摘要: -------Did Helen go to school on time yesterday ? -------Yes .It was not yet seven o’clock she arrived at school. A.when B.that C.before D.until


Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world,but there have only been few players who were truly great.How did these players get that way—was it through practice,or are great players “born,not made”? First,these players come from places that have had famous stars in the past—players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate.In the history of soccer,only six countries have ever won the World Cup—three from South America and three from Western Europe.    —or a really great player—from North America or from Asia.Second,these players have all had years of practice in the game.Alfredo Di Stefano was the son of a soccer player,as was Pele.Most players began playing the game at the age of three or four.

  Finally,many great players come from the same kind of neighourhood—a poor,crowded area where a boy’s dream is not to be a doctor,lawyer,or businessman,but to become a rich,famous athlete or entertainer.For example,Liverpool,which produced the Beetle,has one of the best English soccer teams in recent years.Pele practiced in the street with a “ball” made of rags.And George Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off a wall in the slums of Belfast.

  All great players have a lot in common,but that doesn’t explain why they are great.Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets,but only one became Pele.The greatest players are born with some unique quality that sets them apart from all the others.

1.What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

  Generally,where there are great respectable soccer players,such players will come into being.

3..Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the

  sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)

4.To be a great soccer player,he needs some qualities.What quality do you think is the most

  important? (Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.




  Today we will talk about expressions with “apple”.“Apple pie order” means very well organized.Nobody is sure when and where this expression began.It is said that the women of New England loved to have everything in its place, especially when they were making apple pie.

  Another expression “apple of discord” describes the opposite condition.The ancient story says that all the gods and goddesses were celebrating a marriage when Discord, one of the gods, threw a golden apple on the table which was to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess.How could they choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus? When Paris decided to give the golden apple to Venus, Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened(威胁)him.This began the long Trojan War.

  Calling a tomato “a love apple” was a mistake.In the sixteenth century, Spain imported the tomato from South America to Morocco, and then Italian businessmen took it to Italy.The Italian name for the tomato was pomo di Moro-apple of the Moors(荒野).When French growers imported it from Italy, they thought di Moro meant d’amour, the French word for love.And so pomo di Moro became the apple of love.

  People believe many things about the apple.One belief is that it has great powers of keeping people healthy.“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Another belief is based on fact.“One rotten apple spoils the barrel.” The expression has come to mean that one bad person in a group can cause everyone to act badly.


Which of the following expressions means badly organized?

[  ]


Apple pie order.


Apple of discord.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


One rotten apple spoils the barrel.


Which of the following statements is WRONG?

[  ]


Discord is the name of a god.


Di Moro means love in Italian.


“Apple pie order” means very well organized.


Many people believe apples can keep them healthy.


We can most probably hear this passage in a radio program about _________.

[  ]


famous people in America


traveling in America


eating in America


words and their stories



  Soil conservation(保护)efforts protect soil from wind and water that can blow or wash it away.[1]_________ One important form of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks.Windbreaks stop the wind from blowing soil away.They also keep the wind from destroying or damaging crops.Windbreaks are barriers formed by trees and other plants with many leaves.[2]_________ Windbreaks are effective when a wall of trees and other plants blocks the wind.The windbreaks should also limit violent motions of the wind to those areas closest to the windbreak.

  [3]_________ If the wall of trees and plants stops wind completely, then violent air motions will take place close to the ground.These motions cause the soil to lift up into the air where it will be blown away.[4]_________ An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to ten times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak.There should be at least two lines in each windbreak.One line should be large trees.The second line, right next to it, can be formed from shorter trees and other plants with leaves.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind.They can also provide wood products.[5]_________

a.Windbreaks seem to work best when they allow a little wind to pass through.

b.Good soil produces food crops for both humans and animals.

c.For the long term, trees will be planted throughout the area to act as windbreaks which will provide adequate protection.

d.Farmers plant windbreaks in lines around their fields.They are very important when grains such as wheat are grown.

e.Plantations are also sometimes known as “man made forests” or “tree farms”.Environmental Plantations may be established for watershed or soil protection.These are established for erosion control, landslide stabilization and windbreaks reduce carbon di oxide and increase oxygen levels in atmosphere.

f.These include wood for fuel and longer pieces for making fences.Locally grown trees and plants are best for windbreaks.

g.For this reason, a windbreak is best if it has only 60 to 80 per cent of the trees and plants needed to make a solid line.


阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案

    There are many differences between the living conditions of   people in the Los Angeles area and those of Topeka, Kansas. For   example, the Los Angeles area offers many places to go and see, but in   Topeka the places are limited. Places such as Disneyland and Knott's   Berry Farm or even the mountains and ocean, which are common to Los   Angeles, provide the area with entertainment, for example.


    Another major contrast (对照) between the two geographic areas is   in the field of job opportunities. Los Angeles has many industries,   which in turn create job opportunities, but in the Topeka area there   are only a few industries and thus few job opportunities. Also, the   people working at their jobs in Topeka stay with the same job for many   years because of the limited opportunity for advancement. By contrast,   the job advancement opportunity in the Los Angeles area is much better   because there are more jobs to begin with and, therefore, people will   change jobs more freely.


    An equally important contrast is the variation of shopping places.   In Los Angeles anyone can shop around for the best deal before making   a major purchase, such as a new car; in Topeka there are few shopping   places, especially shopping centers and car dealers. Thus people in   Topeka do not have the choice in the first place, nor can they make   the deals that the people in Los Angeles can.


    On the whole the Los Angeles area has many advantages over the   entire Topeka, Kansas area.


(1) Which is the diagram showing the right relation of the places mentioned in the passage?

 (Lo = Los Angeles  Di = Disneyland      To = Topeka     Ka = Kansas)      

[    ]


(2) Which is NOT talked about in the passage?

[    ]

A. There are many more places to visit in Los Angeles than in Topeka.       

B. Los Angeles has a larger population than Topeka.      

C. It is easier for one to find a job in Los Angeles than in  Topeka.      

D. It is more difficult for people in Topeka to change a job  than those in Los Angeles.   

(3) The reason for more job opportunities in Los Angeles than in Topeka is that __________.

[    ]

A. there is a major difference between the two geographic areas      

B. there are more people in Los Angeles      

C. there are many industries in Los Angeles      

D. there are limited opportunities in Topeka   

(4) In the writer's eyes, if you want to make a good choice before  buying a new car, go to ___________.

[    ]

A. Los Angeles  B. Topeka      C. Disneyland   D. Kansas   

(5)  According to the article, we believe __________.

[    ]

A. the writer likes Los Angeles best      

B. the writer prefers life in Los Angeles to that in Topeka      

C. the writer lives in Los Angeles      

D. Topeka is better than Los Angeles



Ea sy Way s to Keep Your Brain Sharp

  Everyone i s forgetful, but a s we age, we start to feel like our brain s are slowing down a bit-and that can be a very annoying thing.  1   Read on for some technique s worth trying.

  1.  2  

  People who regularly made plan s and looked forward to upcoming event s had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer' s di sea se(老年性痴呆症), according to a recent study.  3   Something a s simple a s setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do.There' s evidence that people who have a purpo se in life or who are working on long or short-term goal s appear to do better.In other word s, keep your brain looking forward.

  2.Go for a walk.

  Mildly rai sed glucose(葡萄糖)level s can harm the area of the brain that help s you form memorie s and phy sical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal level s.In fact, exerci se produce s chemical s that are good for your brain.  4  

  3.Learn something new.

  Take a Spani sh cla s s online, join a drawing club, or learn to play card s.A study found that mental stimulation limit s the weakening effect s of aging on memory and the mind.But the be st thing for your brain i s when you learn something new and are phy sically active at the same time.  5   Or you can ju st go dancing with your friend s.

A.Focu s on the future.

B.Thi s can be e specially harmful to the aged.

C.It should be something like learning gardening.

D.So take a few minute s each day to do some reading.

E.But don't worry if our schedule i sn't filled with life-changing event s.

F.Luckily, re search show s there i s a lot you can do to avoid tho se moment s.

G.In other word s, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.


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