秦王色挠,长跪而谢之日:“先生坐!何至于此!寡人谕矣:夫韩、魏灭亡,而安陵以五十里之地存者,徒以有先生也。” (选自《唐雎不辱使命》)
【注释】①[樊於期]秦国将领,因得罪秦王逊到燕国。②[秦武阳]人名,又名秦舞阳,充任荆轲出使秦国的副手。③[陛]殿前的台阶。④[少]通“稍”。⑤[假借]在文中是“原谅” 的意思。⑥(发]打开。⑦[揕]用刀剑等刺。⑧[绝]挣断。⑨(还]通“环”,绕。⑩[卒]“猝”,突然。11[郎中]宫廷的侍卫。
(1)长跪而谢之( ) (2)安陵君受地于先王而守之( )
(3)寡人谕矣( ) (4)图穷而匕首见( )
A.【甲】文所记叙的是强国和弱国之间的一场外交斗争,最后弱国取得胜利的故事。 |
B.【乙】文所记叙的是荆轲刺秦王的经过:他拿着匕首,追赶秦王,而其余臣子则袖手旁观。 |
C.【乙】文中记载了秦国的一条法律:带刀的侍卫一般不上殿,上殿的臣子不能带刀。 |
D.【甲】【乙】两文在人物刻画上均用了对比的方法,其中【乙】文用秦武阳的“色变振恐”衬托出荆轲的沉着冷静。 |
(a) Mothers not only give us lives and spend their lives taking care of us, they also are our first teachers.

Write a "love letter" to Morn on Mother's Day. You can change your words on the letter a lot of times.
Also, she can read your letter over and over again.
These steps can help you write a warm letter to Mom:
1. Relax-This"love letter" is a talk between you and Mom and there are no rules. Even if you make a mistake,
is Mom, going to be angry?
2. Collect Your Thought-Take some time to think about your years growing up.
3. Write from Your Heart-Write your letter as if you were there talking to Mom face to face. Tell her how
much you love her.
Your "love letter" to Mom on Mother's Day will make her very happy (b) 金钱永远买不到!It is sure to
be cherished (珍爱), saved and read many times over. It is the best way to show your love to Mom!
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. Liu Mei sits behind me. Gao Peng sits in front of me.
I sit ________ Liu Mei ________ Gao Peng.
Abraham Lincoln said,“All that I am,or hope to be,I owe to my angel mother!”
(a)Mothers not only give us lives and spend their lives taking care of us,they also are our first teachers.
Write a “love letter” to Morn on Mother's Day.You can change your words on the letter a lot of times.Also,she can read your letter over and over again.
These steps can help you write a warm letter to Mom:
1.Relax--This “love letter” is a talk between you and Mom and there are no rules.Even if you make a mistake,is Mom,going to be angry?
2.Collect Your Thought--Take some time to think about your years growing up.
3.Write from Your Heart--Write your letter as if you were there talking to Mom face to face.Tell her how much you love her.
Your “love letter” to Mom on Mother's Day will make her very happy(b)金钱永远买不到!It is sure to be cherished(珍爱),saved and read many times over.It is the best way to show your love to Mom!
3.Liu Mei sits behind me.Gao Peng sits in front of me.
I sit ________ Liu Mei __________ Gao Peng.
1. No talking in class
Don't talk in class unless your teacher lets you do.
2. No shouting
With 800 students we have to keep the noise down in the school, So please don't shout
anywhere inside the school. (A) You can shout on the playground.
3. No running in the hallways
Running inside the school is dangerous. Accidents can happen at any time. Please walk inside the
school. You can run on the playground at lunch time.
4. No bullying (欺负)
Bullying happens when a group of children hurt another child in the school. If you bully someone,
you will be sent to the principal and you may have to leave the school.
5. Be polite to your teachers and your classmates
In our school, students should be polite to all the people at all times. (B) Do not speak rudely
to anyone.
6. Do your homework neatly and quickly
Homework is an important part of your studies. Your teacher will give you homework every
night. Make sure you do your homework every night and give it to your teacher the next day.
2. 将(B)处句子译成汉语。
3. The students can't ____ in class.
4. ____ inside the school is dangerous, so please walk inside the school.
5. ____ is an important part of your studies, so make sure you do it every night.
us lives and spend their lives taking care of us, they also are our first teachers.

a lot of times. AIso, she can (2)_____________ your letter over and over again.
(b)These steps can help you write a warm letter to Mom:
(d)1.Relax-This "love-letter" is a talk between you and Mom and there are no rules. Even if you make a
mistake, is Mom going to be (3)_____________?
2. Collect Your Thought-Take some time to think about your years growing up.
3. Write from Your Heart-Write your letter as if you were there talking to Mom face
to face. Tell her how much you (4)____________ her. Your "love letter" to Mom on Mother's Day will
make her very (5)____________.
(c) 金钱决不能买到! It is sure to be cherished (珍爱), saved and read many times over. It is the best
way to (6)___________ your love to Mom!
1. 根据短文内容,将下面的的词语填写到短文中(1)-(6)处。
2. 把(a)处划线句子翻译成汉语。
3. 完成(b)处划线句子的同义句。
These steps can help you write _____________ ______________ warmly.
4. 把(c)处划线句子翻译成英语。
5. 用(d)处划线句子中的词组改写下列句子。
Lucy sits behind me.Jim sits in front of me.
I sit ______________ Lucy ______________ Jim..