摘要: A. head B. eyes C. hand D. nose


My father was a fisherman. He had his own boat, but it was hard   1   a living on the sea. He worked hard and would   2  out until he caught enough to feed the family. He was a big man and was strong from pulling the   3   and fighting the sea for his catch.

When you got   4   to him, he smelled like the ocean. However much Mother washed his clothes, they would   5   smell of the sea and fish.

He had an old truck and would drive me to school when the weather was   6  . He used his truck in is his fishing   7  . On the way to school, the old truck would   58   a cloud of smoke. Soon he would stop right in front of the school. Then he would   9   over and give me a big   10   on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so uncomfortable for me. Here, I was twelve years old and   11   old for a goodbye kiss!

One day, when we got to the school, he had his usual big   12  . He started to lean toward me, but I   13   my hand up and said, “No, Dad. I don’t want a goodbye kiss.” Then he had a(n)   14   look on his face, and he looked at me for a long time. I saw his eyes were   15   with tears. “Yes, you have grown up and don’t need a kiss any more. Then I won’t ” he said.

It wasn’t long after that when my father went to   16   and never came back.

No one knows   17   I would give to have my father give me just one   18   kiss on the cheek … to feel his rough old face … to   19   the ocean on him … to feel his arm around my   20  . I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told him I didn’t like his goodbye kiss.

1.A.doing                    B.leading                C.getting                D.making

2.A.stay                      B.keep                    C.leave                   D.turn

3.A.waves                   B.nets                    C.boat                    D.hat

4.A.close                    B.beside                 C.nearby                D.far

5.A.not                       B.still                     C.yet                      D.seldom

6.A.dry                       B.fine                     C.clear                   D.bad

7.A.company               B.business              C.industry              D.journey

8.A.send out                B.make out             C.put out                D.bring out

9.A.turn                      B.jump                   C.get                      D.lean

10.A.pat                      B.touch                  C.kiss                    D.hug

11.A.so                       B.that                     C.too                     D.enough

12.A.yell                     B.sign                    C.laugh                  D.smile

13.A.rose                    B.put                      C.hid                      D.shook

14.A.frightened            B.surprised             C.excited                D.shocked 

15.A.stuck                  B.flowed                C.covered               D.filled

16.A.school                 B.sea                      C.home                  D.church

17.A.why                    B.how                    C.what                   D.which

18.A.another               B.other                   C.either                  D.more

19.A.taste                   B.smell                   C.see                     D.feel

20.A.hand                   B.head                    C.neck                   D.nose


Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus (马戏表演). 1  , there was only one family between us and the ticket-office.There were eight children in this family, all probably under the age of 12.Their clothes were not  2 , but they were clean.The children were  3 , all of them standing in line.They were  4  quickly, excitedly and unclearly about the clowns, elephants and other  5  they would see that night.One could sense they had  6  been to the circus before.It  7  to be a highlight(重要内容) of their young lives.

The  8  lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted.He  9  responded, “Eight children’s tickets and two adult tickets.”

The price was quoted (报出).The man dropped his  10 .How was he supposed to  11  and tell his eight kids that he didn’t have  12  money to take them the circus?

Seeing this, my dad put his hand into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and  13  it on the ground.(We were not very  14   in every sense of the word!) My father reached down,   45  the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your  16  .”

The man  17  what was going on.He looked straight  18  my dad’s eyes, and took my dad’s hand in both of his, tears running down his  19  , “Thank you, thank you, sir.This really 20  a lot to me and my family.”

My father and I went back to our car and drove home.We didn’t go to the circus that night.

1.A.Suddenly                  B.Naturally                 C.Finally                    D.Generally

2.A.beautiful                   B.expensive                C.comfortable        D.old

3.A.well-behaved             B.well-dressed            C.well-done            D.well-known

4.A.dreaming                  B.thinking                  C.hearing               D.talking

5.A.actions                     B.programes               C.people                D.activities

6.A.always                         B.sometimes               C.often                  D.never

7.A.threatened                 B.hoped                     C.expected             D.promised

8.A.sales                        B.leading                    C.ticket                  D.cleaning

9.A.proudly                    B.nervously                C.doubtfully           D.slowly

10.A.hands                     B.head                    C.money                D.hat

11.A.know                      B.leave                       C.run                     D.turn

12.A.extra                      B.current                   C.enough               D.exact

13.A.dropped                  B.hid                         C.fell                     D.put

14.A.mean                      B.happy                     C.rich                    D.kind

15.A.picked up                B.picked off               C.picked out           D.picked at

16.A.mind                      B.control                    C.pocket                D.reach

17.A.judge                      B.imagined                 C.regretted             D.realized

18.A.onto                       B.into                        C.on                     D.at

19.A.forehead                 B.cheek                            C.nose                   D.eyes

20.A.brings                     B.means                     C.teaches               D.shows


Computer mouse is no longer so strong. A Canadian engineer has invented a system that enables a computer user to push a cursor(光标)across a screen simply by moving his or her nose .He calls his nose-driven mouse a mouse.
The inventor ,Dmity Gorodnichy ,came up with the idea for the mouse while building computer software that would help astronauts operate the Canadarm—a long robotic arm on the U.S. space shuttle .His system employs a web-camera that recognizes a computer user’s nose from 25 pixels ,or points of light. Dmity chose the nose because its position remains relatively constant no matter which way the head moves .The system keeps track of the pixels, and the user matches the movements of his or her nose with the progress of the cursor across the screen.
The mouse keeps track of the eyes too. Two blinks(眨眼)are a “double click,” which turns the mouse on or off.
The mouse has received mixed comments from those who hold opposite opinions. One called it “a pointless waste of technology” . Another predicted that the nouse will fail to catch on because it makes users “look silly.” Dmity has already adapted the nouse for NousePong, a video game ,and NousePaint ,a drawing program.
He also predicts that the mouse will attract the people who have suffered from specific disease-pain ,senselessness ,or trembling in the hand caused by the frequent repetition of movements of the wrist and fingers ,such as typing at a computer keyboard .His next plan is to adapt the nouse for use by paralyzed(瘫痪)patients in hospitals .With two blinks of the eyes ,patients could double-click for help.
72.The best title for this passage is probably      .
A.Mouse Driven by Nose
B.Cursor Moved Without fingers
C.New Computer System for Astronauts
D.New Type of Mouse for Patients
73.The nouse is a system working by means of          .
A.keeping track of the points of light
B.moving one’s nose or blinking
C.moving cursor across the screen
D.matching the user’s nose with eyes
74.The underlined phrase “catch on” means “       ”.
A.become popular     B.be used      C.get improved        D.be made
75.Dmity predicts that the nouse will be more used to help          .
A.those who have eye trouble
B.develop a video game and drawing program
C.those traveling in space
D.the disabled with the hand and paralyzed patients



    I was bleeding now. My ears were red, my nose was broken, and the pain of failure was beginning. I had lost. It was over. The match was stopped. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as I looked at who had beaten me. “I’ve lost,” I said in m mind. “The last chance to win and I had lost.” It was the final round of wrestling. It was my last year at camp and I wanted to have an undefeated season. But now, I had lost in the tournament(锦标赛).

    My coach came over to help me up. He saw that my nose was broken and realized that the match had to be stopped. He helped me up and I got small applause from my teammates. People on the other team just stared. Coach walked me over to the locker room to work on my nose.

    “I’ll stop the bleeding,” Coach Matt said. His voice was cold and empty. He had expected me to win—he knew I could have won—but now he saw it was over. I had lost.

    “Hey, Steve. You did good, man, He, well, he just…” my friend Paul couldn’t find what to say.

    “Forget it, man.” I said, my nose still bleeding.

    “Don’t talk or it won’t stop bleeding. Just relax and breath through your mouth.” Coach Matt’s voice was still cold, but warming slowly. He was like a father to me. He had been there through all my years of wrestling, all my wins and losess , all my hopes and dreams—and now he was there, fixing my smashed nose.

    “This must have happened during that last throw. You fell too much on your face. You should’ve turned and tried to escape. You gotta think more.” Coach Matt began, his voice now warm like an old friend trying to give good advice.

    “I wanted this so badly.” I said.

    “Maybe we can get another contest because of the nose. You can still go undefeated! You can still do it…” Paul continued.

    No, I lost. Nothing was left for me to do this year. This was supposed to be the year—no loses.” I said, cutting him off before he finished.

    “Steve, you did your best. Come on. Let’s go and get your medal,” Coach said. He looked at me right in the eyes. “You gave it your all. You deserved that trophy(战利品), not the silver medal. You deserve it, but he is getting it. You really won and the whole team is proud.”

    I walked up to get my medal, my head held high. I shook the hands of the judges and my opponent, took m medal and saw that, in the eyes of everyone, I had really won. No matter what trophy or medal my opponent took home, no matter what. He may have had my trophy, but he could never have my will.

    1. The word “applause” in the second paragraph means _____.

    A. cheers and hand—clapping                                   B. shouts and crying

    C. screaming and laughing                                      D. noises and whistling

    2. “You gave it your all.” means that _____.

    A. you tried to win but you failed                    B. you have done your best to do it

    C. you never gave up doing it                         D. you succeeded in everything

    3. The hero lost his match. Both his coach and friends thought that _____.

    A. he really showed his strength in it

    B. he shouldn’t be encouraged and thought highly of

    C. he could not match his opponent

    D. he had lost heart at the end of the competition

4. According to the hero, at the end of the passage, we can suppose that____.

    A. he had made up his mind to win all the matches the next season

    B. he looked down upon his opponent and though nothing of it

    C. he had strong will to become the best wrestler in the world

    D. he wanted to end his career as a professional wrestler


  I was bleeding now.My ears were red, my nose was broken, and the pain of failure was beginning.I had lost.It was over.The match was stopped.The world seemed to stand still for a moment as I looked at who had beaten me.“I’ve lost,” I said in m mind.“The last chance to win and I had lost.” It was the final round of wrestling.It was my last year at camp and I wanted to have an undefeated season.But now, I had lost in the tournament(锦标赛).

  My coach came over to help me up.He saw that my nose was broken and realized that the match had to be stopped.He helped me up and I got small applause from my teammates.People on the other team just stared.Coach walked me over to the locker room to work on my nose.

  “I’ll stop the bleeding,” Coach Matt said.His voice was cold and empty.He had expected me to win-he knew I could had won-but now he saw it was over.I had lost.

  “Hey, Steve.You did good, man, He, well, he just…” my friend Paul couldn’t find what to say.

  “Forget it, man.” I said, my nose still bleeding.

  “Don’t talk or it won’t stop bleeding.Just relax and breath through your mouth.” Coach Matt’s voice was still cold, but warming slowly.He was like a father to me.He had been there through all m years of wrestling, all my wins and lose, all my hopes and dreams-and now he was there, fixing my smashed nose.

  “This must have happened during that last throw.You fell too much on your face.You should’ve turned and tried to escape.You gotta think more.” Coach Matt began, his voice now warm like an old friend trying to give good advice.

  “I wanted this so badly.” I said.

  “Maybe we can get another contest because of the nose.You can still go undefeated!You can still do it…” Paul continued.

  No, I lost.Nothing was left for me to do this year.This was supposed to be the year-no loses.” I said, cutting him off before he finished.

  “Steve, you did your best.Come on.Let’s go and get your medal,” Coach said.He looked at me right in the eyes.“You gave it your all.You deserved that trophy(战利品),not the silver medal.You deserve it, but he is getting it.You really won and the whole team is proud.”

  I walked up to get my medal, my head held high.I shook the hands of the judges and my opponent, took m medal and saw that, in the eyes of everyone, I had really won.No matter what trophy or medal my opponent took home, no matter what.He may have had my trophy, but he could never have my will.


The word “applause” in the second paragraph means ________.

[  ]


cheers and hand-clapping


shouts and crying


screaming and laughing


noises and whistling


“You gave it your all.” Means that ________.

[  ]


you tried to win but you failed


you have done your best to do it


you never gave up doing it


you succeeded in everything


The hero lost his match.Both his coach and friends thought that ________.

[  ]


he really showed his strength in it


he shouldn’t be encouraged and thought highly of


he could not match his opponent


he had lost heart at the end of the competition


According to the hero, at the end of the passage, we can suppose that ________.

[  ]


he had made up his mind to win all the matches the next season


he looked down upon his opponent and though nothing of it


he had strong will to become the best wrestler in the world


he wanted to end his career as a professional wrestler


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