摘要: This room is quite comfortable .(A) living in to live in (D) to live


完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
What will you do to make sure you reach your goals? There are 1 main steps .
First, sit down and  2 your dreams out. By writing them you will get a better idea of where you really want to go. Imagine yourself at the end of the year or maybe 3  five years. What do you see? 4 do people see you? What are you doing? Are you  5 ?
Well, a dream is just that. It’s a vision (远见) of how you  6  yourself in the future. As long as you know the direction in which you want to go, you can begin  7  some goals.
8 come the goals. Goals are ‘wants’. So are dreams, but goals are more specific (具体的). If you want to be rich, tell how much 9 you need to be rich. If you want  10 grades, tell what you mean by ‘good’. In fact, the more specific the goal is, the  11  it will be to get it. Give numbers and times. Don’t use words like ‘lots’ or ‘more’.  12, I want a ‘B’ in each of my subjects.
Third are the objectives (目标). They tell  13  what you will do and when you will do it. When you think about what you will do, don’t use words like ‘ 14 ’ or ‘maybe’. Be sure your objectives can be measured (估量). Every day or every week you can ask, ‘Did I  15  this?’ and you can answer with either a yes or a no. Don’t leave room for ‘maybes’.

A.twoB.three C.four D.five
A.work B.help C.write D.sell
A.inB.forC.during D.before
A.What B.WhoC.Which D.How
A.energeticB.successful C.helpfulD.unfair
A.breaking offB.looking upC.giving up D.working on
A.First B.SecondC.Third D.Fourth
A.poor B.low C.badD.good
A.smaller B.biggerC.easier D.harder
A.For exampleB.By the wayC.Of courseD.In fact
A.prefer B.need C.forget D.do


  I heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important achievements.What made him  41 from others?

  He said it all came from  42 that happened when he was two years old. He tried to 43 a bottle of milk away from the fridge, but the slippery(光滑的) bottle fell, spilling its milk all over the  44 floor.

  When his mother came in, 45 shouting at him, she said, “Robert, what a great mess(一团糟) you have made! I have never seen such a big puddle(水坑) of milk. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes  46 we clean it up?”

  Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “Robert, when you make a mess like this, you have to clean it up at last. So,  47 would you like to do that? We would use a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the towel and together they cleaned up the milk.

  His mother then said, “We had a failed 48 in how to carry a big milk bottle with two small hands in the kitchen. Let’s go out and fill the bottle with water and see if you can 49 a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he held the bottle at the top near the lip(杯口) with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.

  This scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to 50 .So, what have you learnt from the story?

41. A. serious      B. similar       C. different     D. important

42. A. an experience   B. advice       C. a promise     D. an idea

43. A. pass       B. bring       C. drink       D. take

44. A. kitchen     B. bedroom      C. bathroom     D. living room

45. A. from      B. with        C. because of    D. instead of

46. A. after       B. before       C. as soon as     D. since

47. A. when      B. what       C. how       D. why

48. A. experiment    B. condition     C. survey      D. research

49. A. look       B. discover      C. recognize    D. develop

50. A. clean the floor   B. spill milk     C. make mistakes   D. realize mistakes


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