摘要: A. will be lost B. have lost C. are lost D. lost


Once, a circle lost a piece of its own. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But it was incomplete, so it could only roll very slowly. It enjoyed the flowers and the sunshine along the way. It talked with worms. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on looking for the missing piece.
Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. The circle put the missing piece into itself. It could be whole with nothing missing. It was so happy and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to see flowers or talk to worms. It realized how different the world was when it rolled so quickly. It felt so sad that it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled away slowly.
Sometimes we are perfect when we lose something. A man who has everything is a poor man in some ways. He will never have hopes, dreams or something better. He will never know someone loves him or someone is giving him something he has always wanted or never had.
We couldn’t be perfect, but we must be brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, kind enough to share happiness with others and clever enough to know there is enough love around us and then we can always live a wonderful time in our lives.
The circle rolled very slowly because it        .
A.spent much time talking to wormsB.wanted to enjoy the sunshine
C.was looking for its missing piece D.lost a piece of its own
Why did the circle stop when it rolled quickly? Because it        .
A.wanted to enjoy the world B.found a different world
C.wanted to look for another missing pieceD.thought the world changed so quickly
The story mainly tells us that        .
A.nobody loves us if we give nothing
B.a man who has everything is the happiest
C.losing something may not be a bad thing sometimes
D.we are not whole when we lose something

Joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father. Since then, he has had to depend on the     1   of his younger sister Ella. In order to take care of him, Ella became his shadow, never leaving him     2    for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.
As they grew up together, they had their share of     3   and they would often quarrel. Then one day, Ella wanted to separate from Joe, living    4    own life. So Joe was heart-broken and didn't know what to do.
A     5    misfortune (不幸) struck Rosa, too. One night her mother, who suffered(受苦) from mental illness,     6    . So her father went out looking for her mother. She tried to cook meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.
Though her elder sister Susan showed her willingness to take care of her, Rosa decided to be    7    independent. And most of all she learned to do things on her own. Once she wrote the following in her composition: “I’m lucky. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still     8  .”
  One day,Joe and Rosa were both invited to a television interview program. Joe told the TV host about his     9    future at being left on his own, while Rosa was full of hope for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. Joe wrote:My younger sister's arms are my arms;     10     Rosa wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.
They had both stood the same sufferings, but their different     11    determined(决定) the nature of their lives. It is true that life is unpredictable. How you deal with misfortune is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and run away from the suffering,it will always     12    you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.

A.sad B.afraidC.worriedD.alone
A.questions B.accidentsC.problems D.business
A.serious B.suddenC.terribleD.similar
A.andB.so C.whileD.or
A.follow B.catchC.disturbD.hurt


If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival. Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survivals is your reaction(反应) to fear.
Find a hiding place.
Unnecessary efforts will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of valleys—cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.
Signal rescuers for help.
The best time to signal rescuers(救援者) is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possible—it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket (a special blanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and put your blanket—gold side facing out—on the ground.
Do not walk away.
It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one.
If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger. You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.
【小题1】When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you _____.

A.try to find a car immediatelyB.take a space blanket with you
C.do more physical laborD.walk as far as possible to find help
【小题2】According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they _____.
A.do not keep themselves warmB.stay in the middle of the mountain
C.do not take enough equipmentD.stay in a snow-covered area
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Never go to unfamiliar places alone.B.Mountain traveling is dangerous.
C.Don’t get frightened in danger.D.Don’t travel by yourself.
【小题4】The passage talks mainly about _____.
A.mountain travelingB.mountain dangers
C.mountain survivalsD.mountain searching


If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival. Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survivals is your reaction(反应) to fear.

Find a hiding place.

Unnecessary efforts will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of valleys—cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.

Signal rescuers for help.

The best time to signal rescuers(救援者) is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possible—it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket (a special blanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and put your blanket—gold side facing out—on the ground.

Do not walk away.

It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one.

If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger. You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.

1.When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you _____.

A.try to find a car immediately               B.take a space blanket with you

C.do more physical labor                   D.walk as far as possible to find help

2.According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they _____.

A.do not keep themselves warm             B.stay in the middle of the mountain

C.do not take enough equipment             D.stay in a snow-covered area

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Never go to unfamiliar places alone.         B.Mountain traveling is dangerous.

C.Don’t get frightened in danger.            D.Don’t travel by yourself.

4.The passage talks mainly about _____.

A.mountain traveling                      B.mountain dangers

C.mountain survivals                      D.mountain searching


If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival. Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survivals is your reaction(反应) to fear.
Find a hiding place.
Unnecessary efforts will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of valleys—cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.
Signal rescuers for help.
The best time to signal rescuers(救援者) is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possible—it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket (a special blanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and put your blanket—gold side facing out—on the ground.
Do not walk away.
It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one.
If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger. You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.
小题1:When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you _____.
A.try to find a car immediatelyB.take a space blanket with you
C.do more physical laborD.walk as far as possible to find help
小题2:According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they _____.
A.do not keep themselves warmB.stay in the middle of the mountain
C.do not take enough equipmentD.stay in a snow-covered area
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Never go to unfamiliar places alone.B.Mountain traveling is dangerous.
C.Don’t get frightened in danger.D.Don’t travel by yourself.
小题4:The passage talks mainly about _____.
A.mountain travelingB.mountain dangers
C.mountain survivalsD.mountain searching

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