吸一口气,故选A。

10.考查名词。根据She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the 41 0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.可知这里想说我的邻居感谢我的善行。Kindness善行,故选B。

11.考查名词。根据0f kindness I showed可知,这是一种善意的行为。form 方式;desire 渴望;act行为;service服务,故选C。

12.考查动词。根据some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.可知这里想说

我善意的行为去除了她的一些压力。Lose 失去;realize 实现;warn 警告;Remove去除,故选D。

13.考查动词。根据Never     that it's the gift from the heart that is the most    .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the     acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift可知这里想说,不要忘记这是最珍贵的来自于心的礼物,forget忘记;consider考虑;change改变;mention提到, 故选A。

14.考查形容词。根据it's the gift from the heart可知这里想说不要忘记这是最珍贵的来自于心的礼物。honest 诚实的;friendly 有好的;Valuable贵重的;expensive花钱多的,故选C。

15.考查形容词。根据acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift可知这里想说,有时候,我们在犹豫去做最单纯的善举。total 总计;true 真实的;easy 容易的;simple单纯的,故选D。




New friends. Fresh lifestyle. Better career opportunities… Those are attractions of overseas study for young people in China. “Start early, finish strong,” some of them say.

More than 300 universities from 27 countries and regions were represented at last weekend’s international education exposition.

It’s cool, and it’s hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often, and friends tell other friends how good they look. Sound like a fashion? It’s actually another trend(倾向): “blog”. What’s a blog? A blog is a personal online diary. The word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online.
Many bloggers are teens who’ve been logging(进入) onto sites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of today’s teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teens complain(抱怨) about parents and homework. They share diaries, post songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.
However, many parents are afraid of these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they don’t like studying. They are using language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get message from strangers. Most of the time, it’s older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words, “ said Cara Cabral, a mother of two.
Many teens and young adults know it’s not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place they can be seen by anyone. But teens are unlikely to give up these new communication tools that have becomes a way of life for many of them.
Are you a bloggers? What do you think of the blog?
【小题1】 What does the underlined word “it” mean in the first paragraph?

A.the blogB.talking online
C.the InternetD.the website
【小题2】A blogger is a person ___________.
A.who teaches kids bad words
B.who posts songs from the latest bands
C.who got drunk last weekend
D.who writes diaries online
【小题3】According to this passage, teen bloggers mostly __________.
A.complain about parents and homework
B.write down what they do every day
C.offer support to each other
D.share diaries and show pictures of theirs
【小题4】Parents think it’s dangerous for their kids to use blogs because ________.
A.their kids use a surprising language
B.their kids talk about how they don’t like studying
C.teen bloggers got messages from strangers
D.their kids talk about their girlfriends or boyfriends
【小题5】 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Many teens know it’s not safe to use the blog on the Internet.
B.Most of today’s teenagers aren’t afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives.
C.A blogger’s information about himself can be seen by anyone on the Internet.
D.It’s easy for teenagers to give up blogging.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
