摘要: P to make the sound of ( a letter , a word,etc.)


Enjoy a museum visit with your class!

  Available(可获得的) Programs:

  Art Tells a Story: By looking at the subject matter and by drawing from personal experiences, students can find the story in some works of art. ( All grades)

  Learning to Look: An interactive (互动的)tour that explores a variety of (各种各样的)art using storytelling, movements, music, games, and other techniques helps introduce children to a museum. (Preschool~ Grade 3)

  Native American Collection: This program explores relationships that exist between art, culture, the geographic location and natural resources. Students will see a bowl made by Maria Martinez, a Towa storyteller, a Northwest coast mask, and Inuit clothing. ( For Grades 2~5)

  The Language of Art: Classes are welcomed into the museum to take part in an interactive tour of American Art. It gives participants a new set of vocabulary while helping them feel comfortable. Art-on-the-Move: Teachers may borrow suitcases filled with art objects. Free organizations with Education Membership.

  Planning Your Visit:

  Booking: Booking is necessary for all tours and programs. Please book at least a week in advance. Teachers are encouraged to organize self-guided visits for their classes during public hours.

  Tour Hours: Tours can be organized between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Program Fees: Tours are free for those with Education Membership. There is a charge of $6 per student of non-member organizations. Tour with art activities cost $12 per student (non-members) or $10 per student (members).

  Chaperones(保护人):We require one adult chaperone for every 10 children. Chaperones help to make your museum visit a success. A chaperone must pay $5 admission.

  Lunch: We regret that no lunch facilities are available at the museum.

  Museum Rules: Don’t touch works of art. Don’t take photographs.

  Ask questions. Look, and then LOOK again!


41. If teachers want their students to learn about what a museum is, they will choose________.

  A. Art Tells a Story. B. Learning to Look

C. The Language of Art.     D.Native American Collection.

42.Why does the museum feel sorry?

  A. Taking photos is not allowed at the museum.

B. Visitors can’t touch works of art at the museum.

  C. Visitors are not able to have lunch at the museum.

  D. Visitors can’t take part in all the activities at a time.

43. How much should the museum charge a class of 60 students with Education Membership for a tour with art activities?

  A. $600.      B. $630.     C. $720.   D. $750.

44. What do teachers need to do before leading their classes to the museum?

  A. To make bookings ahead of time.      

B. To try to get Education Membership.

  C. To learn about the history of the museum.

D. To ask for the permission of self-guided visits.

45. In which section of the newspaper does the passage most probably appear?

  A. Health.        B. News.        C. Culture.       D. Advertisement.

In the summer of 1978 an English farmer named Lan Stevens was driving his tractor through a field of wheat    1    he discovered something strange.

    Some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The    2    wheat formed a circle about six meters    3   . Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat. The five circles were in a formation    4    five dots on dice.

    Three years later a farmer who lived nearby discovered similar circles in one of his fields. These circles were    5    —nearly 15 meters across.

    That same year, yet another English farmer discovered three circles of flattened wheat on his land—one large circle    6    two small circles.

    During the    7    years, farmers in England found the mysterious circles in their fields more and more often. In 1987 they discovered 50 circles; in 1988, 98 circles; and in 1989, 270 circles.

    The circles are called “crop circles” because they appear in fields of grain—usually wheat or corn.

    The grain in the circles lies flat    8    but is never broken: it continues to grow horizontal, and farmers can later    9    it.

    Many people believe that beings from outer space are making the circles. Some think that the beings are trying to communicate    10    us from far away and that the crop circles are messages from them.

       11    believe that the beings have actually landed on earth and that the circles are  12 left by their spaceships. Several times people reported    13    strange flying objects near fields where crop circles later appeared.

    Scientists who have studied the crop circles say they're not sure what    14    them. They 15    several theories.

    For example, some scientists say that “microburst” of wind create the circles. A microburst is a    16    rush of cool air—the same downward rush of air that sometimes causes an airplane to crash.

    Other scientists say that forces    17    the earth cause the circles to appear.

    Experts from    18    have studied them. What do the experts    19    the crop circles? They say what Lan Stevens said: “They don't know how    20    these things.”


A. that                B. and

C. which             D. when


A. flat               B. flattened

C. flatting              D. have flattened


A. across              B. cross

C. around              D. round


A. alike               B. liking

C. like               D. as


A. larger             B. large

C. smaller             D. small


A. between            B. among

C. out               D. from


A. followed           B. following

C. last               D. next


A. to the ground        B. in the field

C. on the ground        D. on the earth


A. get               B. harvest

C. lost                D. miss


A. to                B. for

C. from              D. with


A. The other            B. Other

C. Another            D. Others


A. marks             B. signs

C. symbols            D. impressions


A. to see             B. have seen

C. seeing             D. saw


A. creates             B. leads

C. makes              D. happens


A. have given          B. put forward

C. makes              D. happens


A. forward            B. backward

C. upward             D. downward


A. in                   B. on

C. within             D. under


A. all over the country    B. all over the world

C. all over the school      D. all over the university


A. say of             B. speak of

C. say about            D. speak about


A. making of           B. made from

C. to make of          D. to make from



     Apparently,we are safe neither at home nor in the business office.We use water in both places,but the research shows that chemicals added to our local water supply to kill harmful bacteria can have unwanted side effects.These chemicals can cause potential harm through drinking and in seemingly harmless activities as cleaning one’s house.They are released(set free)from water by daily actions like water running out of tap,spraying from garden pipes,or splashing in dishwashers and washing machines.As the water is moving.these chemicals are released into the air and then breathed in. Once inside our bodies, they start to affect our health.

  Does this mean we should stop bathing? No, say the scientists, but we should put all pollution into perspective. Activities at home such as the burning of coal, cooking oil, or even candles release carbon monoxide and particulates such as cigarette ashes which have been proven as harmful to health as working or living near heavy traffic. New tugs, bedding, and even clothing give off that“new smell, ”which is a sure sign of chemicals. In the office, newly applied paint, newly purchased telephones and other telecommunications equipment, and computers release polluting chemicals, too. As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation (通风), these chemicals can build up to become health problems. Their poisonous effects are only now being slowly recognized.

  These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise warning. Home and office windows should be opened during good weather. Even one’s car needs to be ventilated as well while in the garage.

  We need further research to understand better other potential health dangers, too. For example, the effects of overcrowding of schools (carbon dioxide build-up ), the factory work environment ( an endless list of potentially dangerous substances ), and even home heating and cooling (the air conditioner may be our enemies, not our friends) have only recently started to come to light. Until we understand the effects of our new technological environment better, we can only hope that“there is no place like home.”

1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

  A.The air we breathe in is harmful.

B.Chemicals are released in the running water.

C.Chemicals are added to the drinking water.

  D. The water in everyday use is unsafe.

2..In Paragraph 2, the underlined sentence means that .

  A. homes and offices should be aired often

  B. any pollution should be taken into consideration

  C. bathing should be done with caution

  D.we should prevent any pollution from doing harm to us

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

  A.To call on us to guard our water.

  B.To show us that no place is like home.

  C.To make us aware of the pollution around us.

  D.To argue that neither homes nor offices are safe.



Sport not only is physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism (批评) from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive (过度的)amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological, and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.
  The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to work together with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parent's and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find a flaw(缺陷)in themselves.
  Coaches and parents, should also be careful that youth sport participation doesn't become the work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting(环境), young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches direct their attention on the outcome(=result)and find fault with young people’s performances. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates (积极强化激励) and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.
74. An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is________.
  A. to reduce their mental stress                 B. to increase their sense of stress
  C. to make sports less competitive               D. to make sports more challenging
75. According to the passage, sport is positive for young people in that________.
  A. it can create high levels of stress
  B. it enables them to find flaws in themselves
  C. it can provide them with valuable experiences
  D. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves
76. According to the passage parents and coaches should________.
  A. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports
  B. help children to win every game
  C. train children to deaf with stress
  D. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports
77.The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to________.
  A. teach young athletes how to avoid burnout
  B. persuade young children not to worry about criticism
  C. stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children
  D. discuss the skill of mixing criticism with encouragement


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