摘要: Has he already come back?


Good Housekeeping has discovered that even if a child wear a helmet when she bikes, or skates, it may not protect her from a serious head injury.

Every year, 390,000 children under age 15 go to hospital emergency rooms with bike-related injuries. Of that number, about one third children suffer head injuries and an estimated 200 die. By wearing a helmet, a child can reduce her risk of injury by as much as 85 percent. But remember —— a bicycle helmet must fit properly to be safe. Here are five steps to making sure your child's helmet fits properly.

1) If you haven't bought your child's helmet already, you might want to consider one with a rear stabilizer(稳定杆). A rear stabilizer holds the back of the head gently and helps the helmet stay correctly positioned.

2) The helmet should fit closely and shouldn't slide from side to side or front to back. If your child can put two fingers on both temples inside the helmet, it's too big. Try a smaller size. But if the next size down is too small, use the fit pads(护垫). Fit pads come in different sizes and attach to the helmet with Velcro.

3) Tell your child to open her mouth widely and ask if she can feel the helmet push down onto the top of her head. If she can't, you need to readjust her helmet.

4) To prevent strap slippage, wind a rubber band around the strap where it meets the fastener.

5) Recheck the fit regularly.

You should replace the bicycle helmet:

If she has been in an accident with it.

If the buckle(金属扣) breaks or if a piece breaks off.

If it doesn't have a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society for Testing and Materials, or Snell Memorial Foundation sticker.

If it doesn't fit correctly. Even if the helmet fit perfectly two years ago, it might be too small now.

1.Who is this passage mainly written for?

A. Children.          B. Teachers.         C. Parents.        D. helmet producers.

2.What does the author mainly want to stress in the second paragraph?

A. The bike-related injury is a serious threat to the children.

B. The bicycle helmets must fit properly while the children are biking.

C. It’s necessary for the children to wear helmets while biking.

D. Many students suffer bike-related injuries every year.

3.If a girl finds a helmet a little bit big for her head, what should she do?

A. She must buy a smaller size.               

B. She can use some fit pads.

C. She can put fingers on both temples inside the helmet.

D. She must make helmet slide from side to side.

4.Phil White, a father, found the buckle of his girl’s helmet broken, he can_______

A. buy a new bicycle helmet for her

B. mend the bicycle helmet himself

C. continue to use the bicycle helmet

D. throw away the broken buckle



Good Housekeeping has discovered that even if a child wear a helmet when she bikes, or skates, it may not protect her from a serious head injury.
Every year, 390,000 children under age 15 go to hospital emergency rooms with bike-related injuries. Of that number, about one third children suffer head injuries and an estimated 200 die. By wearing a helmet, a child can reduce her risk of injury by as much as 85 percent. But remember —— a bicycle helmet must fit properly to be safe. Here are five steps to making sure your child's helmet fits properly.
1) If you haven't bought your child's helmet already, you might want to consider one with a rear stabilizer(稳定杆). A rear stabilizer holds the back of the head gently and helps the helmet stay correctly positioned.
2) The helmet should fit closely and shouldn't slide from side to side or front to back. If your child can put two fingers on both temples inside the helmet, it's too big. Try a smaller size. But if the next size down is too small, use the fit pads(护垫). Fit pads come in different sizes and attach to the helmet with Velcro.
3) Tell your child to open her mouth widely and ask if she can feel the helmet push down onto the top of her head. If she can't, you need to readjust her helmet.
4) To prevent strap slippage, wind a rubber band around the strap where it meets the fastener.
5) Recheck the fit regularly.
You should replace the bicycle helmet:
If she has been in an accident with it.
If the buckle(金属扣) breaks or if a piece breaks off.
If it doesn't have a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society for Testing and Materials, or Snell Memorial Foundation sticker.
If it doesn't fit correctly. Even if the helmet fit perfectly two years ago, it might be too small now

  1. 1.

    Who is this passage mainly written for?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
      helmet producers
  2. 2.

    What does the author mainly want to stress in the second paragraph?

    1. A.
      The bike-related injury is a serious threat to the children
    2. B.
      The bicycle helmets must fit properly while the children are biking
    3. C.
      It’s necessary for the children to wear helmets while biking
    4. D.
      Many students suffer bike-related injuries every year
  3. 3.

    If a girl finds a helmet a little bit big for her head, what should she do?

    1. A.
      She must buy a smaller size
    2. B.
      She can use some fit pads
    3. C.
      She can put fingers on both temples inside the helmet
    4. D.
      She must make helmet slide from side to side
  4. 4.

    Phil White, a father, found the buckle of his girl’s helmet broken, he can_______

    1. A.
      buy a new bicycle helmet for her
    2. B.
      mend the bicycle helmet himself
    3. C.
      continue to use the bicycle helmet
    4. D.
      throw away the broken buckle

A study has warned that seafood supplies from the world’s oceans could be almost gone by the middle of the century.

The researchers say there has already been a breakdown in wild populations of almost one third of currently fished seafoods. The study says that means their catch has fallen by ninety percent from their highest levels.

Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, led the international team that did the study. Professor Worm says species have recently been disappearing from oceans at an increasing speed. At this rate, he says, all seafood species could break down by two thousand forty eight.

Other studies have also warned about the dangers of overfishing and the effects on ocean environments. But not everyone thinks the oceans are likely to be empty in fifty years. Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems, but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations. Government officials in several countries with large fishing industries also questioned the research.

The study appeared earlier this month in Science magazine.

The researchers say damage to oceans affects not only fish populations but also the productivity of ecosystems(生态系统). These complex systems help control water quality. The scientists say the loss of different kinds of sea life appeared to increase the risk of fish kills and beach closures from harmful algae(藻类)growth.

The scientists examined the results of thirty two experiments and observed forty eight protected areas. They also looked at records of catches worldwide. They studied records from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for nineteen fifty to two thousand three.

And they examined archeological information and other historical records for twelve coastal areas. That research reached back over a thousand years.

Boris Worm says the findings were, in his words, “beyond anything we suspected.” But he also said the situation is not too late to correct. He said that with good fisheries management, some species could completely recover in three to ten years.


64.The two underlined words “their” in the second paragraph most probably mean “         .”

   A.researchers’            B.fishermen’s          C.of seafoods         D.of the oceans 

65.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A.Not all scientists believe that all seafood species will disappear very soon.

   B.Most government officials disagree to the seafood disappearing research.

   C.Some scientists are doing a good job of protecting fish populations.

   D.The author is a strong supporter of the study.

66.According to Boris Worm,            .

   A.there is nothing we can do to change the present situation

   B.the ocean ecosystems can be improved with right measures

   C.things are getting worse though efforts can be made

   D.some more species will come into being with right measures

67.What is the main purpose of the passage?

   A.To call on people to protect the ocean environments

   B.To introduce a study about the disappearing of seafoods

   C.To report different opinions about the seafood research

   D.To criticize the present fisheries management


Good Housekeeping has discovered that even if a child wear a helmet when she bikes, or skates, it may not protect her from a serious head injury.

Every year, 390,000 children under age 15 go to hospital emergency rooms with bike-related injuries. Of that number, about one third children suffer head injuries and an estimated 200 die. By wearing a helmet, a child can reduce her risk of injury by as much as 85 percent. But remember —— a bicycle helmet must fit properly to be safe. Here are five steps to making sure your child's helmet fits properly.

1) If you haven't bought your child's helmet already, you might want to consider one with a rear stabilizer(稳定杆). A rear stabilizer holds the back of the head gently and helps the helmet stay correctly positioned.

2) The helmet should fit closely and shouldn't slide from side to side or front to back. If your child can put two fingers on both temples inside the helmet, it's too big. Try a smaller size. But if the next size down is too small, use the fit pads(护垫). Fit pads come in different sizes and attach to the helmet with Velcro.

3) Tell your child to open her mouth widely and ask if she can feel the helmet push down onto the top of her head. If she can't, you need to readjust her helmet.

4) To prevent strap slippage, wind a rubber band around the strap where it meets the fastener.

5) Recheck the fit regularly.

You should replace the bicycle helmet:

If she has been in an accident with it.

If the buckle(金属扣) breaks or if a piece breaks off.

If it doesn't have a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society for Testing and Materials, or Snell Memorial Foundation sticker.

If it doesn't fit correctly. Even if the helmet fit perfectly two years ago, it might be too small now.

35. Who is this passage mainly written for?

   A. Children.          B. Teachers.         C. Parents.        D. Helmet producers.

36. What does the author mainly want to stress in the second paragraph?

   A. The bike-related injury is a serious threat to the children.

B. The bicycle helmets must fit properly while the children are biking.

C. It’s necessary for the children to wear helmets while biking.

   D. Many students suffer bike-related injuries every year.

37. If a girl finds a helmet a little bit big for her head, what should she do?

   A. She must buy a smaller size.               

B. She can use some fit pads.

   C. She can put fingers on both temples inside the helmet.

   D. She must make helmet slide from side to side.

38. Phil White, a father, found the buckle of his girl’s helmet broken, he can_______

   A. buy a new bicycle helmet for her       B. mend the bicycle helmet himself

   C. continue to use the bicycle helmet      D. throw away the broken buckle


For twenty years, he had taught this class and no one had ever had the courage to go against him. Sure, some had __1__ in class at times, but no one had __2__ “really gone against him” (you'll see what I mean later). Nobody would go against him __3__ he had a reputation.

Finally the day came. The professor said, “If there is anyone here who still __4__ God, stand up!” The professor and the class of 300 people looked at him, __5__, as he stood up at the back of the classroom. The professor __6__, “You fool!! If God __7__, he could keep this piece of chalk from __8__ when it hit the ground!”

He proceeded(向前) to __9__ the chalk, but as he did, it slipped out of his fingers, off his shirt cuff (袖口), onto the pleats(皱折) of his trousers, __10__ his leg, and off his shoe. As it hit the ground, it __11__ rolled away, unbroken. The professor's jaw dropped as he __12__  the chalk. He looked up at the young man and __13__ ran out of the lecture hall.

The young man who had stood up proceeded to walk to the front of the room and share his __14__ in Jesus for the next half hour. 300 students __15__ and listened as he told of God's love for them and of his __16__ through Jesus.

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the __17__ to become children of God—children born not of __18__ descent(后代), nor of human decision or a husband's __19__, but born of God.”

“But he knows the way that I take. __20__ he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.”

1. A. agreed       B. praised      C. argued     D. talked

2. A. ever         B. even        C. already    D. willingly

3. A. so          B. and          C. but        D. because

4. A. relies on     B. believes in    C. cares for  D. thinks of

5. A. disappointed  B. excited      C. shocked   D. satisfied

6. A. shouted    B. disagreed  C. murmured     D. whispered

7. A. appeared    B. knew    C. existed       D. came

8. A. rolling     B. breaking  C. standing      D. moving

9. A. drop       B. fetch     C. throw       D. cut

10. A. up       B. down     C. on          D. above

11. A. simply   B. quickly     C. luckily      D. quietly

12. A. searched for        B. found out

C. watched over       D. stared at

13. A. therefore  B. yet       C. then        D. so

14. A. thought   B. bravery    C. opinion     D. faith

15. A. left      B. sat        C. stayed     D. smiled

16. A. trust     B. belief     C. mind       D. power

17. A. right    B. family     C. time       D. way

18. A. human  B. natural     C. mother's    D. social

19. A. will    B. promise     C. regret     D. desire

20. A. Where  B. Immediately  C. When     D. Unless


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