
Mr. Black was born in a small village which is surrounded(环绕)with high mountains. He has few pieces of fields and he can't get enough food for his family. He's often worried about it. So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money.

  One afternoon Mr. Black went out to look for some grass for his cows. It was very hot and he had to stop to have a swim. Suddenly he saw something sparkling(闪闪发光)in the water. He swam there and found it was some gold in the sand. He was so happy that he hardly forgot he was in the river. He ran home and asked his son to help him to get all the gold out of the water. The next morning he sent his son to sell it in the market. But the young man was afraid to do it. He had to go to the town himself. He didn't pay any attention to the traffic lights when he crossed the street. A car hit him down and he was hurt. He was sent to hospital at once. The doctors looked him over and gave him an operation. Two months later he felt much better. The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said, “You'll be fully recovered in a week. We're sure you can write with your right hand when you leave hospital.”

  “It's really a miracle(奇迹)!”  shouted Mr. Black.  “I could neither read nor write before!”


1. The Blacks have little food because________.

A. they live in a small village

B. they're too lazy to work

C. they have few pieces of fields

D. nobody would help them to get money

2. Mr. Black jumped into the river because________.

A. he wanted to get some grass in the water

B. he wanted to look for some gold in the water

C. he hoped to have a good rest in the water

D. it was too hot and he wanted to have a swim

3. Mr. Black ran home to ________.

A. ask for help            B. make his family happy

C. change his wet clothes       D. send the gold back

4.     Mr. Black's ________ was hurt in the traffic accident.

A. head       B. leg        C. right hand     D. left hand

5.     The phrase “be fully recovered” means ________ in Chinese.

A. 完全覆盖     B. 全部找回      C. 清除疲劳     D. 恢复健康



1. C,文中提示:He has few pieces of fields and he can't get enough food for his family.

2. D,文中提示:It was very hot and he had to stop to have a swim.

3. A,文中提示:He ran home and asked his son to help him to get all the gold out of the water.

4. C,文中提示:We're sure you can write with you right hand when you leave hospital.

5. D,这个词组是指身体完全恢复健康的意思。



Mr. and Mrs Black live in a small house near London with their children. Usually Mr Black comes back from work very late. At that time, his wife and the children are sleeping. So he opens the front door of his house with his keys and comes into the house quietly.

One night he comes home very late. It is 11:00 p.m. But he can’t find his keys. He rings the bell(门铃). Nothing happens(发生). He rings it again. Again nothing happens. No one can hear it. Mr. Black knocks on the bedroom window. He calls his wife’s name. He shouts but his wife doesn’t wake up. At last he stops and thinks for a few minutes. Then he begins to speak like a small child. “Mother,” he says. “I want to go to WC.” Mrs Black wakes up at once (立刻). Then he speaks to her, and she opens the door for him.

1.Mr. Black and his wife live in ______.

A.a small country                         B.London city

C.a house but not big                      D.a small town

2.Mr. Black usually comes back______.

A.not very late

B.before his family go to bed

C.after his family go to bed.

D.at about 10.p.m.

3.Why can’t Mr. Black open the door?

A.Because he comes home late.

B.Because he can’t find the key to the door.

C.Because his wife is not at home.

D.Because he doesn’t ring the bell.

4.Mr Black speaks like a little child because ______.

A.he looks like a child

B.he wants to wake up his children

C.he wants to wake up his wife

D.he wants to go to WC

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mr Black often can’t come into the house.

B.One night Mr Black comes back early.

C.Mrs Balck often waits for Mr Black at night.

D.At last Mrs Black opens the door.


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