摘要: I could hardly believe my eyes but what I saw didn’t seem to have c me. 150. 高考英语单词拼写专项训练(16) 单词拼写 (共10题.每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给首字母.在句子后边的横线上.写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.


Mickey was a cheerful boy. He didn’t  36  whatever people said to him. He never  37
anyone. Even our teachers liked his  38  . I always wondered why he never got  39  . I found the secret in his bedroom.,
When I first came to Mickey’s house, I was  40  to the wall of his bedroom.The huge wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of  41  and shapes! “Some people at school think I never think  42  of anyone.”Mickey started to  43  to me, “and that nothing at all bothers me, but that’s not  44  . I used to get angry easily. But years ago,  45  the help of my  parents.I started a small collage.I could  46  any kind of material and color for it.On every little piece I stuck I  47  some bad thoughts.”
I looked  48  atthe wall. In each one of the small pieces I could read,in tiny  49 ,   “fool”, “idiot”, “pain”,“  50  ”, and a thousand other negative thing.
“Now I like the collage so much that, each time someone makes me angry, I couldn’t be 51  . They’ve given me a new piece for my work of art.”
I never  52  how an ordinary classmate had shown me the secret of changing the  53  times into a chance to smile.On that very day, I began my own  54 . I recommended it to my friends and we all became more  55  .

A.hurtB.acceptedC.helped D.begged
A.headB.body C.score D.character
A.proudB.excitedC.angry D.surprised
A.placesB.spotsC.photos D.colors
A.badlyB.seriouslyC.easily D.fully
A.showB.explainC.point D.shout
A. forB.withC.onD.at
A.gotB.lostC.found D.added
A.closelyB.completelyC.quickly D.slowly
A.lettersB.signsC.notes D.names
A.luck B.pleasureC.bore D.fun
A.busierB.sadderC.happier D.smarter
A.spokeB.judgedC.remembered D.forgot
A.madB.difficultC.popular D.good
A.collageB.paintingC.design D.dance


Mrs Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, Mrs Amatuli asked me if she could  36  my sandwiches. She explained that I could use the money to buy a   37  lunch from the cafeteria(自助餐厅). I was   38. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was  39   expensive for my family, and I always carried my lunch and brought the bag back home to   40  again the next day.

       You can understand my   41  when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch. Kids always   42  about the cafeteria food but I was very  43  of them.

       When we  44  lunch that day, Mrs Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to   45 why she had bought my sandwiches. I really didn't care why,   46  it gave me a few minutes of her precious  47   so I was very quiet as she explained.

You  48  , she was a Catholic(天主教徒) and she told me that Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays—they ate  49  on Fridays.

Oh, I couldn't   50  to get home and tell my Mom that from then on I wanted fish on Fridays.  51  my Mom understood why, she gladly fixed fish for me on Fridays. From then on, every Friday I could get in  52  with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about the cafeteria food—it  53  great to me!

I realize now that Mrs Amatuli   54   have fixed herself a fish sandwich on Fridays. She bought my sandwiches because she saw a little girl who was pleased over the simple

   55  of having a hot lunch.

A. buy           B. have         C. try          D. eat

A. cheap          B. big         C. hot         D. delicious

A. sad            B. disappointed C. confused  D. excited

A. rather          B. too         C. very        D. quite

A. use            B. eat          C. fill          D. carry

A. mind           B. anxiety       C. delight      D. interest

A. complained  B. worried      C. talked       D. cared

A. fond           B. hopeful      C. proud        D. envious

A. bought        B. finished      C. had         D. prepared

A. explain         B. discuss       C. tell         D. cover

A. as            B. while      C. so         D. but

A. idea         B. attention     C. advice      D. thought

A. think           B. believe       C. see          D. say

A. chicken        B. beef        C. vegetables  D. fish

A. expect          B. wait         C. wish       D. long

A. Because        B. So          C. Before           D. After

A. touch          B. line         C. way        D. trouble

A. tasted          B. sounded     C. looked           D. smelled

A. should          B. need        C. could      D. must

A. act             B. question     C. measure     D. gesture


The first time that I had heard the term“EQ”was in the fall of 1995 when the book Emotional Intelligence,by Daniel Goleman,was widely covered by the American press.The widespread research presented in the book supported my own observations and doubts about life and emotions,and told me that I was on the right track to go after happiness.The research continues to confirm what I had concluded on my own: These feelings are extremely important to individual health,happiness,and social harmony.This might seem a bit obvious,but it was not always obvious to me.

I grew up in a family where we didn’t talk about feelings.We talked about ideas,concepts and principles.As a result,I could tell you what I thought about everything,but I couldn’t tell you how I felt about anything.After several failed relationships,I took time off to reflect on my life and realized I had made many decisions which resulted in unhappiness for myself and others.After studying the literature on emotions and feelings,I concluded that most of my poor decisions could be directly due to what is now called low emotional intelligence,or low EQ,for short.Previously,I struggled to find happiness through the traditional routes—material success.Now,however,I realize that:

There’s not much point having either wealth or relationships if you aren’t happy.

It is hard to be happy with others if you aren’t happy yourself.

It is hard to be happy alone if you don’t feel good about yourself,i.e.have high self­esteem and self­confidence.

It is hard to have good feelings about yourself if you don’t have good emotional management skills.

Emotional management skills,the main subject of EQ,are,therefore,one of the most basic elements of happiness.

56.The author’s views and ideas about life were exactly proved by ________.

A. the widespread reports in American newspapers

B. own observations and doubts about life and emotions

C. the fact that he was on the right track to go after happiness

D. ideas and views in the book Emotional Intelligence

57.The author’s family members ________.

A. are wise and hard­working                      B. are wealthy and strong

C. are not good at expressing their own feelings        D. get along badly with each other

58.Before reading the book,the author thought he could have happiness ________.

A. if he could earn a lot of money                   B. if he could avoid poor decisions

C. if he took time off to reflect on his life             D. if he ignored the traditional routes

59.A person who can’t feel happy himself ________.

A. will feel happy with lots of friends                B. will not get on well with others

C. has no self­esteem at all                         D. should read the new book on EQ

60.Loneliness most probably comes from ________.

A. lack of self­confidence and self­esteem             B. lack of the presence of others

C. lack of good relationships with others              D. lack of wealth and health


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