摘要:She tole me her teacher. A.Mr Green is B.that Mr Green is C.if Mr Green was D.Mr Green was


It’s September1st, and we’re all back to school. It’s good to all my teachers and friends again. They all?? fine.

We’re in Grade Eight this year. We have new subjects. I’m not very? ? at Chinese, but Han Mei says she can me. I think I can? ? it better.

I like English very much. Zhang Hong likes English, ? . But she needs help. I I can help her.

Mr Hu is our new English teacher. He ? know all of us, so he has our names on a piece of paper and our names before he begins his lesson.

1.A. see????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. watch??? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. find???? ????????????? ????????????? D. look

2.A. do????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. see?????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. look???? ????????????? ????????????? D.sound

3.A. a lot???? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. some???? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. lot????? ????????????? ??? D. much

4.A. well???? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. good???? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. bad????? ????????????? ????????????? D. nice

5.A. learn??? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? B. give????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. help???? ????????????? ????????????? D. need

6.A. do?????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. play????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. look????? ????????????? ????????????? D. feel

7.A. either???? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. very????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. much??? ????????????? ????????????? D. too

8.A. am afraid? ????????????? ????????????? ?? B. think????? ????????????? ????????????? C. am sorry?? ????????????? D. want

9.A. doesn’t??? ????????????? ????????????? ? ? B. don’t????? ????????????? ????????????? C. does????? ????????????? D. do

10.A. gives??? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. calls?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. asks????? ????????????? ????????????? D. tells



Americans are very direct people. When they want something, they say“Yes”, and when they don’t, they say “No”.If they want something different from what is given, they ask for it.  Here’s an example : I arrive at someone’s house and he or she gives me wine, but I don’t want wine. Maybe I don’t like it or maybe I just don’t want it. I will say “No thanks”. If everyone around me is drinking something, I would ask  for something else,“No thanks. But I’ll take a bit of tea if you have some.” It’s a polite way to ask something you really want. If I really want wine, I just say “Yes, thank you”. Unless they happen know the Chinese customs(风俗;习惯),westerners will not ask you again and again after you to eat or drink something.


1.If Americans want something, they would say“__”.

A. yes, thank you   B. No, thanks   C. No, I’m sorry   D. Yes, why not

2.When Americans don’t want what is given, they would say“__”

A. No, I don’t    B. No,thanks     C. Yes, thanks        D. No, I’m sorry

3.In this passage,“westerners” means__.

A. the people who lives in the west of their county

B. the visitors who go to the western countries

C. the people who lives in the western countries

D. the people who know the customs of the west

4.The Chinese people might __if you don’t want something given.

A. be glad    B. say“thank you”   C. Get angry   D. Ask you again to take it

5.From this passage we know that __.

A. the Chinese people are direct

B. The Chinese customs are better

C. the westerners are more polite

D. Different countries have different customs



Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often     sad and lonely.

One day, when she was walking in the forest, she found that a small      was trapped unluckily in a bush. The butterfly tried to fly away      failed. The kind little girl saved the butterfly with great care. Instead of flying away, the butterfly turned     a beautiful fairy (仙女). The little girl was very    .

“Thank you for     me. You are so kind. I will make any of your dreams come true.” said the fairy.

The little girl thought for a moment and then said, “I want to be    !”

The fairy said, “Very well. I will help you.” And she said something in the little girl’s ear. Then the fairy disappeared.

As the kind little girl grew up, she was     ready to help people in need and was popular among the villagers. No one in the village was as happy as she was. Everyone asked her the     of their happiness. She always smiled and   , “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind      when I was a little girl.”

When the kind girl became a very old woman and was dying, the neighbors in the      all gathered (聚拢) around her bed because they were     that her secret of happiness would die with her. They asked, “Please tell us what the kind fairy said.”

The lovely old woman still     and said, “She told me that everyone needed me, no matter how safe they , no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young. She said that helping others would make me happy all my life.”

1.A. found   B. thought C. felt   D. sounded

2.A. squirrel  B. bird     C. butterfly   D. snake

3.A. as   B.   but    C. or      D. so 

4.A. up   B. into     C. on  D. down

5.A. mad   B. tired    C. angry     D. surprised

6.A. saving B. catching     C. beating    D. killing

7.A. energetic    B. happy    C. active     D. humorous

8.A. never     B. seldom     C. always      D. hardly

9.A. power   B. success      C. secret      D. lesson

10.A. hoped   B. answered   C. asked        D. refused

11.A.fairy    B. princess    C. ghost       D. witch

12.A.town    B. world         C. city     D. village

13.A. glad    B.  afraid C. excited     D. pleased

14.A. cried      B. jumped    C. smiled      D. shouted

15.A.seen      B.  seemed     C. heard     D. saved



The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and picked up four people from the street. One of them was in a most  15  condition, and I told the others: You look after the other three. I take care of this one who looked  16 . So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful  17  on her face. She took hold of my   __18__as she said “thank you” and she died. I asked myself what I would say if I was in her  19. And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little 20  to myself. I would have said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something else, but she gave me much more---she gave me her grateful love. And she 21  with a smile on her face. As did that man whom we picked up from the drain (下水道), half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. “I have lived like an  22 in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.” And it was so  23 to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without complaining, without cursing(诅咒) anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel---this is the 24  of our people.

A.comfortable B.important C.difficult D.terrible
A.better B.happier C.worse D.different
A.smile B.tear C.laugh D.surprise
A.head B.face C.coat D.hand
A.place B.room C.home D.side
A.attraction B.ability C.advice D.attention
A.lived B.died C.cameD.talked
A.ant B.angel C.animal D.actor
A.wonderful B.difficult C.grateful D.important
A.achievement B.greatness C.behavior D.unhappiness


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