摘要: A s expression on his face suggested that the problem was very important.


Want to save money when travelling by train? Here are some ways.

Day Returns

  This ticket can save you up to 45% on the standard fare (车费). You have to travel after the rush hour period Mon.-Fri., but can travel at any time on Sat. or Sun.

Big city Saves

  These are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. Yon have to book in advance----- at the latest by 16:00 the day before you travel. It's first come, first served.

Weekend Returns

  Weekend Returns are available (有售) for most journeys over 60 miles. Go on Fri. Sat. or Sun, and return the same weekend on Sat. or Sun, and save up to 35% the standard fare.

Monthly Returns

  There are available for most journeys over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month. Monthly returns save you up to 25% on the standard fare.

Family Returns

  For £20 this railcard allows you to take a second adult (成人) and up to 4 children for only £3 each when you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as you like until the card becomes out of date. (200 words.建议阅读时间为3min.)

1. Which is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to a small town 80

  miles away for four days?

  A. Big City Savers   B. Monthly Returns   C. Weekend Returns  D. Family Returns

2. A man bought himself a ticket of £15 and three tickets for his family with a family railcard.

  How much did he pay?

  A.£44       B. £29       C. £24       D.£15





  In the United States in the early 1800’s, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government. States controlled manufacturing, banking, mining and transportation firms and participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes(收费关卡), and railroads. The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways: first, by actually establishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit.
  In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct restricting activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs. Licensing targets reflected both similarities in and difference between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of today: in the nineteenth century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on drug dealers, innkeepers and retail merchants of various kinds. The goods of trade generally came under state inspection and such important raw material as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control. Finally, state governments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by business.
  Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries. Toward these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action. It established a national bank to stabilize banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the region, where it was greatly needed for settlement. It permitted access to public western lands on increasing easy term, with a summit in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed on the basis of residence alone. Finally, it set up a system of tariffs(关税) that was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering for position by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff rates throughout the nineteenth century.
1.What does the passage mainly discuss?
  A. States rights versus federal rights.
  B. The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction.
  C. The roles of state and federal government in the economy of the nineteenth century.
  D. Restricting activity by state government.
2.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and railroads were ______.
  A. built with money that came from the federal government
  B. much more expensive to build than they had been previously
  C. built predominantly in the western part of the country
  D. sometimes built in part by state companies
3.According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862?
  A. It increased the money supply in the West.
  B. It was a law first passed by state government in the West.
  C. It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West.
  D. It established tariffs in a number of regions.
4.Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century?
  A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder.
  B. Determining the conditions under which individuals worked.
  C. Regulation of the supply of money.
  D. Inspection of new homes built on western lands.


  In the United States in the early 1800’s, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government. States controlled manufacturing, banking, mining and transportation firms and participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes(收费关卡), and railroads. The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways: first, by actually establishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit.

  In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of direct restricting activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs. Licensing targets reflected both similarities in and difference between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of today: in the nineteenth century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on drug dealers, innkeepers and retail merchants of various kinds. The goods of trade generally came under state inspection and such important raw material as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control. Finally, state governments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by business.

  Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries. Toward these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action. It established a national bank to stabilize banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the region, where it was greatly needed for settlement. It permitted access to public western lands on increasing easy term, with a summit in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed on the basis of residence alone. Finally, it set up a system of tariffs(关税) that was basically protectionist in effect, although maneuvering for position by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff rates throughout the nineteenth century.

1.What does the passage mainly discuss?

  A. States rights versus federal rights.

  B. The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction.

  C. The roles of state and federal government in the economy of the nineteenth century.

  D. Restricting activity by state government.

2.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and railroads were ______.

  A. built with money that came from the federal government

  B. much more expensive to build than they had been previously

  C. built predominantly in the western part of the country

  D. sometimes built in part by state companies

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862?

  A. It increased the money supply in the West.

  B. It was a law first passed by state government in the West.

  C. It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West.

  D. It established tariffs in a number of regions.

4.Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth century?

  A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder.

  B. Determining the conditions under which individuals worked.

  C. Regulation of the supply of money.

  D. Inspection of new homes built on western lands.



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