摘要: A. troubled B. disturbed C. pleased D. helped B When I moved into an empty dorm for the first time two years ago, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didn't 1 anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and 2 something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with new classmates, without my parents around. The first 3 frightened me in the beginning. But that 4 quickly disappeared. It was the other two goals 5 ended up being my difficulties. I knew that it was 6 to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But I wanted to 7 in both. I knew this would be a 8, but I didn't realize how much until classes began. I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. 9, instead of finishing my homework 10 it was due, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbour. I always finished it the next day between classes. I knew 11 wasn't very good and the grade I 12 showed my lack of effort. I was 13 that I needed to find some sort of balance. So I created a schedulethat would 14 my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, 15 I was only able to 16 it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much pressure. So I tried another 17. Each week I made a list of everything I had to get done during that week. Then, under the list of things I had to get done, I 18 a list of things I could do if I had time. This is the method I have used since then. I'm glad that I've learned to 19 things and it has 20 prepare me for what is to come after graduation.


When I met Mr Jim Lemon I was a seventeen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High.The chances of my finishing high school were  36  . I was a troubled teenage.
Mr Lemon taught American history and was quite  37  from the other teachers I had known. Not only was he  38  , but also he was a great teacher. He pushed and never tolerated the mediocrity(平庸) that had become my standard.
On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr Lemon  39  me aside and asked how it was possible that I was a B student in his class and a C student in the  40  of my classes. I passionately told him about my  41  parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, the police---all of the evils I had been  42  to. It was then that Mr Lemon  43  explained that the only person  44  for my situation was me. And the only person with the  45  to change my situation was me. He  46  me that I was failing not because I was a failure. He inspired me to become a better student and he  47  my life.
Ten years later I was preparing to graduate from a university when I spoke to him again . 48  I did get him on the phone, I told him that I had been saving money so that I could invite him to come to Hawaii at my  49  to be a part of my graduation.
I'll never forget his  50  . He said,"Who is this again?" I was just one of hundreds of the students whose life he changed  51  he had no idea of his influence.
Mr Lemon never came to my graduation, but his  52  taught me another valuable lesson. His final lesson for me was that we will never know or understand the  53  we have on other people's lives. He taught me that we all have the  54  to effect people's lives for the  55  ... Or for the worse.      



A plane crash in Western Russian killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and the other 96 political and military officials on board on April 10. The accident has led to huge national mourning in Poland. But it may provide an opportunity for reconciliation (和解) between Poland and Russia, countries that have a troubled relationship.
Many from the political elite were lost in the crash. Beside the president, the dead include the army chief of Staff, the head of National Security Bureau, the national bank president, the deputy foreign minister and other members of parliament.
The Polish delegation was heading to Russia to mark the 70 th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre (屠杀) when the accident occurred. In 1940, about 22,000 Polish soldiers, intellectuals, and officials captured after the Soviet Army invaded Poland in 1939, were killed secretly by Soviet police in the forest of Russia’s Katyn.
The Katyn Massacre had been a sensitive topic between the countries. The former Soviet Union always denied responsibility for the massacre. It was not until 1992 that Russian released archived documents about the killing.
Katyn is merely a short chapter in Poland and Russia’s long and troubled history. In the 18 th century, along with Prussia, (then an important part of Germany) and Austria. Russia participated in three carve – ups of Poland. In 1795, after the third carve – up, the country was erased from the map of Europe. It was in 1918 that Poland regained its independence. But in 1939, at the beginning of the World War II, it was invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union under a secret pact. After the war, Poland became a communist country with close ties to the Soviet Union.
In 1989, Poland switched to capitalism and pursued a pro – West position. The most recent tension between the two countries was in 2008. That year, Poland decided to have a US missile shield (导弹防御系统) on its soil, while neighboring Russia threatened to aim missiles at Poland.
But the plane crash has created a chance for reconciliation, with Russia sharing the sadness of Poland. Russia has declared April 12 a day of mourning for the victims. Flags flew at half – mast in Moscow. And earlier on April 7, Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin became the first Russian leader to mark the anniversary of the massacre.
“I think it should improve relations between the two countries, as Russians feel our grief,” said Radek Sikorski, Pland’s foreign minister.
66.Put the following events in order of time.
①The Katyn Massacre
②Poland switched to capitalism.
③Russia divided Poland with Austria and Prussia.
④Poland became a communist country.
⑤Poland was invaded by the Soviet Army.
A.③①④⑤② B.③⑤①④②  C.①③⑤④②  D.①⑤②④③
67.After the accident, which of the following did Russia do to share the sadness of Poland?
A.Flags were lowed to half – mast in the capital city of Russia.
B.Russia threatened to aim missiles at Poland.
C.Russia declared the day when the accident happened a day of mourning for the victims.
D.Vladimir Putin marked the anniversary of the massacre.
68.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The Katyn Massacre was the very beginning of Poland and Russia’s trouble relationship.
B.In 1939 about 22,000 Polish soldiers, intellectuals, and officials were killed by Soviet police in the forest of Russia’s Katyn.
C.Altogether 96 political and military officials were killed in the accident.
D.The relationship between Poland and Russia has not always been tense since the three carve – ups of Poland in the 18 th century.
69.It can be conclude from the article that        .
A.the relationship between Poland and Russia will be even tenser than before
B.Poland will cancel its plan to mark the anniversary of the Katyn Massacre
C.no Russian leaders have marked the anniversary of the massacre before, though Russia released the truth in 1992.
D.Poland will forgive Russians, for they showed great sympathy after the accident.
70.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The troubled relationship between Russia and Poland.
B.Poland and Russia united by tragedy.
C.The 70 th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre.
D.A plane crash killing Polish president.


As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are ___1___ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real ___2___. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish to ___3___ up late so that they will not ___4___ the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie ___5___ for a long time, hoping to get a short ___6___ at Father Christmas.

Last Christmas, my wife and I ___7___ hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I ___8___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ___9___ me where that new bike had come from, but ___10___ he did not see it.

On Christmas Eve, ___11___ took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly ___12___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began ___13___ stockings. Then I pushed in the ___14___ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were ___15___ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were ___16___ by loud sounds coming from the children’s room — they were shouting excitedly! ___17___ I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage. ___18___ the baby arrived. He moved ___19___ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up ___20___. The day had really begun with a band(巨响) !  

1. A. faced                B. met            C. filled          D. pleased

2. A. question           B. matter           C. problem             D. business

3. A. get                B. stay           C. stand           D. wake

4. A. lose              B. break             C. miss           D. leave

5. A. awake              B. wake             C. asleep         D. sleep

6. A. look                     B. stare              C. glare           D. watch

7. A. hopefully                 B. busily            C. gladly         D. successfully

8. A. liked               B. feared             C. surprised      D. hated

9. A. answer            B. tell               C. ask            D. search

10. A. sadly             B. unluckily         C. possibly       D. fortunately

11. A. it                B. they             C. I            D. we

12. A. morning           B. midnight         C. evening      D. daybreak

13. A. filling            B. sewing            C. mending      D. preparing

14. A. present          B. stocking          C. bike           D. tree

15. A. going            B. sure             C. glad           D. excited

16. A. troubled                B. frightened       C. woken        D. shocked

17. A. Before           B. After            C. Until         D. Since

18. A. Even             B. And             C. Soon         D. Then

19. A. with              B. on                C. over          D. by

20. A. all              B. nearly            C. happily        D. completely


Today’s children are the “result” of the modern society. Our parents have jobs that keep them busy almost all day long. They only have a free day in a week. This doesn’t allow them to keep an eye on their children.
On the other hand, the modern society gives more freedom to the children than they could “handle”. As a child, you don’t know how to grow up by yourself until you reach a certain age. That is why you need school and parents to be by your side all the time. If you don’t have either of them you may make a lot of mistakes. The social system of the modern society is very lenient especially with the children.
Most of the children today are rebels (判逆者). They are rude. They are given too much freedom by their families. This is their parent’s mistake. They ought to know that the freedom they give to their children is misunderstood.
For example it is a bad thing for a 17 – year – old child to go out in the evening on weekends. Parents are also guilty of the way their children show up in the street or at school. The same guilt belongs to the teaching system as well. Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to dress like they were on a fashion presentation at school.
Another important fact we can think of regarding the freedom of children is their free will of spending money. Parents shouldn’t allow their children to spend money on whatever they want.
I think children are given too much freedom not only by their parents, but also by the society. The latter is more to be blamed!
【小题1】The writer implies that parents’ busy lifestyle         .

A.makes their children become independent
B.may lead to a tense parent – child relationship
C.is harmful to their children’s health
D.is likely to create a troubled generation
【小题2】What does the underlined word “lenient” (in Para 2) mean?
A.Not responsibleB.Not strict.C.Unkind.D.Unfair.
【小题3】It seems that the writer agrees that students          .
A.should stay at home on weekends
B.can wear trendy clothes at school
C.had better wear school uniform at school
D.can be allowed to go out in the evenings
【小题4】According to the writer, which of the following takes the primary responsibility for children’s problems?
A.The social environment.B.The educational system.
C.Each family.D.The school.


Tyler was a troubled student.He was in my senior class last year.It was __1__ to his former teachers that he had made it to his senior year.

He sat in the back row.Every time I spoke in the front of the classI would ask students questions__2__ them by name.This helped me learn their names while getting the kids __3__.Unfortunatelyevery time I asked him a questionhe would __4__ with a flip(轻率的) answer.He knew the answers when he listened __5__ he didn’t want to be asked.If he got a wrong answerhe would get very angry.

One dayTyler was talking while I was teaching.In the __6__ of teaching I said“Tylerwhy are you having your own discussion instead of __7__ ours” With thathe __8__ from his chairpushed it overand yelled.I sent him to the office with a discipline referraland he __9__ a week’s out of school suspension.

The week’s out of school suspension was wonderful.Howeverthe week soon came to a(n) __10__and I began to worry about his __11__.I knew from talking with his other teachers that he would be back even angrier.

I made a(n) __12__.On the day that he came backI stood at the door __13__ him.As soon as I saw himI asked him to talk for a moment.He seemed __14__ to do it but agreed.I told him that I wanted to start over(重新开始) with him.FurthermoreI gave him permission that if he felt he was going to lose __15__ in class he could step right outside the door for a moment to collect himself.

From that point onTyler was a(n) __16__ student in my classroom.He listened and participated.He was __17__ a smart child and I could finally get to see this in him.He even __18__ a fight between two other students one day.I __19__ that giving him the power to decide for himself made all the __20__.

1.A.surprising? Binteresting

Cdisappointing? Dupsetting

2.A.visiting? Bwatching

Cinterviewing? Dcalling

3.A.defeated? Baddicted

Cinvolved? Dimpressed

4.A.exchange? Brespond

Cshare? Dconnect

5.A.until Bif

Cunless? Dbut

6.A.case? Bmatter

Cmiddle? Dpresence

7.A.joining? Bstarting

Chearing? Dlearning

8.A.fell down? Bgot up

Cjumped in? Dfell off

9.A.suggested? Brefused

Creceived? Drequested

10.A.end? Bdecision

Chead Dagreement

11.A.study? Breturn

Cfamily? Dhealth

12.A.plan Bmistake

Cface Dnoise

13.A.looking after? Bescaping from

Cwaiting for? Dstaring at

14.A.excited? Bunhappy

Ccalm? Dcrazy

15.A.touch Bcourage

Cheart? Dcontrol

16.A.changed? Bsimilar

Cconfused? Dproud

17.A.rarely? Bactually

Cusually? Dhardly

18.A.led? Bmissed

Creported? Dstopped

19.A.believe Bdoubt

Cexpect? Drecommend

20.A.effort? Bdifference

Cpoint Dway



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