摘要: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are w while on Saturday and Sunday you can rest.


Our school library offers learning services, books and other things that help all members of the school to become good thinkers and clever users of information. It is linked (连接) to the larger library in the city and the World Wide Web. All these services are given according to the requirements of the Public Library Manifesto (声明).

  School library services must be given to all members of the school. Students of any age, class and grade can enjoy them. Different services must be given to those who are unable to use the main library services.

   Users of the library must follow the rules made by the library workers to keep it clean and tidy. The main rules are as follows:

1. Opening and closing times:

    Monday —Friday: 9 a.m. —9 p.m. during term time.

    Saturday: 9 a.m. —1p.m. throughout the year.

2. Admission (允许进入) and borrowing:

    Only people holding a library card shall be allowed in.

    Members can borrow 5 books at a time.

3. Behavior in the library:

   Silence shall be kept as much as possible in the library. No other books can be taken into the library. Library workers can help members use the books and other things in the library.

   When the library workers and teachers work together, students will get better reading, writing, and problem-solving skills.


1. What can students do in the school library?

  A. Get information from the Internet.   B. Read the Public Library Manifesto.

  C. Clean the library with workers.      D. Work together with the teachers.

2.When can students read in the library?

   A. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday.        B. 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.

  C. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.         D. 9 a. m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday.

3.What is the main aim of the school library services?

   A. To help readers communicate with each other.

  B. To help teachers work with the library workers.

  C. To help students develop good behaviors in the library.

  D. To help the users get more knowledge and skills.

4.How many books can you borrow at a time ?

  A. one          B. two          C. four          D. five





My First Days in New York

  Sunday 2nd July

  It’s amazing that I can stand on the New York City now.I can hardly believe my eyes even if I see the famous Statue of Liberty.I come from Perth, a quiet town in Scotland, and I haven’t seen much of the world.Luckily I can be one of the exchanged program students.We can stay here for 2 weeks.I am really excited about the following weeks.But before I came to New York, my instructor told me some differences between the English we and they speak.I am a little bit nervous.

  Monday 3rd July

  I’m really tired of the difference.I woke up at 2 o’clock and went out to have some food and sat at a table.Oil the pavement-or sidewalk, as they call it here.I was happy to sit and watch people.Sometimes I can overhear some American accent.I entered a small coffee shop and ordered something to eat.But the problem is that I couldn’t understand the waitress’ New York accent and she couldn’t understand mine.Later, I got a hamburger with crisps but I wanted chips.Then I walked back to my hotel and went to my room, which I knew was on the first floor.But in America, they say first floor instead of ground floor so I went into the wrong room.I felt so embarrassed! That was the worst moment for me.I felt far away from home even though Americans and British speak the same language.I was like a foreigner.But the American woman who was in the room laughed and said she had had the same problem in England.

  Sunday 16th July

  How time flies! I still remember the first day I came to New York but now I must leave her.The embarrassment was gone when I got used to the life here.I met some many friends and took Dart in lots of activities.My American friends made a fuss of me(大惊小怪)and they said my accent was so cute.Yesterday we held a goodbye party in their International Student Center-that’s “centre” where I come from.I will miss you, New York.











That“Monday morning feeling”could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves you sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break.
 The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study helped by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more than 2, 600 Germans showed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.
 Working Germans are particularly not protected against attack, with a 33 percent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.
 A study of 11, 000 Italians proved 8 a. m. on a Monday morning as the most stressful time for the heart, and both studies showed that Sunday is the least stressful day, with fewest heart attacks in both countries.
 The finding could lead to a better understanding of what is the immediate cause of heart attacks, according to Dr Stefan Willich of the Free University. “We know a lot about long-term risk factors such as smoking and cholesterol(胆固醇)but we don’t know what actually causes heart attacks, so we can’t give clear advice on how to prevent them, ”he said.
 Monday mornings have a double helping of stress for the working body as it makes a rapid change from sleep to activity, and from the relaxing weekend to the pressures of work.
 “When people get up, their blood pressure and heart rate go up and there are hormonal(内分泌)changes in their bodies, ”Willich explained. “All these things can have an unfavorable effect in the blood system and increase the risk of a clot(血凝块)which will cause a heart attack.”
 “When people return to work after a weekend off, the pace of their life changes. They have a higher workload, more stress, more anger and more physical activities,”said Willich.
【小题1】Monday morning feeling, as this passage shows, ________.

A.is not as serious as people thought 
B.is the first killer in Germany and Italy
C.is created by researchers in Germany and Italy
D.is harmful to working people in developed countries
【小题2】To protect people from a heart attack, doctors have paid much attention to ________.
A.people’s working timeB.people’s living place
C.people’s diet and lifestyleD.people’s nationalities
【小题3】It can be learned from this passage that the heart attack has something to do with all the following EXCEPT ________.
A.blood pressureB.heart rateC.hormonal changesD.blood type
【小题4】If the researchers give us some advice to avoid Monday morning feeling, what might it be?
A.Improve working conditions.B.Never go to work on Mondays.
C.Stay with a doctor on Mondays.D.Get up late on Monday mornings.


Our school library offers learning services, books and other things that help all members of the school to become good thinkers and clever users of information. It is linked (连接) to the larger library in the city and the World Wide Web. All these services are given according to the requirements of the Public Library Manifesto (声明).
  School library services must be given to all members of the school. Students of any age, class and grade can enjoy them. Different services must be given to those who are unable to use the main library services.
   Users of the library must follow the rules made by the library workers to keep it clean and tidy. The main rules are as follows:
1. Opening and closing times:
 Monday —Friday: 9 a.m. —9 p.m. during term time.
  Saturday: 9 a.m. —1p.m. throughout the year.
2. Admission (允许进入) and borrowing:
 Only people holding a library card shall be allowed in.
 Members can borrow 5 books at a time.
3. Behavior in the library:
 Silence shall be kept as much as possible in the library. No other books can be taken into the library. Library workers can help members use the books and other things in the library.
 When the library workers and teachers work together, students will get better reading, writing, and problem-solving skills.
【小题1】 What can students do in the school library?

A.Get information from the Internet.B.Read the Public Library Manifesto.
C.Clean the library with workers.D.Work together with the teachers.
【小题2】When can students read in the library?
A.8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday.B.10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.
C.9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday.D.9 a. m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday.
【小题3】What is the main aim of the school library services?
A.To help readers communicate with each other.
B.To help teachers work with the library workers.
C.To help students develop good behaviors in the library.
D.To help the users get more knowledge and skills.
【小题4】How many books can you borrow at a time ?


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