摘要:They letters the whole morning. They didn't have a rest.


 As many as 10 of the 17 kinds of penguins(企鹅)may be in danger of disappearing. The number of penguins have decreased(减少) by 30% since 1987.

  Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern part of the world. They are common in South America,New Zealand,Australia and South Africa. Many live near cold waters. But some live near warm waters in Galapagos Islands. Penguins cannot fly,but they are fine swimmers. Penguins eat fish and krill(磷虾).

  The warming of the earth is the decrease in penguin populations. The heating of the air has caused ocean waters to become warmer. Higher water temperatures have reduced the supply of fish and krill. Some years later these birds are completely unable to reproduce(繁殖).  Besides,many adult penguins die of hunger.

  Widespread(广泛的) fishing,exploration for oil and oil leaks(漏) also make penguins be in danger. Poisonous organisms(生物) in ocean water are another danger. Penguins also have their enemies,including wild dogs,sharks,seals and sea lions.

  News about penguins is not all bad,however. Several years ago,oil leaking from a ship hurt 40% of the penguins in South Africa. The penguins became covered with oil. But thousands of people helped clean and treat the birds well. Then they returned the penguins to the wild.  Now these South African penguins are reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil leaking.

1.Penguins ___________.

A.can swim better than fly                  B.can be found near Oceania (大洋洲)

C.eat fish only冬腊月                     D.live only in cold waters.

2.Which of the following is NOT the cause of penguin's decrease in numbers?

A.Oil searching.                          B.Widespread fishing.

C.Human's killing.                         D.Warming of the oceans.

3. Why are the penguins in South Africa reproducing in higher numbers than before the oil leaking?

A.Because people removed the ship.

B.Because people sent a lot of penguins to the wild.

C.Because people helped the penguins.

D.Because people treated the penguins well.



Put 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day! It marks the date that the

Convention(公约) on Wetlands was signed(签署)in1971.This special day was first celebrated in 1997 and it is celebrated every year.

  The celebration is a call for action. It is a way to show people how important and

useful the wetlands are for people. On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take

part in many wetlands activities. People take trips to the local wetlands. There are talks

about how important the wetlands are. People get together to clean up their local wetlands

Children draw pictures to advertise the day. People also compete(比赛)in boat races.

  The World Wetlands Day is important! If there are no wetlands, there will be no water for anyone in the future. Wetlands help protect nature and resources(资源)like fresh water. Already, more than 10000 million people in the world do not have fresh water.

  Many people do not know how important the wetlands are. They can understand why an

elephant or a tiger is important because they are big, beautiful animals. It is much harder for

them to understand how important the animals in the wetlands are. These small animals,

such as frogs and snails, play a very important part in keeping the balance of nature.

  All plants and animals are part of the food chain(链).If the small wetlands animals

die, some animals in the food chain will have nothing to eat. They will also die. People

need the wetlands to keep the balance of nature in the world. If we do not protect nature

today,it will be gone tomorrow.

46. What should you put in your diary?

  A. Some frogs.

  B. The date of World Wetlands Day.

  C. 1971

  D. Any special day.

47. Where do people celebrate World Wetlands Day?

  A. All over the world.            B. In ships

  C. At home.                D. In their own way.

48. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

  A. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking part in competitions.

  B. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking hips to local wetlands.

  C. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by listening to talks about the wetlands.

  D. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by talking about the weather.

49. Why are small animals important?

  A. They are part of the balance of nature and the food chain.

  B. They are beautiful.

  C. Bigger animals are eaten by them

  D. Without them, there may be no water.

50. Which of the following might be the best title of the article?

  A. Wetlands Are Important

  B. Small Animals Are Also Important

  C. World Wetlands Day

  D. Food Chain


Do you plan to go to Hong Kong Disneyland with your family this summer? If your dad smokes, you may have to ask him to be careful. From January 1st, Hong Kong banned(禁止)smoking in most public places.  

These places include restaurants, workplaces, schools and so on. Even smoking in some outdoor places is not allowed, for example, beaches, sports ground, museums and most areas of public parks.  

 Hong Kong  hopes the ban can stop passive smoking. What is passive smoking? When people smoke in a restaurant or on a bus, others have to smoke too. They don’t want to smoke but they have no choice. This is passive smoking. It is bad for people’s health.  

And it’ll be better if more people in  Hong Kong  give up smoking because of the ban. Jack Lee, a 26-year-old student says, “The ban is really good. I don’t like people smoking next to me. It’s so smoky and smelly.”  

If someone breaks the ban, he will be fined HK$5,000.  

 Hong Kong  is not the first Asian city to have a smoking ban. On January 1, 2006,   Singapore   banned smoking in most public places.  

1.Smoking is not allowed             in  Hong Kong .  

A. in indoor places     B. in most public places       C. at home   

2.Which outdoor place is not mentioned in the passage?  

A. The park        B. The beach             C. The airport  

3. What’s the purpose of the smoking ban in  Hong Kong ?  

A. To stop passive smoking.  

B. To stop the sale of cigarettes.  

C. To stop people from smoking.  

4.The example in Paragraph 4 shows (证明)that           .  

A. Jack Lee likes smoking very much    B. people in  Hong Kong  support the ban  

C. Jack Lee is used to smoking   

5.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “fined”?  

A. 罚款  B. 给予 C. 奖励 



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