摘要: The pen belongs to me. (A) which it is on the table (B) lying on the table (C) is on the table (D) which on the table


Mr. Black was born in a small village which is surrounded(环绕)with high mountains. He has few pieces of fields and he can't get enough food for his family. He's often worried about it. So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money.

  One afternoon Mr. Black went out to look for some grass for his cows. It was very hot and he had to stop to have a swim. Suddenly he saw something sparkling(闪闪发光)in the water. He swam there and found it was some gold in the sand. He was so happy that he hardly forgot he was in the river. He ran home and asked his son to help him to get all the gold out of the water. The next morning he sent his son to sell it in the market. But the young man was afraid to do it. He had to go to the town himself. He didn't pay any attention to the traffic lights when he crossed the street. A car hit him down and he was hurt. He was sent to hospital at once. The doctors looked him over and gave him an operation. Two months later he felt much better. The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said, “You'll be fully recovered in a week. We're sure you can write with your right hand when you leave hospital.”

  “It's really a miracle(奇迹)!”  shouted Mr. Black.  “I could neither read nor write before!”


1. The Blacks have little food because________.

A. they live in a small village

B. they're too lazy to work

C. they have few pieces of fields

D. nobody would help them to get money

2. Mr. Black jumped into the river because________.

A. he wanted to get some grass in the water

B. he wanted to look for some gold in the water

C. he hoped to have a good rest in the water

D. it was too hot and he wanted to have a swim

3. Mr. Black ran home to ________.

A. ask for help            B. make his family happy

C. change his wet clothes       D. send the gold back

4.     Mr. Black's ________ was hurt in the traffic accident.

A. head       B. leg        C. right hand     D. left hand

5.     The phrase “be fully recovered” means ________ in Chinese.

A. 完全覆盖     B. 全部找回      C. 清除疲劳     D. 恢复健康


     I found out one time that doing a favour for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the
eighth grade at the time,    1   we were having a final test.    2   the test, the girl sitting next to me    3  
 something, but I didn't    4  .
     So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra    5  . She
showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I    6   to have an extra one, so I took it out of
my pocket and put it on her desk.   
     Later, after the test papers had been    7  , the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other
students were    8  . As soon as we were alone, she began to talk to me about what it meant to    9    up;
she mentioned how important it was to   10   on your own two feet and be responsible (有责任感的) for
your own acts. For a long time, she talked about   11  and emphasized (强调) the fact that when people do
something dishonest (不诚实), they are really   12  themselves. She made me promise that I would think
seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I   13  leave. I walked out of the room   14 
 why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.   
     Later on, I found out that she thought I had   15   on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the
girl next to me, it looked as though I was   16  something from the girl's test paper. I tried to explain about
the pen, but all she could say was it seemed really   17  to her that I hadn't mentioned anything about the pen
the day she talked to me right after the test.   18  I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a   19  by
letting her use my pen, I am sure she   20  to believe that I had cheated (作弊) on the test.
(     )1. A. when           
(     )2. A. During       
(     )3. A. showed       
(     )4. A. listen       
(     )5. A. pen        
(     )6. A. asked       
(     )7. A. marked       
(     )8. A. left       
(     )9. A. stand       
(     )10. A. depend      
(     )11. A. tests      
(     )12. A. enjoying     
(     )13. A. should      
(     )14. A. wondering    
(     )15. A. lied       
(     )16. A. copying     
(     )17. A. strange     
(     )18. A. Because      
(     )19. A. trouble   
(     )20. A. insisted     
B. while     
B. After     
B. asked      
B. understand  
B. pencil    
B. happened    
B. finished     
B. disappeared 
B. grow      
B. defend      
B. students         
B. cheating   
B. could     
B. realizing   
B. helped     
B. borrowing    
B. dishonest  
B. If        
B. good     
B. tried     
C. then      
C. Before     
C. whispered   
C. answer     
C. paper     
C. regretted   
C. given out   
C. stopped    
C. bring     
C. stand     
C. friendship      
C. teaching    
C. would     
C. laughing    
C. stolen    
C. asking     
C. sorry     
C. Until     
C. harm     
C. continued   
D. and         
D. For         
D. lost        
D. find        
D. ink bottle  
D. wished      
D. turned in   
D. dismissed   
D. rise        
D. walk        
D. honesty                                  
D. helping     
D. must        
D. believing   
D. cheated     
D. searching   
D. wrong       
D. Although    
D. favour      
D. refused     

Mr. White is a member of his office. He’s  36 and can easily deal with all kinds of matters. So he’s always  37 more than his workmates. Of course he’s often  38  and has no time to do the housework. His wife  39  him well and does all at home.

40 ! Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be 41  . Now Mrs. White has to look after her there  42  she can’t go home. Mr. White often eats something in the restaurant. As he  43  did some cleaning, the rooms were all disorderly(凌乱不堪的).

Yesterday morning, before Mr. White got up, the telephone  44  . He sat up to answer it. His friend told him to  45 an important telephone number down. But he could find  46 a piece of paper. He found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he  47 it and went to work. Two hours later  48  came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husband came in while she was   49  the table. He couldn’t  50  the number on the table and called out angrily, “Who let you clean the table?”

(  )36. A. important    B. strong     C. good     D. able

(  )37. A. helped     B. thought     C. paid      D. asked

(  )38. A. busy      B. quiet      C. lazy      D. happy

(  )39. A. sees       B. knows     C. misses     D. takes care of

(  )40. A. Well       B. Once      C. What’s more   D. Bad luck

(  )41. A. in hospital    B. outside     C. in bed     D. in time

(  )42. A. but       B. or       C. while      D. and

(  )43. A. not       B. never      C. almost      D. often

(  )44A. shouted     B. spoke      C. rang      D. called

(  )45 A. write      B. remember    C. understand    D. use

(  )46 A. either a pen or B. neither a pen nor C. both a pen and  D. not only a pen but

(  )47 A. forgot     B. read       C. took       D. threw

(  )48 A. he       B. his friend     C. his wife     D. his daughter

(  )49 A. brushing     B. walking in    C. leaving     D. cleaning

(  )50 A. find       B. listen to     C. look at      D. write



  Tug-of-war(拔河)is not only popular in China, but in many other countries. Their tug-of-war match is a little 16  from ours. They have eight men for each team, 17 we may have the match between two sides with equal men or women players. Of course, they are usually tall, strong and heavy.

  For a tug-of-war match, we need a long thick  18 .Each team stands at one end of the rope, 19 it. Then they try to pull the 20 of the rope. The team which  21 in pulling the center of the rope away through a certain distance is the winner.

  Many foreign sports experts think we don't have to be tall, heavy and strong to play tug-of-war. We don't have endless energy for a match 22only a few minutes. The secret is good hands. The players must have big, strong and hard hands. 23they start the match, they put mixture of oil and petrol on their hands so that they can hold the rope 24 .

  Many foreign experts say the best hands for tug-of-war belong to the 25 .This is because they have to work hard when they are still very young. Farming is a good practice for this sport!

16. A. different  B. exciting  C. enjoyable  D. boring

17. A. because  B. but    C. so     D. until

18. A. road    B. pen    C. rope    D. stick

19. A. holding  B. using    C. bringing   D. making

20. A. center  B. bottom   C. end      D. side

21. A. spends  B. falls    C. succeeds   D. fails

22. A. knowing  B. beginning  C. wasting   D. lasting

23. A. After   B. Since   C. If      D. Before

24. A. worse   B. better    C. more quietly D. faster

25. A. workers  B. students  C. farmers    D. officers


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