摘要: -Where do you think he the TV set ? - Sorry , I have no idea . A. / , bought B. has , bought C. did , buy D. did , bought E. that , bought


One afternoon last summerMrStow went to a fishmonger(鱼贩)He wanted to___1___some fish for his supperbecause a friend of____2____was coming to have supper____3____him that evening

It Was____4____so most of the fish were not so fresh____5____the fishmonger said“Sircome and see____6____the fish are freshbuy one?” MrStow held one fish up to his____7____and smelt ()it“____8____do you smell that fish? ____9____you think it has gone bad?” shouted the fishmonger

“NoI didn't smell it”answered MrStow

“Then what were you doing____10____your face so close to the fish?” asked the fishmonger“I wasn't____11____the fishI was only talking to it”answered MrStow

“Talking to it?” said the fishmonger“Why? What did you____12____to it?”

“I asked it____13____there was any news from the river

“WellWhat did the fish say____14____you?”

“It said it didn't know the latest(最新的)news because it hadn't been____15____the river for more than a week

1(  ) Aborrow    Blend     Cbuy   Dsell

2( ) Ahis       Bhim     Che   Dhimself

3( ) Aand     Bbetween   Cwith    Dto

4( )Awarm     Bhot    Ccool    Dcold

5( )Aand     Bif      Cthough   Dbut

6( )Aboth      Bnone   Call     Deither

7  ( )Anose      Bface      Cear   Dmouth

8( )AWhen     BWhat    CWhere    DWhy

9( )ADid      BDo     CCould    DAre

10 .( )Aat     Bby     Cwith    Din

11( )Asmelling   Btalking    Clistening  Deating

12( )Atalk      Btell    Cspeak    Dsay

13( )Awhat     Bwhen    Cwhere   Dif

14( ) Aat     Bwith   Cto    Dfor

15( ) Ain    Bacross    Cover   Dat



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