摘要: A. shopping B. swimming C. shouting D. sight-seeing


Adventure Vacations
People like different kinds of vacations. Some go camping. They swim, fish, cook over a fire and sleep outside. Others like to stay at a hotel in an exciting city. They go shopping all day and go dancing all night. Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as Disneyland, the Tai Mahan or the Louver.
Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don’t want to be “tourists”. They want to have an adventure--a surprising and exciting trip. They want to learn something and maybe help people too. How can they do this? Some travel companies and environmental groups are planning special adventures. Sometimes these trips are difficult and full of hardships, but they’re a lot of fun. One organization, Earth watch, sends small groups of volunteers to different parts of the world. Some volunteers spend two weeks and study the environment. Others work with animals. Others learn about people of the past.
Would you like an adventure in the Far North? A team of volunteers is leaving from Mormons, Russia. The leader of this trip is a professor from Alaska. He’s worried about chemicals from factories. He and the volunteers will study this pollution in the environment. If you like exercise and cold weather, this is a good trip for you. Volunteers need ski sixteen kilometers every day.
Do you enjoy ocean animals? You can spend two to four weeks in Hawaii. There, you can teach language to dolphins. Dolphins can follow orders such as “Bring me the large ball.” They also understand opposites. How much more can they understand? It will be exciting to learn about these intelligent animals. Another study trip goes to Washington State and follows orcas. We call orcas “killer Whale”, but they’re really dolphins—the largest kind of dolphin. This beautiful animal travels together in family groups. They move through the ocean with their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Ocean pollution is chasing their lives. Earth watch is studying how this happens.
Are you interested in history? Then Greece is the place for your adventure. Thirty-five hundred years ago a volcano exploded there, on Santorum. This explosion was more terrible than Karate or Mount Saint Helens. But today we know a lot about the way of life of the people from that time. There are houses, kitchens, and paintings as interesting as those in Pompeii. Today teams of volunteers are learning more about people from the past.
Do you want a very different vacation? Do you want to travel far, work hard and learn a lot? Then an Earth watch vacation is for you.
【小题1】The Tai Mahan may be _______.

A.a shopping centerB.a hotel 
C.a dancing hallD.a place of interest
【小题2】From the passage, on an adventure trip, people ______.
A.may not spend much time on sightseeing
B.won’t meet some difficulties or hardships
C.can’t enjoy them
D.can’t learn something
【小题3】If you want to learn something about people of the past, you can _______.
A.join the team to Hawaii
B.join the team to the Far North
C.join the team to Washington
D.join the team to Greece
【小题4】Which of the following is false?
A.Some people find sightseeing trips boring.
B.Earth watch is planning all these special adventures.
C.The number of orcas is decreasing.
D.3 volcano explosions in all broke out 3, 500 years ago in Greece.


Ⅱ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)



    Every country has its own culture.

Even though each country uses doors. .Doors many have_   21  __functions and purposes which lead to ___22__  differences.  

When I first came to America, I noticed that a public building had two different__23___ and they had distinct functions. You have to push the door with the word “PUSH” to go out of the building and to pull the door with the word “PULL” to_  24____the building. This was new to me, because we use the ____25__ door in south Korea. For quite a few times I failed to go out of a shopping centre and was embarrassed.

The way of using school bus doors was also ____26__ to me .I used to take the school bus to classes. The school decided that when the driver opened both the front and back doors,     ___27   _who were getting off the bus should get off first , and students who were getting on should get on __  28_  . In south Korea, we do not need to wait for people to get off. One morning, I hurried to the bus ,and when the bus doors opened, I___ 29____tried to get on the school bus through the front door. All the students around looked at me, I was totally_  30 _     _,and my face went red.

21. A.different       B.important       C.practical           D.unusual

22. A.national        B.embarrassing     C.cultural           D.amazing

23. A.exits           B.entrances        C.signs             D.doors

24.A.enter           B.leave            C.open             D.close  

25. A.main           B.same            C.front             D.back

26.A.annoying        B.hard             C.satisfying         D.strange

27.A.parents         B.students           C.teachers          D.drivers

28.A.sooner          B.later             C.faster             D.earlier

29.A.politely         B.patiently          C.unconsciously      D.slowly

30.A.embarrassed    B.annoyed          C.unsatisfied         D.excited


There is a kind of shopping that is called compulsive(强迫性的) shopping. Compulsive shopping is usually described as out of control and not reasonable.

How can we know whether we are one of compulsive shoppers? Compulsive shoppers go out and buy things much more often than other people do.They often buy things they do not need.Many times they will spend over their budget limits and get into deep financial trouble.While someone else will think many times if they can afford this or that thing,compulsive shoppers will have no awareness of the boundaries of a budget.They also often hide the things they have bought in order not to be blamed by other family members.They often refuse to admit their problem and cover up their debts with cheat.

Compulsive shopping usually occurs when a person feels sad,lonely or angry. Shopping will not guarantee more love,or cure the hurts,regrets,stress,and the problems of everyday life. Just the opposite, it eventually may make these feelings worse because of the increased financial problems the person has got from this addiction. Some families even lead to a divorce as compulsive shoppers spend a lot of time away from home.

Treating a shopping addiction requires various approaches.The best thing to start with is to recognize the problem by compulsive shoppers themselves. First of all,don’t use their credit cards,and instead, start paying by cash. It might be useful to make a shopping list in order to buy strictly what is needed.And if there is a chance to get attracted, it might help to have just some small money and leave the wallet at home.It is also good to ask family and friends for support. And if after all these people still feel out of control,then it is recommended to seek professional advice or a self­help group to deal with this problem.


             Compulsive shopping


       Uncontrollable and unreasonable shopping.

  Features of     compulsive     shoppers

●Going shopping more often and buying  2.   things.

●Spending over their budget limits without being  3.  of the boundaries of a budget.

●Keeping what they have bought 4.   to avoid being blamed.

●Denying their problem and  5.   to cover up their debts.

Possible harmful   6. 

  7.   people's feelings worse because of the increased financial problems.

●Causing a divorce.


● Recognizing the problem and _9._ using their credit cards.

●Making a shopping list.

●Taking along just some small money.

●Asking family and friends for support.

●Seeking  10.   advice or a self­help group.



Are you a problem shopper? The answer is “Yes”, if you or someone else thinks that you sometimes get carried away with shopping. In other words, do you or does someone else think you are occupied in extreme shopping? If people have regrets later about their shopping, or have an “out-of-control” feeling about the quantities of what they buy or the amount of credit they use, they may be considered to be problem shoppers.
Extreme shopping can lead to a more serious problem – addictive shopping. Addictive shoppers feel driven by the desire to shop and spend money. They experience great tension which drives them to shop and spend money and they feel a “rush” during the time they are occupied with the shopping activity.
Extreme or addictive shopping may result from long-time unpleasant feelings, of which anxiety, pain and shame are common ones. When we feel bad inside, we often do something to make ourselves feel better. In this case, we often go shopping.
A few people shop to relieve their boredom or emptiness. For some people, the motivation is a desire for status, power, beauty or success. Some love to shop as it makes them feel valued in the eyes of the shop assistants. Others shop simply because it makes them forget, at least temporarily, tension, fear or unhappiness in their life.
Besides, shopping malls are designed to encourage continual shopping. For instance, there are some malls where you can’t see clocks displaying the time because they don’t want you to become too aware of the time you spend there. What’s more, food courts, coffee shops and restrooms are provided, so you don’t have to leave the mall because of your physical needs.
Therefore, once you become aware of how market forces work, you will certainly come to control your shopping behavior. For example, how much time you will spend and what areas you will visit can be decided before you enter the mall. Keep a written account of what items you will buy and how much money you will spend. Make a plan for what you are going to buy before you feel the urge to shop and then stick to it. That is vital for gaining self-control.
【小题1】Which of the following people may not be problem shoppers?

A.Those who cannot control the amount of credit they use.
B.Those who feel sorry for their shopping.
C.Those who are occupied in too much shopping.
D.Those who just walk around the shopping malls.
【小题2】According to the passage, what may not result in addictive shopping?
A.The desire for status, power, beauty or success.
B.The awareness of how market forces work.
C.Boredom, emptiness, tension, fear or unhappiness in people’s life.
D.Long-time bad feelings of anxiety, pain and shame.
【小题3】What does the author suggest to control our shopping behaviour?
A.Never going to the shopping malls because there are many tricks.
B.Applying for a credit card before we go shopping.
C.Making a shopping list before we go shopping.
D.Making the shopping time as short as possible.
【小题4】The author writes this passage to      .
A.inform the shopping malls how to attract more shoppers
B.tell a shopping story
C.scold the problem shoppers
D.provide solutions to the problem shopping.


         I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a   36   over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always   37  . Not knowing we were poor, my kids(孩子们) just thought I was   38  . I’ve always been glad about that.

         It was Christmas time, and although there wasn’t   39   for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big   40   for the kids was the fun of Christmas   41  .

They planned weeks ahead of time, asking   42   what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for   43   to share by all five of us.

The big   44   arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and   45   them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would   46   back at the “Santa’s Workshop”.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits,   47   my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually   48  . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies — fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn’t say anything   49   we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,  50   to be angry again. This is what she told me.

         “I was looking   51   thinking of what to buy, and I   52   to read the little cards on the ‘Giving Trees.’ One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she   53   for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and   54   the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn’t have anything.”

         I never felt so   55   as I did that day.

36. A. roof                                    B. hat                                   C. sky                          D. star

37. A. little                                   B. less                                  C. enough                  D. more

38. A. busy                                   B. serious                            C. strict                      D. kind

39. A. effort                                 B. room                                C. time                        D. money

40. A. improvement                     B. problem                     C. surprise               D. excitement

41. A. shopping                           B. travelling                        C. parties                            D. greetings

42. A. the other                          B. each other            C. one by one            D. every other one

43. A. toys                       B. clothes                            C. presents       D. bills

44. A. day                                     B. chance                            C. cheque                            D. tree

45. A. forced                          B. reminded                   C. invited                   D. begged

46. A. draw                                  B. stay                                  C. move                      D. meet

47. A. including                           B. besides                           C. except          D. regarding

48. A. quiet                                  B. excited                            C. happy                     D. ashamed

49. A. since                                  B. after                                C. while                      D. until

50. A. waiting                     B. ready                               C. hoping          D. afraid

51. A. out                                      B. over                                 C. forward                 D. around

52. A. forgot                                B. stopped                          C. failed                      D. hated

53. A. wanted                    B. did                                    C. got                                   D. played

54. A. made                                 B. searched                        C. bought                            D. fetched

55. A. angry                                 B. rich                                   C. patient                            D. bitter


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