摘要:3.The text is mainly about . A.the China-U.S.relations B.the Nixon Library C.President Nixon D.the Youth Summit (C篇) At 9:00 Dick Spivak’s bank telephoned and said his payment was late .`The check is in the post ,’Dick replied quickly .At 11:45 Dick left for a 12:00 meeting across town .Arriving late , he explained that traffichad been bad .That evening , Dick’s girlfriend wore a new dress , he hated it .`It looks just great on you,’he said . Three lies in one day ! Yet Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man .Each time , he told himself that sometimes the truth causes too many problems .Most of us tell much the same white lies , harmless untruths that help to save trouble .How often do we tell white lies ? It depends in part on our age , education , and even where we live .According to one U.S.study , women are more truthful than men , and honesty increases as we get older . While most people use little white lies to make life easier , the majority of Americans care , about honesty in both public and personal life .They say that people today are less honest than they were ten years ago .Althought it is believed that things are getting worse , lying seems to be an age-old human problem .The French philospherVauvenarges , writing in the eighteenth century , touched on the truth when he wrote ,`All men are born truthful and die liars.’


Due to the increasing number of violence acts produced in schools all over the world, more and more parents prefer to have their children educated at home rather than at school. This way they can assure their safety and well-being,although teachers and school representatives are trying to improve the situation in schools by increasing the number of the persons in charge of the safety of the students.

The main reason for violence acts are the films and cartoons that fill the children’s time.They want to do everything.they watch on TV and never think at the consequences,and they may hurt a classmate or a teacher.

On the other hand, parents are not fully satisfied with the children’s results obtained in classes and they consider private classes would have better results.

When a teacher has to watch 30 students in class he can’t probably see what each of them is doing,how he is writing,or if he understands the explanations.At home the teacher can explain in details everything the child doesn’t understand as many times as he considers proper.

And many times,the child grows fond of the teacher at home,who becomes his best friend,and who helps him whenever he needs someone to talk to.    

However, the best solution would be a mixture between the education received at school and that at home,because school makes children communicate and socialize.Keeping a child at home for fear that there might be something bad happening to him only makes the child’s character weak and prevents him from knowing what real life is.Staying in a crystal ball only does harm to the child.

All in all,schools have been created to help children,not to harm them,so it’s best to keep children in these special places,where they learn,laugh,have fun and make new friends.

53.The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to          .

A.teach parents the ways to keep theft children safe

B.show solutions to developing children’s character

C.explain the main reason for violence acts in schools

D.analyze an education problem and give opinions

54.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Classes

B.Who is to Blame.Parents or Schools?   

C.which is Better, School Study or Home Study  

D.The Relationship between Teachers and Children   

55.Parents prefer to have their children educated at home because the following EXCEPT that            

A.More and more violence acts occur in schools   

B.Parents want to improve their Children's grades   

C.Parents are concerned about their children’s safety

D.The education system is far from satisfactory   

56. We can infer from the passage that          .

A.violence TV programs have bad effects on children’s behavior

B.the teacher at home is more patient than the teacher at school

C.children today are weak from lack of sense of right and wrong

D.there ale too many students in class for a teacher to teach



Welcome to one of the largest collections of footwear (鞋类) in the world that will make you green with envy. Here at the Footwear Museum you can see exhibits (展品) from all over the world. You can find out about shoes worn by everyone from the Ancient Egyptians to pop stars.

Room 1

The celebrity (名人) footwear section is probably the most popular in the entire museum. Stared in the 1950s there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebrities’ choice of footwear extremely interesting.

Room 2

Most of our visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear. For example, there are Chinese shoes made of Silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much!

Room 3

As well as shoes and boots, the museum also exhibits shoe shaped objects. The variety is unbelievable. For example, there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair of shoes, and Greek wine bottles that look like legs!

The Footwear Library

People come from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library. Designers and researchers come here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear.

1. Where would you find a famous singer’s shoes?

A.Room 1.                              B.Room 2.

C.Room 3.                              D.The Footwear Library.

2.All exhibits in each room _____.

A.share the same theme

B.have the same shape

C.are made of the same material

D.belong to the same social class

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Room 2 is the most visited place in the museum.

B.Researchers come to the Footwear Library for data.

C.The oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.

D.Room 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.

4. The purpose of the text is to get more people to _____.

A.do research                           B.design shoes

C.visit the museum                        D.follow celebrities



Clothes can make phone calls, play music, dial your pal's number, keep you warm during cold weather and operate your computer.

This is not a fantasy. A British company, called electro­texiles, has created a wide range of clothes—clothes tha have minds of their own ! Scientists, working for the company, have invented a kind of fabric that can be mixed with flexible electronic materials to create intelligent clothing. The results are electronic garments.

If you think the weather has to be wired to different devices, think again. These designer clothes are wirefree, soft to touch and washable! Like any electronic device, these high­tech clothes have to be powered. Currently, a tiny nine­volt battery serves the purpose. But the researchers hope that in the near future the clothes will generate electricity by using body heat. These clothes are 100% shockproof, they say.

The electrotexiles team has also created the world's first cloth keyboard. These keyboard can be sewn into your trousers or skirt. To use this device, you will have to sit down and tap on your lap! These “lap­tap” devices are all set to take over laptop computers!

Another useful garment is the shirt­cum­mobile phone. This handy invention enables drivers to chat comfortably with others at the wheel! Other popular electronic wears include the denim (牛仔布) jacket with flexible earphones sewn into the hoop and the electronic ski jacket with a built­in heater. The ski jacket is also programmed to send signals to a satellite. This technology is known as global positioning system and can be used to track lost skiers and wandering kids.

Having completed the cloth keyboard, scientists have already started to work on a new project—a necktie that can be used as a computer mouse. What is the next? Do you have any idea?

60.The electronic garments are similar to other electronic devices in that ________.

A. they feel smooth and soft  

B. they use electricity as power

C. they can be washed in water 

D. they are made from flexible materials

61.How will researchers improve these high­tech clothes?

A. Body heat will be used as power.

B. The wearer will not get shocked.

C. A tiny nine­volt battery will work. 

D. They will get charged automatically.

62.The main purpose of the text is________.

A. to advertise for an English company

B. to predict the future trend of the products in the company

C. to show how rapidly science develops

D. to introduce some intelligent (智能的) clothing in the company

63.It can be inferred that the author's attitude towards the company is ________.

A. negative (消极的)   B. casual 

C. optimistic   D. doubtful


People say time is relative.But relative to what.I do know that sometimes time“seems”to be moving slower.Remember Christmas Eve when you were a child? It was the longest night of the year.It lasted forever! And now it seems like I just paid my bill yesterday...and it’s due again!  

People tell me all too frequently…I need more time! Oh ,really?…Mother Teresa,Michelangelo,and Helen Keller all had 24 hours a day.Look what they did with their time!

Is it that we need to manage our time better…or our priorities(重点)?You’ve heard the expression“first things first.”The first step in understanding the power of time is to understand that it is limited.Why is it then that some people get a lot more done? We know the answer.They use their time smartly.   

One day an expert on time management was speaking to a group of students and announced a quiz.He pulled out a wide-mouthed jar.Next,he placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks,one at a time , into the jat, until no more would fit.“Is it full?” he asked.”Yes,”responds the class.”Oh really?” he asked.So he took out a bucket of gravel(砂砾), which he managed to work down into the spaces between the larger rocks.“Is it full now?” he asked.

Wising up,one answered,‘'Probably not.”Sure enough, he took out a bucket of sand,which he poured into the empty spaces.”Is it full now?” he asked.”No,” reply the students confidently.So he took a glass of water and filled it in.Then he asked,“What is my point?’’

One said,‘'No matter how full your schedule is,if you try really hard,you can always fit some more things into it!”

“No,”the speaker replied,“It tells us if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.’’

What are the big rocks? The things you should put in to your jar first.

The rich don’t get 25 hours and the poor don’t get 23…we all get the same.Let’s use them wisely! Invest your time wisely!

49.What does the point of the quiz lie in_______.

A.How to put more things into ajar. B.How well the students learn the lesson.

C.How to get more done in limited time      D.The skill and order is very important.

50. “The big rocks”in this passage refers to_______?

A.difficult points.        B.advantages     C.minor things           D.focuses

51. How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By inferring.             B.By comparing.

C.By listing examples.        D.By giving facts.

52. The text is written mainly            

A.to explain the origin of the expression “first things first”

B.to call on us to use our time in a smart manner   

C.to introduce a meaningful class given by an expert

D.to tell us about the relativity and the power of time



Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world in 2013,and the US is just 16th. A new study made by the Economist Intelligence Unit says American babies will have a dimmer(暗淡)future than those born in Hong Kong,Ireland and even Canada. The EIU,a sister company of The Economist,tried to measure how well countries will provide the best opportunities for a healthy,safe and prosperous life in years to come.

People born in Switzerland will tend to be the happiest and have the best quality of life in terms of wealth,health and trust in public institutions,according to the analysis. The Scandinavian countries of Norway,Sweden and Denmark also all make the top five in a‘quality-of-lif e’index(指数)where it is best to be born next year.

One of the most important factors is being rich,but other factors come into play including crime,trust in public institutions and the health of family life. In total,the index takes into account 11 factors. These include fixed factors such as geography,others that change slowly over time such as demography (人口学) social and cultural characteristics, and the state of the world economy. The index also looks at income per head in 2030,which is roughly when children born in 2013 will reach adulthood. Small economies take up the top 10 countries,with Australia coming second and New Zealand and the Netherlands not too far behind.

Half of the top 10 countries are European,but only one,the Netherlands,is from the eurozone. The crisis-ridden south of Europe,including Greece,Portugal and Spain,falls behind despite the advantage of a favourable climate. Interestingly,the largest European economies-Germany,France and Britain-do not do particularly well. Nigeria has the unenviable(不值得羡慕的)title of being the worst country for a baby to enter the world in 2013.

1.According to the passage,the happiest people live in      ·

A.Denmark          B.Switzerland        C.Germany          D.Nigeria

2.The factors of telling the best place to be born don’t include      

A.economy                             B.geography

C.trust in public institutions                 D.pollution

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.The Economist Intelligence Unit is a company.

B.The Economist attempted to measure the best place to live.

C.The Scandinavian countries are hardly at the top of the list.

D.Half of the top 10 countries are from the eurozone.

4.The purpose of the text is to show people      

A.the best place to be born in 2013

B.a new study made by the EIU

C.the worst country to be born in 2013

D.the factors of measuring the best place to be born



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