摘要: This piece of meat w four pounds.




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60. All of the following must be submitted EXCEPT     .

    A.phone number                                        B.English teacher's name

    C.school address                                       D.time of birth

61. We can conclude from the passage that Teen Ink is a     .

    A.magazine                                             B.publishing house

    C.research center                                 D.advertising company

62. What can be learned from the passage?

    A.They must ask your permission before having your work published.

    B.The copyrights will be shared by Teen Ink and Pepsi.

    C.They only accept your written work.

    D.The Pepsi Company sponsors(赞助)Teen Ink.

63. Choose a suitable title for this piece of advertisement.







Ben walked quietly. He wanted to surprise the hunter. But then, what would he do?
Suddenly he heard a bird’s wings beating the dry grass. Ben moved quickly toward the sound.
He saw a colored head ... the head of a beautiful bird. The bird did not move until Ben came close. Then it tried to fly away, but one wing was broken.
Ben lifted the bird and held it close against his body. The bird fought to escape, but soon lay quietly in Ben’s arms.
Ben decided to take the bird home and fix its broken wings so that it could fly again.
He was almost out of the woods when he heard the hunter behind him.
“You just found that bird?” the hunter asked.
“Yes,” Ben answered.
“It is mine!”
Ben was afraid and tried to answer, but his mouth was too dry to speak. Nevertheless, he wetted his lips and said, “No.”
“I shot him and I say he is mine!”
“But he is not dead yet,” Ben answered, “and besides, anything on my land belongs to me.”
The hunter looked down at the little man and smiled. “Say, who are you?”
Ben’s voice shook with both fear and anger. “I own this land. There are signs everywhere that say, ‘No hunting’.”
“No need to get angry, mister,” the hunter said. “Control yourself.”
There was something threatening in the man’s cool quiet voice. And he had a gun. His arms were free and Ben’s were not.
The hunter stepped closer and said, “Give me that bird!”
Ben was white with anger. “No!” he answered. His eye glasses became wet and he had to look over the top of them to see the other man.
“Give me the bird and I will go away,” the hunter said.
“You get off my land,” Ben told him. “Get off right now...you do not belong here!”
The man’s face got red. “Mister,” he said, “I have been hunting here all my life. I grew up here.”
“That is a thing of the past,” Ben said. “I do not know who you are and I do not care. I own this place now and I am telling you to leave. You go back through the woods and get off my land!”
“Now look, mister,” the hunter said, “be reasonable.”
The hunter raised his gun.
A cold wind blew across Ben’s face. He looked into the hunter’s gray eyes. Ben was frightened. It was not too late, he thought. He could still give the bird to the hunter and return safely home...that would end this whole ugly business.
The bird struggled weakly and made a wild, strange noise.
Then Ben knew he could never give this bird to the hunter. This feeling gave Ben great strength, and he was no longer afraid.
“I will never let you kill this bird,” he said. “Get away from here. If you try to take this bird, I will fight...you have a gun and you are bigger, but that does not worry me. You will never get this bird...you will have to kill me first.”
The two men looked at each other. Ben’s fear returned. His knees began to shake and he felt sick. Yet he stood straight, wondering what would happen next.
They stood close to each other for a long time. The woods were strangely quiet. Then the hunter’s rough voice broke the silence.
“You are a fool.” And then to Ben’s surprise, he slowly walked away.
Ben watched until he was gone. His arms hurt, his body felt wet and cold.
67. Why did the hunter smile when saying “Say, who are you”?
A. He wanted to confirm Ben’s identity in a friendly way.
B. He was amused at Ben’s reply and interested in him.
C. He looked down on Ben and thought his reply ridiculous.
D. He meant to be friendly enough to get the bird from Ben.
68. What strengthened Ben’s determination never to give the bird to the hunter?
A. His strong dislike of the hunter.     B. His firm confidence in himself.
C. His ownership of this piece of land.   D. His concern and sympathy for the bird.
69. Why did the hunter remark that Ben was a fool at the end of the story?
A. Ben tried to protect a bird at all costs.
B. Ben pretended to be fearless although scared.
C. Ben stood close to him saying nothing for long.
D. Ben insisted on him leaving the land.
70. Which of the following best describes Ben’s state of mind in the incident?
A. Ben was willing to compromise.                    B. Ben never thought of giving in.
C. Ben held out to the end.                                D. Ben was sure about his victory.


1.Your NAME, YEAR of birth, HOME ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/PHONE NUMBER, SCHOOL NAME (and English teacher) and EMAIL ADDRESS, so we can email you if you've published.
For photos, place the information on the back of each envelope: PLEASE DON'T FOLD.
2.This statement MUST BE WRITTEN on each work: “I promise the above work is completely original.” and sign your name.
By mail—Teen Ink, Box 30
Newton, MA 02461
On the web—TeenInk.com/ Submissions
By email—Submissions@TeenInk.com
Type print carefully in ink. Keep a copy.
Writing may be edited; we reserve the right to publish it without your permission.
If due to the personal nature of a piece you don't want your name published,we will respect your request, but you MUST include your name and address for our records.
Include a self-addressed envelope, and we'll send a coupon(优惠券)for any Pepsi product and an announcement to let you know we’ve got your work.
If published, you will receive a copy of Teen Ink, and a wooden pen.
All works submitted(提交)will not be returned and all copyrights belong to Teen Ink. We
keep the rights to publish all such works in any forms. All material in Teen Ink is copyrighted to protect us and prevent others from republishing your work.
60. All of the following must be submitted EXCEPT    .
A.phone number                               B.English teacher's name
C.school address                               D.time of birth
61. We can conclude from the passage that Teen Ink is a     .
A.magazine                                   B.publishing house
C.research center                            D.advertising company
62. What can be learned from the passage?
A.They must ask your permission before having your work published.
B.The copyrights will be shared by Teen Ink and Pepsi.
C.They only accept your written work.
D.The Pepsi Company sponsors(赞助)Teen Ink.
63. Choose a suitable title for this piece of advertisement.


Read the following advertisements and then choose the correct answers.

(China Daily, March 3, 1996) the biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Every body with today's China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.

Telephone: 38990688; address: No. 6 Xidan Road ……

(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER, March 19) English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He (She ) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100,000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of  advertisement will not be useful.

Telephone: 3890666; addreses: No. 6 Xinling Road …

(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3, 1996)

Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo'an Team

TIME: February 8. Sunday (3:00)   PLACE: Hongkou Stadium

TICKET PRICE; RMB 25 yuan (for adults ) RMB 15 yuan (for students)

NAME: China Cup Football Contest

COACHES: Xu Genbao, Jin Zhiyang …

If an Englishman who has worked in China for 3 years comes to English Newspaper office to ask for the job in April, he will _____.

A. get the job     B. not get the job     C. be a good editor   D. not be useful

If three adults and six students went to watch the match, the tickets would cost them _____ yuan.

A. 165           B. 135                 C. 196                  D. 255

Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The shopping center is at NO. 6 Xidan road.

B. The telephone number of English  Newspaper is 3890666.

C. The match was between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team.

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.


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