摘要:6. 何种情况下出现动名词/不定式? (介词, 动词,such as-; 做主语.etc.) 1) 只接 “动名词 做宾语的词: 建议suggest冒险risk去献身devote. 忍受bear/stand期待look forward to不停顿keep. 放弃give up延期put off/delay悔regret失去miss. 坚持insist on/stick to/keep on欣赏enjoy/appreciate/feel like实践practise成finish. 注意pay attention to原谅excuse避avoid反对object to. 考虑consider要求demand/require/need不自禁can’t help. 顾及allow for习惯be accustomed to/be used to不介意mind. 值得be worth开始set about想imagine动名.Admit, allow 2) 只接“不定式 的动词: seem, expect, hope, wish, want, decide, offer, manage, dare, agree, promise, pretend, refuse, learn, help, plan, intend; “不定式加连词 show, teach, tell, advise, decide, discuss, find out, etc. Please show me how to get the result. We have not decided whether to go to his party. 3)两者皆可 忘记停止打算试.害怕继续悔偏爱.意欲愿意有困难.(此处单词为听写内容. ----注)Remember, , forget, regret; stop; go on; be afraid; prefer; mean; try; help; feel like doing/ would like to do; have difficulty in doing/to do; 4) require, demand, want, need, be worth主动形式被动意义)


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