摘要: English is spoken a first language most people in the USA. A. by; as B. as; by C. for; of D. like; in


  English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the worldit is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore and in many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands. In these places English is often a second language.

  English is also used as an important international language in may other countries, like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business, and travelers to these countries use English when they get there. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to Britain or American music or watching American films.

  English has changed a lot over the years and still goes on changing. It is no longer right to talk about British English or American English if the speakers come or don't come from those countries. People in Japan or Korea, for example, may use the American spelling but may not sound like Americans.

  English will be the most widely used language in the world in the 21st century. This language no longer belongs to British, American or Australian speakers. It belongs to anyone in the world. So, as a middle-school student of English today, think about how you can use this language. After you leave school, you will almost certainly need it.

(1) In how many countries is English spoken as a first language in the world?

[  ]




(2) In which other countries is English spoken as main language?

[  ]

ABritain, the USA, Australia

BIndia, Singapore and many of Caribbean and Pacific islands.

CChina, Japan

(3) People from other countries learn English for ________

[  ]

Abusiness and traveling

Breading English books, enjoying English music or films

CBoth A and B

(4) If people in Japan or Korea use American spelling, they ________

[  ]

Awill speak the same as Americans

Bmay not sound like Americans

Cwill speak British English

(5) Which topic is the best for the passage?

[  ]

AA First Language in the World

BA Second Language in the World

CEnglish Around the World

Although the USA is by far the most powerful of the English-speaking countries, English that is taught in most parts of the world is British English. Besides, British English is the “mother” language upon which all English, written or spoken, is based, including American English. In fact, most Americans like the way the “English” speak. Many Americans, including some who have no British blood in them, regard Britain culturally (文化上) as the Mother Country. Americans read English literature (文学作品) without any difficulty at all, and British readers of early 20th century American literature have no problems either. But for the last fifty years the Americans have been inventing a large number of new words and phrases, many of which have already reached the UK and the whole English-speaking world.

However, there are occasional(偶尔的)misunderstandings(误会). A smart English woman said to a smart American woman on a California beach. English woman: It’s the first time I’ve bathed for years. American woman (amazed): Is that so? I can’t believe it! English woman: It’s true. You see, the water at home’s always so cold. American woman : But…But surely you have hot water in England? English woman (laughs): Of course, but not in the sea! There can be similar misunderstandings over the word “pants”, though most English people know that Americans call trousers “pants”. American girl: I never wear pants. They don’t suit me. English girl: Really? Couldn’t that be a bit embarrassing(难堪的)? American girl: Embarrassing? Why? English girl: Well—that short skirt you’re wearing…American girl: Oh, my! But I wear panties(短衬裤)! In British English, “pants” are undergarments. However, young people in Britain do sometimes say “pants” for “trousers”.

1 All the English is based on__________.

A. British English                  B. American English

C. Canadian English                D. Australian English

2 Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. Americans can read English literature easily.

B. British readers can read all the American literature with no difficulty, either.

C. Some of the English words we are learning now are from the USA.

D. There are some times misunderstandings between Americans and Englishmen.

3 Pants in American English mean _________in British English.

A. panties          B. undergarments

C. underwear        D. trousers

4 From the passage we know that “to bathe” in American English means ________ and means_______ in British English.


  Although the USA is by far the most powerful of the English-speaking
countries,English that is taught in most parts of the world is British English.
Besides,British English is the "mother"language upon which all English,written
or spoken,is based,including American English.In fact,most Americans like the
way the "English" speak.Many Americans,including some who have no British
blood in them,regard Britain culturally(文化上) as the Mother Country.
Americans read English literature(文学作品) without any difficulty at all,and
British readers of early 20th century American literature have no problems
either.But for the last fifty years the Americans have been inventing a large
number of new words and phrases,many of which have already reached the UK
and the whole English-speaking world.
  However,there are occasional(偶尔的) misunderstandings(误会).A smart
English woman said to a smart American woman on a California beach.English
woman:It's the first time I've bathed for years.American woman(amazed):Is that
so?I can't believe it!English woman:It's true.You see,the water at home's always
so cold.American woman:But...But surely you have hot water in England?English
woman(laughs):Of course,but not in the sea!There can be similar
misunderstandings over the word "pants",though most English people know that
Americans call trousers "pant".American girl:I never wear pants.They don't
suit me.English girl:Really?Couldn't that be a bit embarrassing(难堪的)?
American girl:Embarrassing?Why?English girl:Well-that short skirt you're
wearing...American girl:Oh,my!But I wear panties(短衬裤)!In British English,
"pants"are undergarments.However,young people in Britain do sometimes say
"pants" for "trousers".
1. All the English is based on _______.
A. British English                      
B. American English
C. Canadian English  
D. Australian English
2. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Americans can read English literature easily.
B. British readers can read all the American literature with no difficulty,either.
C. Some of the English words we are learning now are from the USA.
D. There are sometimes misunderstandings between Americans and Englishmen.
3. "Pants" in American English mean "_______" in British English.
A. panties  
B. undergarments
C. underwear  
D. trousers
4.From the passage we know that "to bathe" in American English means
"_______" and means"______" in British English.
English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA,Britain,Australia,New Zealand,Ireland and Canada. However,English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60 countries,including India,Singapore and many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands. In these places English is often a second language.
English is also an international language in many other countries,like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business,and travelers to these countries use English when they get there to communicate. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English,listening to British or American music or watching American films.
English has changed a lot over the years and still goes on changing. It is no longer right to talk about British English or American English if the speakers come or don’t come from those countries. People in Japan and Korea,for example,may use the American spelling but may not sound like Americans.
English will probably be the most widely used language in the world by the end of the 21st century. This language no longer belongs to British,American or Australian speakers. It belongs to anyone in the world. So,as a middle school student of English today, think about how you can use this language. After you leave school, you will almost certainly need it.
小题1:In how many countries is English spoken as a first language in the passage?
A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. D.Six.
小题2:In which other countries is English spoken as a main language?
A.Britain, the USA and Australia.
B.India, Singapore and many of the Caribbean and Pacific islands.
C.China and Japan.
D.New Zealand and Canada.
小题3: People from other countries learn English for ________.
A.passing exams
B.business and traveling
C.reading English books, enjoying English music or films
D.both B and C
小题4:Even if people in Japan and Korea use American spelling they ________.
A.will speak the same as Americans
B.may not sound like Americans
C.will speak British English
D.will speak English much better
小题5: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A First Language in the WorldB.A Second Language in the World
C.English around the WorldD.A Useful Language
     Have you ever heard of the language Esperanto (世界语) ? This is a man-made language for world
 use.  But it hasn't been known by most of people around the world, let alone (更不必说) worldwide 
use.  There are more than 3 000 languages in the world today,  but only about ten are major (主要的)
 languages. Among them English is the most popular one in the world.       
     More than 350 million people speak English as their first language. Major English-speaking countries
 are Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. Another 400 million speak it as a second
 language.  No one knows how many people speak English as a foreign language.  They usually learn
 English as a school subject instead of learning it from their parents. Chinese is the only language with
 more speakers than English.  This is because of the large population of China.        
     English is the language for a better understanding between people of   the world.  It is also the
 language for business and science.  Nearly half  of all the business deals  (交易)  in Europe are done
 in English,  and  more than half of the science magazines (杂志) are in English.  English is widely used
 in the world's computer network  (计算机网络).  And children should begin with English when they 
learn how to use computers and learn online.  Through the English language people of different countries
 are able to work together and make things even better.     
1. Esperanto hasn't been widely used because ______.
A.  not many people know it
B.  it is very difficult to learn
C.  people don't like it at all
D.  it's a bad language
2. Most Chinese people learn English ______.                 
A.  as the first language                        
B.  as the second language                 
C.  as a foreign language                 
D.  from their parents
3. Which of the following language is spoken by the largest  number of people in the world?        
A. English.   
B. Chinese.          
C. Japanese.  
D. Esperanto.
4. Which of the following is true?               
A.  If you know English, you will be able to use computers.               
B.  Scientists from different countries can only speak English at the international (国际的)  meetings.
C.  English is the only language used in the world's computer network.               
D.  English is more widely used than any other languages.
5.The passage is about ______.               
A. the difference between Esperanto and English               
B. the major languages in the world               
C. the importance (重要性)  of English
D. the use of foreign languages

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