摘要: approach v. 靠近,接近 n. 途径,方式


1. Bob is fascinated with movies that employ modern digital photography techniques. He would also like to take
    a breathless journey across cliffs and into the depths of oceans by watching movies of that type.
2. Olga is fond of history drama based on the true story and movies of royal topics are also his favorite.
3. Scott is looking to have a relaxing evening. He would like to choose a comedy but he doesn't like love stories.
    He prefers a situation where a dilemma occurs.
4. Ann would like to see a romance comedy with light-hearted, humorous plotlines. The stories between a man
    and a woman never fail to appeal to him.
5. David is crazy about outer space creatures. He is always looking forward to films that promise adventure and
     Since college, confirmed bachelor Ronny
and happily married Nick have been through
thick and thin. Now partners in an auto design
firm, the two friends are trying to land a dream
project that would launch their company. And
they seem to be unbeatable But, Ronny's world
is turned upside down when he accidentally
sees Nick's wife out with another man and
makes it his mission to get answers. He soon
learns that Nick has a few secrets of his own.
Now, Ronny is wondering how and when he
will reveal the truth to his best friend.
     The 3D action-thriller Sanctum follows
a team of underwater cave divers on an
expedition to the largest, most beautiful and
least accessible cave system on Earth. When
a tropical storm forces them deep into the
caverns, they must fight raging water and
creeping panic as they search for an unknown
escape route to the sea. With dwindling
supplies, the crew must navigate an underwater
labyrinth to make it out. Soon, they are
faced with the unavoidable question: Can
they survive, or will they be trapped forever?
     Megamind is a super-intelligent alien
who-at only eight days old-is sent to Earth
by his parents as his home planet is destroyed
by a black hole. However, he lands in the
Prison for the CriminallyGifted at Metro City,
thanks to another infant alien similarly sent
from a different planet who eventually becomes
a superhero known as Metro Man, defender of
the fictional Metro City. Realizing that he is
only gifted in causing trouble, and jealous of all
of the attention and praise young Metro Man
receives, Megamind becomes a supervillain (超
级坏蛋) to compete against Metro Man.
     A famous plastic surgeon meets the
woman of his dreams only to find their future
thrown into darkness when his playboy past
comes back to haunt him Danny has a unique
approach to picking up women-in order to
break the ice and gain their sympathy, he
pretends to be stuck in an unhappy marriage.
The instant he produces his wedding ring,
the deal is all but done. But when Danny
finally meets a woman that he really would
want to many, he abandons his usual approach
for something a bit more subtle.
     Two young couples are driving through a
remote forest when their car breaks down.
They get out to repair it and by the time they
have fixed it, it appears to be night. To their
surprise, a bear appears. Instead of getting
back in the car and leaving, they shoot the bear
and kill it. Suddenly another bear comes along,
turns over the car and starts to chase them.
Even worse, they have no phone signal...

     After the death of his father King
George V, Bertie who has suffered from a
debilitating speech impediment (言语障碍)
all his life, is suddenly crowned King
George VI of England. With his country on
the brink of war and in desperate need of a
leader, his wife, Elizabeth, arranges for her h
usband to see a speech therapist, Lionel.
After a rough start, the King will overcome
his stammer and deliver a radio-address that
inspires his people and unites them in battle.


The Americans are desperate, and with good reason, they have successfully kept the U.S. economy in__21__ after the financial crisis, but the problem is far from over. Despite a moderate recovery, the lack of job creation is serious. Many U.S. leaders rightly see jobs as the key to their country’s __22__and avoiding a second dip. The lack of a solution is fast becoming a political one as the November elections approach. Recent __23__ to get tough with China are gaining momentum(势头)in various quarters. The charge that China is the __24__of the U.S.-led financial crisis in the West looks ridiculous in the East. But we should at least give it a proper response.

The logic goes like __25__: China is the cause of America’s cheap money, and cheap money is the cause of the crisis. This is like saying a kid is corrupt(挥霍无度) __26__ he has a rich father who makes his wild spending possible; to cure the kid’s problem, you have to rein in(鞭笞)the father. This is not a very good parallel. But the United States is spending the money it borrowed from China.

There is a big gap between cheap money and wild spending on one side and irresponsible lending on __27__. You can pay down your mortgage faster and spend only what you have left, or you can take out a second mortgage to have an expensive vacation and buy a new S.U.V. Many Americans  __28__ the latter path. But who is __29__? The banks? Yes! But China?

The West must recognize that its problem — and its solution — come from within. What China did or did not do did not create the financial crisis. What China will do or not do would not solve their problems. But China can help and it is willing. And you are not going to get it by getting __30__ with China.

21. A. time          B. balance          C. calm          D. result

22. A. recovery       B. crisis            C. door          D. election

23. A. talks          B. calls             C. speaking      D. saying

24. A. reason         B. source           C. cause         D. supply

25. A. it             B. that             C. this           D. which

26. A. because        B. so              C. why           D. but

27. A. another        B. other            C. others         D. the other

28. A. picked up      B. selected          C. chose          D. elected

29. A. blame         B. blamed           C. blaming       D. to blame

30. A. along          B. away            C. tough          D. well


It was the summer of 1965. DeLuca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked DeLuca about his plans for the future. “I’m going to college, but I need a way to pay for it,” DeLuca recalls saying. “Buck said, ‘You should open a sandwich shop.’ ”

That afternoon, they agreed to be partners, and they set a goal: to open 32 stores in ten years. After doing some research, Buck wrote a check for $1000. DeLuca rented a storefront(店面) in Connecticut, and when they couldn’t cover their start-up costs, Buck kicked in another $1000.

But business didn’t go smoothly as they expected. DeLuca says, “After six months, we were doing poorly, but we didn’t know how badly, because we didn’t have any financial controls.” All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.

DeLuca was managing the store and going to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. They’d meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running. “We persuaded ourselves to open a second store. We figured we could tell the public, ‘We are so successful; we are opening a second store.’ ” And they did—in the spring of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.

But the partners’ learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday, DeLuca would drive around and hand-deliver the checks to pay their suppliers(供应商). “It probably took my two and a half hours and it wasn’t necessary, but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the personal relationships established really helped out.” DeLuca says.

And having a goal was also important, “There are so many problems that can get you down. You just have to keep working toward your goal,” DeLuca adds.

DeLuca ended up founding Subway Sandwich, the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.

1.DeLuca opened the first sandwich shop in order to__________.

A.support his family

B.pay for his college education

C.help his partner expand business

D.do some research

2.Which of the following is true of Buck? 

A.He put money into the sandwich business.

B.He was a professor of business administration.

C.He was studying at University of Bridgeport.

D.He rented a storefront for DeLuca.

3.What can we learn about their first shop?

A.It stood at an unfavorable place.

B.It lowered the price to promote the sales.

C.It made no profits.

D.It lacked control over the quality of sandwiches.

4.They decided to open a second store because they_______. 

A.had enough money to do it

B.had succeeded in their business

C.wished to meet the increasing demand of customers

D.wanted to make believe that they were successful



There is no doubt that Apple is well aware of the increased competition in the market and could be in a hurry to put another product out there, said Ramon Llamas, senior research analyst at IDC Mobile Devices Technology and Trends. Given its history with product launches and business policy, though, Apple probably isn’t going to rush an iPhone release simply to put it on shelves, he said.

“If you’re Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), you’re thinking if you want to pay more attention to how to keep growing that bottom line and keep investors(投资人) happy, or continue with the same approach from Apple, which is do what we can do and manage products and releases in the best way they can work for us. Apple usually does things in their own time, and I’m having a hard time buying this May or June timeline.” Llamas told Mac News World.

While it’s probable that Apple is surely in a testing stage for its next smartphone, consumers likely have a standard wait for the finished product, said Colin Gibbs, analyst at GigaOm Pro.

“It typically takes a year or longer to create a state-of-the-art smartphone, so no one should be surprised Apple is in the testing stages with the next iPhone. And while it’s possible that Apple could launch the next iPhone this spring or summer, I’m not expecting to see it until a little later in the year,” he told Mac News World.

When it does launch, though, it could be in a variety of colors, said Gibbs. “Apple has already tested the waters with releasing colored products when it revamped (更新,翻新)its iPod line last fall, so it is understood that it would want the new change with its smartphone, as well”.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the new iPhone becomes available in some new colors,’’ he said. “That could be done pretty cheaply, and it would give Apple a new marketing angle.”

1.According to Ramon Llamas, Apple always ______.

A. tries to please its investors

B. rushes to put new products to market

C. ignores the fierce market competition

D. does things as planned

2.As for the next iPhone, Colin Gibbs didn’t mention ______.

A. the stage of its being tested

B. the rough time of its being released

C. the function to be improved

D. the wide variety of its color

3.What’s Colin Gibbs’ attitude towards the next iPhone?

A. Disapproving.    B. Indifferent (漠不关心的).      C. Doubtful.     D. Objective.

4.This passage is presented in the form of ______.

A. stories            B. comments           C. advertisements         D. debates



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