
Today’s children are the “result” of the modern society. Our parents have jobs that keep them busy almost all day long. They only have a free day in a week. This doesn’t allow them to keep an eye on their children.
On the other hand, the modern society gives more freedom to the children than they could “handle”. As a child, you don’t know how to grow up by yourself until you reach a certain age. That is why you need school and parents to be by your side all the time. If you don’t have either of them you may make a lot of mistakes. The social system of the modern society is very lenient especially with the children.
Most of the children today are rebels (判逆者). They are rude. They are given too much freedom by their families. This is their parent’s mistake. They ought to know that the freedom they give to their children is misunderstood.
For example it is a bad thing for a 17 – year – old child to go out in the evening on weekends. Parents are also guilty of the way their children show up in the street or at school. The same guilt belongs to the teaching system as well. Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to dress like they were on a fashion presentation at school.
Another important fact we can think of regarding the freedom of children is their free will of spending money. Parents shouldn’t allow their children to spend money on whatever they want.
I think children are given too much freedom not only by their parents, but also by the society. The latter is more to be blamed!
【小题1】The writer implies that parents’ busy lifestyle         .

A.makes their children become independent
B.may lead to a tense parent – child relationship
C.is harmful to their children’s health
D.is likely to create a troubled generation
【小题2】What does the underlined word “lenient” (in Para 2) mean?
A.Not responsibleB.Not strict.C.Unkind.D.Unfair.
【小题3】It seems that the writer agrees that students          .
A.should stay at home on weekends
B.can wear trendy clothes at school
C.had better wear school uniform at school
D.can be allowed to go out in the evenings
【小题4】According to the writer, which of the following takes the primary responsibility for children’s problems?
A.The social environment.B.The educational system.
C.Each family.D.The school.


【小题1】D 推理题。根据第一段Our parents have jobs that keep them busy almost all day long. They only have a free day in a week. This doesn’t allow them to keep an eye on their children说明父母没有时间照看孩子,让孩子的成长遇见了很多的问题,成为叛逆的一代,故D项正确。
【小题2】B 推理题。根据下一句They are given too much freedom by their families.说明现在的孩子被给了太多的自由,家庭社会对孩子的要求不高,不够严格。故B正确。
【小题3】C 推理题。根据文章倒数第三段最后2行Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to dress like they were on a fashion presentation at school.说明在现在的学校里,孩子想怎么穿衣服就怎么穿。这样的事情不应该被允许,故他认为学生应该穿校服,故C正确。
【小题4】A 推理题。根据文章第二段On the other hand, the modern society gives more freedom to the children than they could “handle”.说明现在的社会对孩子太宽容是孩子犯错误的主要原因,故社会环境是孩子出问题的主要原因。故A正确。


He never believed that true love existed.

    His parents divorced when he was young and he didn’t think that true love was able to survive in today’s world.

    He was   36   wrong.

    His grandparents were always supportive to the kids and tried to help them when their parents   37  . He knew they loved each other, he just wasn’t sure it was true love. He had   38   heard them say, “I love you” or they hadn’t shown any affection   39   hugging. They had been married for over fifty years and he thought that their true love was gone.

    But again he was wrong. His grandfather, Ralph, was struck ill in his junior year of college and he didn’t know how serious it was until he fell and hurt his hip (臀). While in the hospital, the doctors   40     a tumor (瘤) in his lungs. They told him that he had lung cancer and due to previous illnesses, they could not operate and he was too   41   for chemotherapy (化疗).

    It was around Thanksgiving and by Christmas his condition worsened. The cancer spread and in late January his sister away at college too, called him crying and said she was on her way home because the doctors told their family that their   42   had only a week to live, that by the weekend he would   43    be with them. Their family came in from around the country and stayed next to his side.

    It was not until then that he   44   that true love did exist and would survive beyond death. Every night as his grandfather grew more fragile, he would   45   sweet words to grandmother, Madge. The night before he died grandmother was walking out of his room and he said to her “I love you Madgie baby”.

    The next morning he received a phone call at work that grandfather had passed during the night. Throughout his short battle   46   cancer, he realized how much two people can love each other and he realized how much it means to be loved and give love. It is the greatest   47   on earth and it lasts beyond life because you never forget your one true love.

1.A. believed       B. proved               C. asked                D. realized

2.A. died           B. married          C. divorced         D. fought

3. A. ever          B. never                C. even             D. often

4.A. other than     B. less than            C. rather than          D. better than

5. A. took out          B. found out            C. set out              D. put out

6.A. strong         B. fat              C. short                D. weak

7.A. grandfather        B. grandmother      C. father               D. mother

8.A. no better      B. no worse         C. no less              D. no longer

9.A. realized           B. said             C. saw              D. mentioned

10.A. speak         B. shout                C. whisper          D. talk

11.A. by                B. in                   C. on               D. with

12.A. smile         B. battle               C. gift             D. surprise


Why should I teach my children history? That sounds like a stupid question to even ask. But, as I hear different home schooling teachers discuss history, I get the idea that there may be different reasons for teaching history. Let me briefly explain the three good reasons for studying history and two bad reasons for studying history.

The major reason I see for studying history is that we can learn from the past. I am convinced that the world would be a much better place if more people understood the successes and failures of the past and the things that made these successes and failures. However, as the unfortunately true statement goes “the one thing we seem to learn from history is that we don’t seem to learn from history ”. Perhaps at least in teaching history, to my children I can do a small part in changing this.

A second major reason for studying history is that it is hard to understand the current political climate in the absence of an understanding of its historical context. We can not even understand who we are and where we are without history, much less try to figure out where we are going or how we should get where we want to be.

I teach my children history, for one more reason. I purchased a set of historical audio tapes for our children. My seven-year-old son listened to them over and over. It was my hope that he would become inspired by the accomplishments of people like the Wright brothers to accomplish things by himself. I think that it is good that we celebrate the accomplishments of people like Martin Luther King Jr. In doing so, young people are called on to stand for the principles that he stood for and accomplish what he accomplished. I also think that by studying people like Adolph Hitler, people can learn to stand against the things that he stood for.(325words)

1. What message can we get from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

A. Many people aren’t clever enough to learn well from the past.

B. Many people fail to make good use of history and make the same mistakes.

C. Many people feel it hard to understand history.

D. Many people have no interest in studying history.

2. Some historical figures (人物)are mentioned in the last paragraph to show_____.

A. people can be inspired to do good, while also learning to fight against evil

B. people may also learn from bad historical figures

C. more celebrations should be held to honor their achievements

D. today’s people can also achieve what they achieved

3.What would be talked about in the following paragraph?

A. How to teach history effectively.         

B. Some negative reasons for studying history.

C. How to get more people to study history.  

D. Some bad historical figures.


It would be very exciting to be a reporter on a newspaper.As soon as a reporter's boss gives him a story to write,the reporter is on the job.He keeps his mind on what he is going to do.He does not begin writing the story until he knows what he should find out.He must know why he should write the story.

    At times a reporter must search hard to find all of the facts he needs for a story.The facts may not be right under his nose.To find the facts,he has to recognize important details.While gathering information for a story,he asks himself questions:Should I use this information? Is this an important fact?

    A reporter writes the story as fast as he can,so it can go right away into the newspaper.The story also needs a headline,which tells very quickly what the news story is about and is printed bigger and blacker than the rest of the news story.

    Every big newspaper has many reporters,because many stories are needed in the newspaper.Would you like to be one?

1.A reporter writes the story as fast as possible because       

    A.he wants it to go into the newspaper quickly

    B.people prefer to buy today’s newspaper

    C.he wants to have a rest

    D.he is good at writing it

2.Which statement is true according to the passage?

    A.Being a reporter is a tiring job.

    B.It is easy for a reporter to find the facts.

    C.The headline must tell the details of the news story.

    D.A reporter begins to write when knowing what he should find out.

3.Which is the writer’s opinion?

    A.A reporters boss is usually very hard to his men.

    B.The job of a newspaper reporter is exciting but not easy.

    C.Everyone can write a good news story.

    D.No one likes to be a reporter.

4.The passage is about       

    A.the job of a news reporter

    B.big newspapers in the world

    C.how to write the headline of all article

    D.how to gather information for a news story


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