



ÐÕÃû:   À

³öÉúÄêÔÂ: 1992Äê2ÔÂ

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1998-2004 ¹âÃ÷Сѧ

2004-2010 ´óÁ¬ÊеÚÁùÖÐѧ







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 One possible version£º

I¡¯m Li Hua, born in dalian£¬liaoning province  in February 1992.I started school in 1998 when I was six¡£ From 1994 to 2000 £¬I studied in Guangming Primary school ¡£after that  I went to No. 2 Middle School of dalian the following six years and graduated this summer¡£ The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition¡£In my spare time, not only do I enjoy listening to popular music, but also I love collecting stamps¡£My favourite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter¡£


µÚÒ»½Ú ¶Ô»°Ìî¿Õ£¨±¾½Ú¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©
Jack(J)£ºWhere have you been, Laura?
Laura(L): Oh, I¡¯ve just been to a s   76     made           76. ________
by a famous p  77  from Beijing University                77. ________
J: What is it about?
L: He mentioned something c  78    the concept            78. ________
of ¡°harmonious society¡± in his speech.
J: Oh, that¡¯s something people keep t  79  about             79. ________
nowadays! Then what did he say about it?
L: He said that we should not only get a  80 well with      80._________
other people, but also live in harmony with n  81 .           81._________
J: I¡¯m in complete a  82 with him. While developing        82._________
the economy, we are interfering(·Á°­) with the ecology.
L: Yes. It¡¯s high time we c  83  doing something            83._________
to improve the environment p 84  by human beings.  84._________
J: Hopefully, our government is taking m  85  to           85._________
deal with the consequences.



µÚÒ»½Ú ¶Ô»°Ìî¿Õ£¨±¾½Ú¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©


Jack(J)£ºWhere have you been, Laura?

Laura(L): Oh, I¡¯ve just been to a s   76     made           76. ________

by a famous p  77  from Beijing University                77. ________

J: What is it about?

L: He mentioned something c  78    the concept            78. ________

of ¡°harmonious society¡± in his speech.

J: Oh, that¡¯s something people keep t  79  about             79. ________

nowadays! Then what did he say about it?

L: He said that we should not only get a  80 well with      80._________

other people, but also live in harmony with n  81 .           81._________

J: I¡¯m in complete a  82 with him. While developing        82._________

the economy, we are interfering(·Á°­) with the ecology.

L: Yes. It¡¯s high time we c  83  doing something            83._________

to improve the environment p 84  by human beings.  84._________

J: Hopefully, our government is taking m  85  to           85._________

deal with the consequences.






D="Doctor," P=Patient

D: Hello, w  (76)  can I do for you?                                          76     

P: Well, I¡¯ve been getting lots of headaches I  (77)  .                               77     

The problem is that I¡¯m busy p  (78)  for the College Entrance Exam.             78     

D: I see. Are you sleeping well?                 

P: No, not really.

D: Well, don¡¯t get u  (79)  . I will do you some tests.                                79      

P: How I hope you will help me recover from my i  (80)  !                      80     

D: Ok, nothing s  (81)  . Your problem is that you feel too stressed.                     81       

P: Stress! Really?  

D: How much time do you take to r  (82)  yourself as well as to study per day?    82        

P: None at all. I don¡¯t have any spare time.

D: I think you¡¯ll do better if you c   (83)  your study with some relaxation.     83     

P: That¡¯ll be great! Thanks.

D: Not at all. And in the meanwhile, you¡¯d better t  (84)  regular exercise        84       

and have a balanced d  (85)  every day.                                      85     

P: I¡¯ll try. Thank you! See you.


µÚ¶þ¾í £¨·ÇÑ¡ÔñÌ⣬Âú·Ö35·Ö£©


µÚÒ»½Ú  ¶Ô»°Ìî¿Õ£¨±¾½Ú¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©


    Jack(J)£ºWhere have you been, Laura?

Laura(L): Oh, I¡¯ve just been to a s   76     made           76. ________

  by a famous p  77  from Beijing University                77. ________

J: What is it about?

L: He mentioned something c  78    the concept            78. ________

of ¡°harmonious society¡± in his speech.

J: Oh, that¡¯s something people keep t  79  about             79. ________

nowadays! Then what did he say about it?

L: He said that we should not only get a  80 well with      80._________

other people, but also live in harmony with n  81 .           81._________

J: I¡¯m in complete a  82 with him. While developing        82._________

the economy, we are interfering(·Á°­) with the ecology.

L: Yes. It¡¯s high time we c  83  doing something            83._________

to improve the environment p 84  by human beings.  84._________

J: Hopefully, our government is taking m  85  to           85._________

deal with the consequences.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
