摘要: A. as B. with C. by D. to



To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain.Its first use was as a shade against the sun.

Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times.Probably the Chinese were the earliest to use it in the eleventh century BC.We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade.And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority.In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high offices.

In Europe, the Greeks were the earliest to use the umbrella as a sunshade.And the umbrella was allowed in common use in ancient Greece.But it is believed that the earliest persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against rain were the ancient Romans.

During the Middle Ages, the use of the umbrella practically disappeared.Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.And again, it was considered a symbol of power and authority.In around 1680, the umbrella appeared in France and later on in England.

By the eighteenth century, the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe.Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become  much lighter in weight.It wasn’t until the twentieth century that women’s umbrellas began to be made in a whole variety of colors.

1.The first use of umbrella was as ______________.

A.protection against rain                   B.shade against the sun

C.a symbol of power and authority            D.a symbol of honor and authority

2.In Europe, the umbrella was first used against rain ___________.

A.in Greece         B.in Rome           C.in England         D.in France

3.From the text, we can infer that _________.

A.the umbrella changed much in style in the eighteenth century.

B.no one knows why the umbrella was used in very ancient times.

C.once ordinary people had no right to use umbrellas.

D.during the Middle Ages the umbrella was common in Europe.

4.This passage talks mainly about ____________.

A.when and how the umbrella was invented.

B.why the umbrella was so popular in Europe.

C.the development of the umbrella.

D.the history and use of the umbrella.




To what degree can a computer achieve intelligence (智力)? The answer to this question may lie in a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child and the Internet.

If you ran into Smarter Child online , you would be surprised at this kid’s huge memory.It can recite many facts. For example , Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season.

He knows every word in the dictionary and the weather in every major city areas across the US.However , if you ask Smarter Child other questions , you get stranger answers.A question about Smarter Child’s age returns. “One year, 11 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes, and 47 seconds!” Asking where he lives gets , “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

Smarter Child uses the vast information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank.To answer questions about spelling , for instance , Smarter Child goes to American Heritage Dictionary online.For the weather , he visits www.intellicast.com.

Some scientists believe that by joining the many systems of the Internet , an artificial being with the combined knowledge of , say , Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born.However if Smarter Child wants to think and learn on his own like the boy-computer David in the movie A.I., Artificial Intelligence , he must overcome two problems.

The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files are labeled in different ways.That’s why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather.It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it himself.

Another problem is that while Smarter Child can process (处理) information more exactly and faster than any human , he lacks common sense—a basic grounding of knowledge that is obvious to any young child.

67.From the text we can infer that www.intellicast.com is a website___________.

       A.which is specially designed to help Smarter Child

       B.where we people can find Smarter Child

       C.where weather forecasts are made

       D.which is about artificial intelligence

68.It is probably most difficult for Smarter Child to_______.

       A.tell us how to spell a difficult word

       B.tell us how the American government is run

       C.provide us with a famous poem by Shakespeare

       D.learn how to tell right behaviors from wrong ones。

69.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

       A.Smart Child has his own memory bank big enough for all kinds of information.

       B.A.I.Artificial Intelligence is probably the name of a film about a boy-computer.

       C.Smart Child can recognize different files and find information needed on his own.

       D.We have similar product now which has the knowledge of Einstein , Nixon and Spears.

70.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

       A.A New Web Child       B.Smarter Child

       C.The Future of Internet    D.Intelligence Development


As the Internet’s influence grows, the potential for danger also escalates (逐步上升). One of these dangers is from cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying (网络欺凌) is repeatedly hurting someone else through the use of technology. It consists of sending or posting cruel messages, photos, or videos on the Internet or other electronic media with the intent of damaging the reputation of the target. Imagine being a 13-year-old girl discovering a cell phone picture of her changing clothes for gym class has been sent to all her classmates. Or imagine being an 11-year-old boy who is scared to go to school because an unknown bully sent him an instant message saying that he is so fat that he should kill himself. Cases such as these are happening every day, leading kids to be depressed and unable to concentrate.
Worse yet, parents are oblivious (忽视的) to what is happening. Only 15 percent of parents even know what cyber-bullying is. And anyone who thinks that their child is not a victim or a bully is probably wrong. 90 percent of middle school students have had their feelings hurt online and 75 percent have admitted to visiting a website attacking another student.
Unlike traditional schoolyard bullying, where a bully has a name and a face, cyber-bullying gets much of its power from anonymity (匿名). A cyber bully might design a website posting cruel remarks about a classmate and never tell anyone that he or she was the creator. The cyber-bullying also gets its power from the scope (范围) of its audience. Within seconds, a cyber bully can send an e-mail to everyone he or she knows, inviting them to take part in an online poll (民意测验) of who is the ugliest kid in their class. Victims can be picked on day and night from any place.
The good news is that you can help stop cyber-bullying. By making parents and educators aware of what is going on and encouraging them to take quick and strong action when cyber-bullying cases happen, you can help make technology constructive, not destructive, for young people.

  1. 1.

    What can we learn from the second paragraph?

    1. A.
      Not many students have known of cyber-bullying.
    2. B.
      Parents may not know their child is a victim of cyber-bullying.
    3. C.
      Parents know a lot of cyber-bullying.
    4. D.
      Most of the students have not been hurt by cyber-bullying.
  2. 2.

    What does the author think of the cyber-bullying?

    1. A.
      It is not as harmful as people think.
    2. B.
      It is too complex a problem to settle.
    3. C.
      It will not affect the relationship between classmates.
    4. D.
      It can be stopped through our efforts.
  3. 3.

    What will probably be discussed in the following passage?

    1. A.
      How to prevent cyber-bullying.
    2. B.
      What parents and educators think of cyber-bullying.
    3. C.
      How to make parents aware of cyber-bullying.
    4. D.
      How to make good use of technology.

As far back as 700 B. C, man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary(传说的)twin founders of Rome, were said to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she tries to get human child to take its place. This seemingly foolish and unreasonable idea did not become believable until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a ten-year-old boy having nothing on wandering in the woods. He didn’t walk upright, could not speak understandably, nor could he relate to people. He only growled(嗥叫)and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient teaching, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and say a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

The French doctor found the boy ________.

  A. wandering in the woods    B at his doorstep

  C. growling at him        D. speaking understandably

In this passage, the word “litter” in line 3 most nearly means ________.

  A. garbage    B. master    C. hair    D. baby animals

The doctor was able to work with the boy because ________.

  A. the boy had never lost his mind     B. the boy trusted him

  C. the boy liked to dress up        D. the boy worked very hard

Which of the following statements is not true?

  A. She-Wolves have been said to replace human children for their lost litter.

  B. Examples of wolves caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth  century.

  C. The French doctor succeeded in training the boy to enjoy the human life somewhat.

  D. The young boy never was able to speak perfectly.

In this passage, the word “relate to” most nearly means ________.

  A. tell    B. understand    C. listen to   D. write to


A woman renewing her driver’s license at the County Clerk’s office was asked to state her occupation.She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

“What I mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you have a job, or are you just a …”

“Of course I have a job,” said Emily.“I’m a mother.”

“We don’t list ‘mother’ as an occupation… ‘housewife’ covers it,” said the recorder.

       One day I found myself in the same situation.The clerk was obviously a career woman, confident and possessed of a high sounding title.“What is your occupation?” she asked.

       The words simply popped out.“I’m a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”

       The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair.

       I repeated the title slowly, and then I stared with wonder as my statement was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

       “Might I ask,” said the clerk with new interest, “Just what you do in this field?”

       Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, “I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn’t), in the lab and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out).Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it).But the job is more challenging than most careers and rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.”

       There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk’s voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out.

       As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up (依托) by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants---ages 13, 7, and 3.

       Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6 month old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.

       I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable (不可缺少的) to mankind than “just another mother.”

       Motherhood…What a glorious career! Especially when there’s a title on the door.

What can we infer from the conversation between the woman and the recorder at the beginning of the passage?

       A.The woman felt ashamed to admit what her job was.

       B.The recorder was impatient and rude.

       C.The author was upset about the situation that mothers faced.

       D.Motherhood was not recognized and respected as a job by society.

How did the female clerk feel at first when the author told her occupation?

       A.curious        B.indifferent    C.puzzled             D.interested

How did the author feel when describing her job to the clerk?

     A.calm     B.panic-stricken      C.confident      D.cool

Why did the woman clerk show more respect for the author?

       A.Because the author cared little about rewards.

       B.Because she admired the author’s research work in the lab.

       C.Because she thought the author did admirable work.

       D.Because the writer did something she had little knowledge of.

What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

       A.To show how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.

       B.To argue that motherhood is a worthy career and deserves respect.

       C.To show that the author had a grander job than Emily.

       D.To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.                                   


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