摘要: academic a. 学术的,高等院校的,研究院的



A. Want to keep abreast of the dynamic pulse of China’s economy? Get a glance at the most important business activities taking place here every day through Business Daily Update, a service offered by China Daily information via the World Wide Web.

B. Our present headmaster has reached retirement age and the board wants to carry out the replacement in 2011. If you are a qualified and experienced individual and have the vision, energy and enthusiasm to lead the school into a new era, please write for further information.

C. Want a Mini Cooper but can’t fit the family inside? Get one for the teens. They can jump into this Mini car, which comes in hot orange with a single adjustable seat, and ride away. But it could spoil them for that used car they’ll be driving.

D. National Institute of Physics, Durgapur, invites applicants possessing consistently good academic background, with commitment to quality teaching and potential for carrying out outstanding research, for faculty positions at the level of Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer in the Mechanics department. Interested candidates can apply at any time.

E. Today in business fast is no longer fast enough, even faster is still too slow to keep pace with the incredible demands placed on people and the computers they work with. That’s one reason why IBM developed P60/D. 60MHz 64-bit Pentium Chip computers so fast, so powerful.

F. If you want to be a success, the University of Waikato is right for you. We offer a wide choice of bachelor’s degrees for international students, including Arts, Communication Studies, etc. Tuition fees are different from department to department, generally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. You can have a room in a 4-bedroom flat about $100 a month.


1.Austin E. Meredith, who graduated Northwest Normal university in 1985 and has worked for 14 years and now an expert in a research institute on morality and education in the city. He wrote several works concerning about psychological behavior, issues on educational management, etc. He’s a scholar full of creativity and passion.

2.Johnson Bolton, a professor of macroeconomics, is currently on a tour to Shenzhen, China and is due to give a lecture on the tendency of the world economy in Shenzhen People’s Auditorium soon. He’s keen on the information and news about the eastern world.

3.Luise Chen, a would-be Chinese senior high school graduate, is longing for a certain international higher education. She’s never been abroad and eagerly know something about international recognition, the degree, yearly tuition fees and accommodation.

4.Philip Wong, a young overseas Chinese as an engineer from a Singapore electronic corporation, has just arrived in Shenzhen for China Hi-Tech Fair, which is now the largest and most influential in China about technological and technical achievements covering trades, exhibitions, forums, technologies and investment projects.

5.Patrick Henry, an energetic teenager aged 16, feels like physics at school, fascinated with automotive vehicles. As a consequence, he teaches himself mechanics and learns to maintain machines timely.



The King's School, Canterbury is an independent, co-educational secondary school. There are currently 791 pupils on the school roll(名单). The School has a long and distinguished history, and it is also one of the oldest charities in the country, providing scholarships to pupils and organizing a Charity of the Term.

The curriculum(课程)at King’s is based on strong academic roots. It emphasizes and relies upon what is best in traditional independent school education: scholarly excellence supported by a caring and tutorial system, and a wide-ranging co-curricular programme. However, it is continually adapting and reacting to the changing demands of modern education: new subjects are added, new teaching techniques adopted, and there is an increasing awareness of the need to provide programmes of study that match individual needs and skills.

The curriculum is divided into three units: the Lower School (Year 9), an introductory year; the Middle School (Years 10 and 11), working to GCSEs; and the Sixth Form ( Years 12 and 13), taking AS and A levels.  

Full details can be found in:  Shell Guide and Handbook; Middle School Academic Guide 2009-11; Middle School Academic Guide 2010-12;  Sixth Form Guide 2009-11 and Sixth Form Guide 2010-12.

Formal and structured educational support, for those who need it, is available at all levels. The well-stocked Library is open 7 days and 6 evenings per week. ICT facilities (including the Internet) are available for all and the whole school (studies within the Houses as well as classrooms) is extensively networked.   

     Pupils are offered extensive careers advice throughout their time at King’s. Almost all go to university, either immediately or following a GAP year.  The most popular university destinations are Cambridge, Bristol, Nottingham, Durham, Leeds, Oxford, Edinburgh, Manchester, and University College, London.

Director of Studies: Geoff Cocksworth: grc@kings-school.co.uk

Examinations Officer: Elaine McDowell: eam@kings-school.co.uk  

The passage serves as a brief introduction to __________.

A. the King's School                B. the curriculum

C. the teaching plan                    D. British education

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A. The King's School, Canterbury is a famous high school in Britain.

B. The curriculum at King’s is best in traditional and modern education.

C. All pupils of the school go to university immediately after they graduate.

D. pupils’ dormitories as well as classrooms are provided with network

The following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that __________.

A. The King's School focuses on pupils’ individual development

B. pupils in the King's School who pass GCSEs will go to university

C. pupils in the King's School have an easy access to the school library

D. pupils in the King's School receive good education

The passage is probably taken from a ___________.

A. handbook         B. website      C. guide           D. teaching plan


Many women write to me perplexed(困惑的)about why they can’t form close friendships. They try new approaches, put themselves in all the right places, see therapists, and read relevant self-help books. They consider themselves interesting, loyal, kind and friend-worthy people. But for reasons unknown to them, they have a tough time forming intimate relationships. Many admit to not having even one close friend.

A recent study published in the Journal of personality and Social Psychology offers some clues as to how both nature (personality) and nurture (experience) impact our friendships. Researchers at the University of Virginia and University of Toronto, Mississauga studied more than 7,000 American adults between the ages of 20 and 75 over a period of ten years, looking at the number of times these adults moved during childhood. Their study, like prior ones, showed a link between residential mobility and adult well-being: The more times participants moved as children , the poorer the quality of their adult social relationships.

But digging deeper, the researchers found that personality—specifically being introverted (内向的) or extroverted (外向的) — could either intensify of buffer (缓冲) the effect of moving to a new town or neighborhood during childhood. The negative impact of more moves during childhood was far greater for introverts compared to extroverts.

“Moving a lot makes it difficult for people to maintain long-term close relationships,” stated Dr. Shigehiro Oishi, the first author of the study, in a press release from the American Psychological Association, “This might not be a serious problem for outgoing people who can make friends quickly and easily. Less outgoing people have a harder time making new friends.”

Families often have to relocate — across town, across the country, or across the globe. Yet, in many cases, their kids and young adolescents haven’t yet built up a bank of friendships. So the conventional wisdom is to try to minimize moves for the sake of your child, whenever possible , and to move at the end of the academic year.

1.The passage is written mainly to        .

A.offer advice to women on how to form intimate relationships .

B.explain how nature and nurture impact our friendships.

C.explain how moves during childhood affect children.

D.tell us how to help children make friends.

2.Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

A.People who moved less during childhood have better social relationships.

B.The more people moved during childhood, the more friends they have.

C.The more people moved during childhood, the better they adjust to society.

D.There is no link between residential mobility and adult well-being.

3.In order for children to maintain long-term close relationships , parents         .

A.should not relocate their homes

B.should relocate their homes within the town

C.had better move at the end of school year

D.had better move when their children couldn’t build up a bank of friendships

4.We learn from the fourth paragraph that moves during childhood         .

A.have a bigger impact on an introverted person compared to extroverts.

B.have no impact on an outgoing person

C.are a big problem for both introverts and extroverts

D.help children better adapt to new environment

5.We can infer from the passage that          .

A.our friendships are mainly affected by our nurture

B.we can move when children have made a lot of friends

C.the impact of moves will disappear when one reaches adulthood

D.there is some way to minimize the impact of moves during childhood on children




He is a lesson to every boy who ever picked up a basketball and dreamed that it would change his life.

The lights were never brighter and the crowds were never bigger for a homegrown sports hero than they were a quarter-century ago for Ray Hall. But his athletic achievements, as impressive as they are, are to my mind not what is most admirable about the man.

Known as “Sugar Ray” in his teens, Hall was rated among the country’s top 25 high school basketball players. An inner-city kid from a solid family, Hall took on the challenge of lifting Canisius College — still recovering from its failure — back to respectability, rejecting more favorable offers. His status of a savior (救世主) brought more pressure than any 18-year-old should have to handle. However, I watched him mature into the player who led Canisius back to daylight.

After college Hall played professionally in Italy and Greece for over 10 years until a car accident at 32 ended his basketball career. The news that he would never play again shocked Hall but unlike so many others he was ready for life after basketball. When I met Hall — still fit at 46 — for lunch Monday, he wore a cut-sharp gray suit, designer tie and blazing white shirt that screamed Success. “That was always the question — when the cheers end, where do you go? Who do you turn to?” he said. “It starts and ends with that person in the mirror.”

Hall got the concept of academics-first from his parents. He graduated from Canisius a semester early. “No matter how good of an athlete you are, you are just one injury away from losing it all,” he said. “But if you take care of things academically, you are prepared until you leave this earth.”

For the past 14 years, he has been in a computer sales job at Ingram Micro. He married his college sweetheart. They have three kids and a nice house in the suburbs. He figured out early what others learn too late: Athletics is part of a journey, not the destination.

Congratulations, Ray, you made it. In more ways than one.          

1.Ray was regarded as a savior because ________.

A.he liked to take on challenges

B.he helped his team to regain its glory

C.he was faithful to his hometown city

D.he fought hard against failure at a young age

2.According to the writer, which of the following best describes Ray’s success?

A.Unlike other athletes, he was academically superior.

B.He defeated his injury and returned to the playground.

C.He enjoys a successful job and a happy family.

D.He has gained impressive athletic achievements.

3.What’s the right order of the events related to Ray?

a. He was rated among the best high school basketball players.

b. He was in a car accident.

c. He graduated from Canisius College.

d. He started his computer sales job.

e. He gave up his athletic career.

A.a, c, b, e, d         B.a, c, e, b, d         C.c, a, b, d, e         D.c, a, e, b, d

4.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Ray was from an academic family

B.Ray was very mature in his teens

C.Ray was once desperate facing the cruel reality

D.athletics was not Ray’s final goal in life

5.What was the writer’s intention in writing this passage?

A.To describe the difficulties of being a professional athlete.

B.To explain the importance of choosing the right college.

C.To emphasize the need for a good education.

D.To warn against playing professional basketball.



Stress for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult. To deal with it, it’s important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers.

        When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to move to a different place, the child has to change schools, find new friends, adapt to the new social circle and fit into new groups. It is always difficult for children to adapt to such changes, which can be a serious cause of stress in their life.

         Academic difficulties, such as inability to understand a certain subject can cause stress. Not every child has the ability to understand every subject. Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts. Poor academic performance is often laughed at and is looked down upon by both teachers and peers. In such cases, it can make the child feel isolated, neglected and hurt. All of this, put together, can add to stress, which many times worsens grades.

         Extra curricular activities (课外活动) such as playing a sport, or attending art classes can weigh heavily on your child’s mind. Juggling between school and extra curricular activities does seem like a burden when you have to excel at both. When the pressures from both the ends get unmanageable, teenagers tend to get tired and annoyed. Fatigue sets in, leading to stress related issues such as lack of concentration in school.

         These are the common causes of stress in teenagers, which can be noticed through signs such as poor memory, anxiety, negative and pessimistic attitude. If the signs of teenage stress go unrecognized for a long time, it can make the child emotinally imbalanced.

1.Extra curricular activities may lead to additional pressure for teenagers when they have difficulty _________________________________________________________.

2.How can parents notice that their teenagers are under stress?


3.____________________, ___________________, extra-curricular activities are the common causes of stress in teenagers.

4.According to your experience, what other causes of teenage stress do you know? (List two causes).




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