
Good Housekeeping has discovered that even if a child wear a helmet when she bikes, or skates, it may not protect her from a serious head injury.

Every year, 390,000 children under age 15 go to hospital emergency rooms with bike-related injuries. Of that number, about one third children suffer head injuries and an estimated 200 die. By wearing a helmet, a child can reduce her risk of injury by as much as 85 percent. But remember —— a bicycle helmet must fit properly to be safe. Here are five steps to making sure your child's helmet fits properly.

1) If you haven't bought your child's helmet already, you might want to consider one with a rear stabilizer(稳定杆). A rear stabilizer holds the back of the head gently and helps the helmet stay correctly positioned.

2) The helmet should fit closely and shouldn't slide from side to side or front to back. If your child can put two fingers on both temples inside the helmet, it's too big. Try a smaller size. But if the next size down is too small, use the fit pads(护垫). Fit pads come in different sizes and attach to the helmet with Velcro.

3) Tell your child to open her mouth widely and ask if she can feel the helmet push down onto the top of her head. If she can't, you need to readjust her helmet.

4) To prevent strap slippage, wind a rubber band around the strap where it meets the fastener.

5) Recheck the fit regularly.

You should replace the bicycle helmet:

If she has been in an accident with it.

If the buckle(金属扣) breaks or if a piece breaks off.

If it doesn't have a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, American Society for Testing and Materials, or Snell Memorial Foundation sticker.

If it doesn't fit correctly. Even if the helmet fit perfectly two years ago, it might be too small now.

35. Who is this passage mainly written for?

   A. Children.          B. Teachers.         C. Parents.        D. Helmet producers.

36. What does the author mainly want to stress in the second paragraph?

   A. The bike-related injury is a serious threat to the children.

B. The bicycle helmets must fit properly while the children are biking.

C. It’s necessary for the children to wear helmets while biking.

   D. Many students suffer bike-related injuries every year.

37. If a girl finds a helmet a little bit big for her head, what should she do?

   A. She must buy a smaller size.               

B. She can use some fit pads.

   C. She can put fingers on both temples inside the helmet.

   D. She must make helmet slide from side to side.

38. Phil White, a father, found the buckle of his girl’s helmet broken, he can_______

   A. buy a new bicycle helmet for her       B. mend the bicycle helmet himself

   C. continue to use the bicycle helmet      D. throw away the broken buckle

阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。

    Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich and had no children of his own, died and left Dave a lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate company (房地产公司).

    He found a nice office, bought a lot of things to furnish (装饰) it, and moved in. He had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming towards the door of his office. "It's my first   visitor!" he thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the company.

    The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation. Then he said to him, "I'm from the telephone company. I was sent here to connect (连接) your telephone."

(1) Dave set up his company because he got money from ________.                                [  ]     A. his father     B. his uncle who had no children     C. his uncle      D. his college      (2) The visitor came into the office ________.      [  ]     A. after Dave had found the nice office for a few hours     B. a few hours before Dave went into the office     C. because Dave heard someone coming     D. a few hours after Dave had been there      (3) The first visitor to the office was ________.     [  ]     A. a worker from telephone company       B. a telephone company manager     C. a man who wanted to buy a good house in the company     D. a man was connected with real estate      (4) Dave picked up the telephone _______.         [  ]     A. because he had to answer an important call     B. as if he had been busy with his work      C. in order to pretend to be a manager     D. as he wanted to buy something expensive     (5) From the passage we know that Dave was ________.  [  ]     A. a man with a strong will   B. a poor college student     C. a dishonest person     D. a foolish but rich person 

Proverbs(谚语) are quite common in spoken English. We do not normally put them in a composition or letter. Sometimes it is helpful if you know what common proverbs mean. Here are a few examples:
Once bitten, twice shy. If a dog bites me, I shall be twice as careful in future when I see it. This proverb is also used to apply to many things and not only to dogs. If you have been cheated at a shop, you will not go to the same shop again. 
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I am a hunter, trying to catch birds, it is better to catch one bird than to see two birds in a bush but not be able to catch them. Thus this means that what you have already got is better than the chance of being able to get something bigger in the future.   
Too many cooks spoil the broth(soup). When too many people do something together, they get in each other’s way and cannot do a good job.
To pour oil on troubled waters Is to try to calm things down. Oil is lighter than water. If a ship is in trouble at sea, another ship may come to help it. The second ship can send small boats to rescue people. However, it may first pour oil on the sea to make the sea less rough.
Don't be a dog in a manger(马槽). Means “ Don’t be selfish.” In a stable(马厩), the manger is the place where the horse’s food is put. Sometimes a dog will sleep in the manger and bard when a horse comes to get its food. The dog does not want to eat the hay in the manger but it will not let the horse eat it.
He’s sitting on the fence. Means that somebody will not say whether he is in favour of a plan or against it. He is sitting on a fence between two opposing sides, perhaps waiting to see which side will win.
He who pays the piper calls the tune. A piper is a musician . The man who employs or pays a musician can say what tunes the man will play. Thus this means that if a man provides the money for a plan, he can say how it will be carried out.
You can’t get blood out of a stone means that you can’t get something out of a person who has not got any of the things you want. For example, you cannot get a million dollars from a poor man.
【小题1】Peter had a bicycle which was much too small for him but he did not want to let his younger brother ride on it. His mother was angry and said to him : “______”.

A.You cannot get blood out of a stoneB.Don’t be a dog in a manger
C.The early bird gets the wormD.Don’t be a horse in the manger
【小题2】Mr Wang paid for a new school. Some people did not like the design of the school but they did not argue with Mr Wang because ________.
A.he was sitting on the fenceB.once bitten, twice shy
C.he who pays the piper calls the tuneD.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
【小题3】Mrs Chen wanted to buy a new dress. Her husband suggested that she buy it from a shop near their home. Mrs Chen disagreed because she had been cheated by that shop. Then she said: “ I won’t go there again because___.”
A.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB.I am sitting on the fence
C.Once bitten, twice shyD.too man cooks spoil the broth
【小题4】Mr brown had quite a good job in Hong Kong but he thought that if he went to Singapore he might get a much better job with more money and a large house. His wife did not want him to leave his job in Hong Kong and she warned him that _____.
A.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB.too many cooks spoil the broth
C.you cannot get blood out of a stoneD.he who pays the piper calls the tune

This is a time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find little extra to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.
Littleton Children’d Home
We DON’T want your money, but children’s toys, books and clothes IN GOOD CONDITION would be very welcome.
Also,we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days as guests. You have so much —will you share it?
Phone Sister Thomas on 55671.
Children’s Hospice
We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We cannot continue without gifts or money to pay for more nursting staff(职员). We also need story books and toys suitable for quiet games.
Please contact :The Seeretary, Little Children’s Hospice, Newly Road.
Street Food
In the winter weather, it’s not fun being homeless. It’s even worse if you’re hungry. We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It’s hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you find a little money? We used a very old kitchen, and we need some new saucepans. Money for new ones would be most welcome indeed.
Contact Stree Food, c/o Mary’s House, Elming Way. Littleton Phone 55823.
Littleton Youth Club
Have you got an unwanted chair?record player? a pot of paint?
Because we use them!
We want to get to work on our meeting room!
Please phone 55231and we’ll be happy to collect anything you can give us!
Thank you !
The Night Shelter
We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive,we never seem to have enough money. Can you let us have a few pounds ? Any amount, however small, will be such help.
Send it to us 15, Greet St, Littleton. Please make check payable to Night Shelter.
58.Reading the passage, you might like to help these organizations while working for       .
A.homeless and sick children        
B.less fortunate members of our society
C.hungry people who have no beds to sleep in     
D.friendly members of our society to help others
59.We can infer        .
A.there are too many social problems in this country
B.people are very poor during the time for giving
C.warm-hearted people like to give away money
D.this passage is taken from a local newspaper
60.If your children have grown up, you my take the children’s things to     .
A.Children’s Home and Children’s Hospice     
B.Youth Club and Children’s Home
C.Children’s Hospice and Night Shelter
D.Youth Club and Night Shelter

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