摘要: It is common to do... --普遍. It is rather common for women to hold important positions in companies now. 如今女性在公司担任重要职位相当普遍.


In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes(想当然地认为)it's a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call comm.unicates its importance.  

In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the attention to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise(产生) between people from cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think if keeping a business associate waiting for an hour. It would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late is expected to make a short apology. If he is less than 5 minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. 

60. "The same meaning is attached to telephone calls after 11:00p.m." Here "attached" means _____.

A. taken       B. drawn        C. given          D. shown

61. According to this passage, time plays an importantt role in _____.  

A. everyday life                    B. school life

C. communication                    D. private life

62. The best title for this passage is _____.

A. The Voice of Time

B. The Importance of Time

C. The Importance of an Announcement 

D. Time and Tide Wait for No Man

63. According to the passage, the author of the article may agree to which of the following statements?  

A. It is appropriate to send your invitation cards three or four days before a dinner party date in U.S.A..

B. It may be appropriate to send your invitation cards to your guests three or four days before a dinner party date in some countries.

C. It is best for one to make telephone calls at eight because it costs much less.

D. If one is less than 5 minutes late, he has to make a short apology.


One topic is rarely mentioned in all the talk of improving standards in our schools: the almost complete failure of foreign-language teaching. As a French graduate who has taught for more than twenty-five years, I believe I have some idea of why the failure is so total.  21  the faults already found out in the education system as a whole — such as child-centred learning, the “discovery” method, and the low expectations by teachers of pupils — there have been several serious  22  which have a direct effect on language teaching.

The first is the removal from the curriculum (课程) of the thorough teaching of English  23 . Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun, the subject of a sentence from its object, or the difference between the past, present, or future.

Another important error is mixed-ability teaching, or teaching in ability groups so  24  that the most able groups are  25  and are bored while the least able are lost and  26  bored. Strangely enough, few head teachers seem to be in favour of mixed-ability school football teams.

Progress depends on memory, and pupils start to forget immediately they stop having 27  lessons. This is why many people who attended French lessons at school, even those who got good grades, have  28  it a few years later. Because they never need it, they do not practice it.

Most American schools have accepted what is inevitable and  29  modern languages, even Spanish, from the curriculum. Perhaps it is time for Britain to do the same, and stop  30  resources on a subject which few pupils want or need.

21. A. Due to                 B. In addition to       C. Instead of            D. In spite of

22. A. errors                  B. situations             C. systems               D. methods

23. A. vocabulary           B. culture                C. grammar             D. literature

24. A. wide                    B. similar                C. separate               D. unique

25. A. kept out               B. turned down        C. held back            D. left behind

26. A. surprisingly          B. individually         C. equally                D. hardly

27. A. extra                   B. traditional           C. basic                   D. regular

28. A. needed                 B. forgotten             C. practised             D. left

29. A. restored               B. absorbed             C. prohibited           D. withdrawn

30. A. wasting                B. focusing              C. exploiting            D. sharing


If you travel around the world , you will be surprised to find just how different the foreign customs can be from your own .

A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table . The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself . Also in India , you might see a man apparently shaking his head at another and assume that he is disagreeing . But in many parts of India a shake of the head is a gesture that shows agreement of acceptance .

Nodding your head when offered a drink in Bulgaria is likely to leave you thirsty . In that country you shake your head to indicate “yes” —a nod indicates “no”. The Arabs are known for their hospitality . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula , you will find that any drinking vessel (容器,器皿)is repeatedly refilled as soon as you drink it up .

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs when sitting talking to someone , even at an important meeting . Doing this when meeting an important person in Thailand , however , could cause offence . It is too informal an attitude for such an occasion . Also when in Thailand you are not supposed to touch the head of an adult —it’s just not done . In Japan , it is quite usual for men to plan evening entertainments for themselves and leave their wives at home . In Europe such attitudes are disappearing .

Customs vary from country to country . Visitors may be at a loss as to what to do in a foreign environment . In such circumstances , the golden rule to follow is : When in Rome , do as the Romans do .

60.In which country , a left — hand is not welcomed ?         .

       A.Thailand B.India       C Arabic peninsula D.Bulgaria

61.In which country , if someone shakes his head at another , it shows that he agrees or accepts ?


       A.Bulgaria B.Thailand C.China      D.Arabic Peninsula

62.Which of the following is impolite in Europe ?         .

       A.to cross your legs

       B.to touch the head of an adult

       C.That men plan evening entertainment and leave their wives at home

       D.To drain the glass in your hand

63.If you don’t know the customs in the country where you visit , the golden rule to follow is          .

       A.to do as the Romans do B.to do nothing

       C.to visit Rome only D.to do as the natives do


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