摘要: The head teacher always asks students to be strict with ourselves in everything. A. the B. our C. us D. his


Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets                             Open time

Grown-up:(成人)$2.00             9:00a.m—4:00p.m

Children :over 12 $1.00                Except(除)Friday

Under12 Free(免票)                  10:00a.m—3:00p.m

Keep the zoo clean!

Don’t touch(触摸) , give good food or go near the animals!

1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A. four         B. five          C. six         D. seven

2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)?

A.$4.00            B. $2.00        C. $3.00        D. $10.00

3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday  C.3:00pm Sunday  D.5:00pm Tuesday

4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very________.

A.fat              B.long          C.strong             D.tall

5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?[来源:Zxxk.Com]

A. to give some food to the fish    B. to touch the monkey on the head

C. to throw things everywhere      D. to keep the zoo clean



What do Napoleon, Clinton and Wang Nan have in common? They are all left-handed. Today about 15% of the people are left-handed. But why are people left-handed? The answer is the way the brain (大脑) works. The brain has two halves---the right half and the left half. The right half controls (控制) the left side of the body, and the left half controls the right side of the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and the left –handed people have a strong right brain.

The two halves of the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left side controls language, Math and logic (逻辑). When you remember new words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side.

The right side of the brain controls color and music. It is also good at recognizing (认出) faces. This does not mean that all artists are left-handed and all accountants (会计师) are right-handed. Some right-handers have a strong right brain, and some left-handers have a strong left brain.

1.From the passage we know ________.

A. all artists are left-handed

B. all accountants are right-handed

C. the left side of the brain controls your love of art, color and music

D. some right-handers have a strong left brain

2.Whether(是否) people are right-handed or left-handed is mostly decided by ________ .

A. their parents B. their minds

C. the way the brain works D. the way the head works

3.Each side of the brain ________.

A. likes music and Math B. controls different things

C. controls the same thing D. has two halves

4.When you are singing, you are using your ________.

A. logic thinking B. heartC. right brain D. left halves

5.Which part of the body does the right half of the brain control?

A. The right side of the body. B. The left side of the body.

C. The heart. D. The language.



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