摘要: A woman with two children coming up to us. Mary, along with her parent, moved to Paris. A. is; has B. is; have C. are; have D. are; has


A HOLIDAY jet pilot (飞行员) said that he would land and call the police after a woman refused to stop smoking.
He warned Maureen Harkavy, “Put that cigarette out, or I’ll land the plane and have you arrested.”
Maureen, 47, was so shocked she wrote to the airline’s chairman.But his reply was even ruder.
“You seem to think you have a God-given right to pollute your neighbors’ atmosphere,” wrote John Ferriday of Paramount Airways.
(a)Said Maureen, “I only found out about it when I was checking in.I’m a nervous flyer so I lit a cigarette during the flight.A stewardess (空姐) asked me to put it out, but I said I wanted to carry on as there was no rule against smoking on the plane.” She was just finishing her cigarette when the pilot arrived.
(b) “I’ve never seen such an unpleasant letter.” She said, “I don’t think I’ll ever fly again.” But there was a funny side.Maureen explained, “We were offered duty-free (免税) cigarette from the stewardess on the plane!”
(c) Mr.Ferriday went on: “Believe me, you haven’t.Especially when you travel on my planes.”
Maureen and her husband Michael were moved to Paramount flight just before they left Portugal.But they were not told of the company’s no smoking policy.
(d) “He was loud and rude,” said Maureen.“He said if I lit another cigarette he would land the plane at Bordeaux and hand me to the French police.”
Later, from her home in Mosely, Birmingham, Maureen wrote to the company and received the rude reply.
【小题1】The second half of the story has been in wrong order.(Parts a-d) Choose the rearranged order which you think is right.

A.a, c, b, dB.c, a, b, dC.c, a, d, bD.d, a, b, c
【小题2】The pilot warned Maureen Harkavy ____________________.
A.to throw her cigarette out of the plane, or he would get her off the plane.
B.to stop smoking, or he would bring down the jet and hand her to the police.
C.not to light another cigarette after her first one.
D.to stop smoking, or he would bring her to justice.
【小题3】Maureen Harkavy ______ on the plane.
A.accepted the warning
B.agreed to the warning
C.refused to do what she was told to
D.was so shocked that she wrote to the airline’s chairman
【小题4】In the answer letter to Maureen Harkavy, the airline’s chairman ____ .
A.made an apology to her for his worker’s rudeness
B.made sure that he would solve the problem
C.said that she had the right to smoke on his plane
D.actually completely agreed with what the pilot said


A new walking, talking robot from Japan which has black hair and a woman’s face that can smile will attend a fashion show. It has trimmed down(减少)to 43kg, but it still hasn’t reached the safety standards required to share the catwalk with human models.
Developers at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, a government-backed organization, said their “cybernetic(全自动控制的)human” wasn’t ready to help with daily housework or work side by side with people—as many hope robots will be able to do in the future.
“In technology, it hasn’t reached that level,” said Hirohisa Hirukawa, one of the robot’s developers. “Even as a fashion model, people in the industry told us she was short and had a rather ordinary figure.”
For now, the 158 cm tall black-haired robot named HRP-4C—whose predecessor(前任)had weighed 58 kg — will mainly serve to draw and entertain crowds. Developers said the robot may be used in amusement parks or to perform human movement, as an exercise instructor, for instance.
HRP-4C was designed to look like an ordinary Japnese woman, although its silver-and-black body reminds people of a space suit. It will appear in a Tokyo fashion show — without any clothes — in a special part just for the robot next week.
The robotic framework(框架)for  HRP-4C, without the face and other coverings, will go on sale for about 20 million yen(日元) each. Its programming technology will be made public so other people can come up with fun moves for the robot, the scientists said.
Japan is one of the leading robotics industries in the world, and the government is pushing to develop the industry as a road to growth.
【小题1】What do we know about HRP-4C’s predecessor?
A.It is shorter than HRP-4C .    B.It is cleverer than HRP-4C .
C.It is taller than HRP-4C .     D.It is heavier than HRP-4C .
【小题2】According to the passage, how many of the following could HRP-4C do?
a. drawing pictures
b.  walking and talking
c.  doing housework
d.  working with people
e. smiling

【小题3】Which of the following about HRP-4C is TURE?
A.It wears a space suit.
B.Its price is 20 million dollars.
C.It can be used as an exercise instructor.
D.As a fashion model, it has a perfect figure.
【小题4】HRP-4C’s programming technology will be made public to        .
A.make moneyB.make new frameworks
C.let other people improve itD.help make new face and coverings
【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The purpose of making HRP-4C.    B.Robotics industry in Japan.      
C.A new Japanese robot.               D.Japanese and robots.


Los Angeles June 14, 2006 – Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was arrested yesterday after spending two weeks sitting in a walnut tree on an urban farm a few kilometers from downtown Los Angeles. She was one of 40 people, including celebrities from the music and movie world, who were protesting at the proposed destruction of the 14 – acre farm. Police officers cut away branches from the tree and used a fire engine to reach Ms Hannah and her co – protester, environmentalist John Quigley. The two of them raised their fists in defiance(反抗)as they were removed.
Protesters, some of whom had chained themselves to concrete –filled barrels(桶),said that it was essential to keep the farm operating, as it provided food for hundreds of poor families in the area. About 350 people grow produce and flowers on the farm, which has been there for more than a decade and is situated in an inner –city area surrounded by warehouses and railroad tracks. However, the local authority recently approved plans for the area to be cleared and redeveloped for the construction of a huge new warehouse.
Ms Hannah, 45, star of films such as Splash and Kill Bill was not thrilled about being arrested. “But I felt it was important to show my support for the people,” she said. “This farm should be a model for sustainable (可持续的) urban agriculture. It needs to be replicated, not eradicated.”
The record length for a tree protest is held by a woman called Julia Hill, who remained on top of a 30-metre-high redwood tree in Northern California for 738 days from December 1997 to December 1999. She was successful in saving the tree and those around it from destruction. Ms Hill was also at the Los Angeles urban farm project this week, but her presence failed to stop the inevitable (不可避免的). No sooner had the protesters been removed than earth-moving machines moved in and began to clear the land.


1.Daryl Hannah was involved in a protest to           .

       A.save an agricultural city farm from destruction
B.save a farm outside Los Angeles that provided jobs for the poor
C.complain to the local council about all their development plans
D.stop the police and fire department from cutting down trees
2.What did the protesters do?
A.40 of them chained themselves to trees.
B.They climbed trees with celebrities and refused to come down.
C.They all chained themselves to large pieces of concrete.
D.They fought with the police.
3.What did Daryl Hannah mean when she said “It needs to be replicated, not eradicated” in the third paragraph?
A.The new warehouse much provide jobs for the poor.
B.More farms should grow food for the cites not fewer.
C.The city farm was a model to be copied not destroyed.
D.The plans must be reconsidered and changed.
4.What happened after the protesters were removed?
A.They built the warehouse immediately.
B.They had hardly left when construction of the new building started.   
C.As soon as they were gone, heavy machines cut down the trees.
D.The farm was saved.


Last week, when I was taking train in Manchester, I saw a           76._______
scene it astonished me. On the platform I noticed a woman  in       77.__    _
worn clothes walking slowly. Suddenly, he fell to the ground.          78._______
There I see other people just keep walking as if                     79._______
something happened. For a moment the woman’s eyes were           80._______
full of hopelessness. Then she struggled to her foot and got on          81._______
a train. I just wondered why others didn’t try to help with this            82._______
woman. Later I talked about this event to my friend, who looked       83._______
at me and said, “What else did you do at that time? Just looking?”       84._______
I looked at him in silence. I realized I was just so selfish as others      85._______
on the scene, too.


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