

第Ⅰ卷(选择题    共80分)


1.A.Your books are on the sofa.

B.What's your telephone number?

C.Rick takes the number 17 bus to his company every morning.


2.A.Where's the lost and found case?

B.The buses are dirty and crowded when it rains.

C.I need to take the video tape back to the store after school.


3.A.Do you have a volleyball,Barry?

B.In the future,humans will have less work to do.

C.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale.


4.A.Please read aloud in class.

B.Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday?

C.Our readers want to know something about famous people.


5.A.My aunt took us out to the park last week.

B.Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.

C.Why not come over to my home on Wednesday evening?






11.A.He's out.                                B.He's at home.                   C.He's upstairs.


12.A.At the airport.                 B.At the train station.          C.At his workplace.


13.A.New York.                      B.Sydney.                          C.Shanghai.


14.A.At 9:00 in the morning.              B.At 10:00 today.                   C.At 11:00 tomorrow.


15.A.Tom Green.                     B.Susan Smith.                   C.Bob White.



16.A.To New York.                 B.To Tokyo.                       C.To Paris.


17.A.By telegram.                   B.On the phone.                  C.On the Internet.


18.A.On January 29.                B.On January 30.                C.On January 31.


19.A.To have some work to do.

B.To see a movie.                  C.To meet his old friends.


20.A.He put his things in his room.

B.He sent a telegram to New York.

C.He couldn't remember the name and address of his hotel.




21.--Excuse me.Is there          pay phone near here?

--Yes.You can find one near the bus stop.

A.an                       B.the                      C.a                           D./


22.--Nice to meet you.I'm Sam.May I know your name?

--Of course.         name is Jenny.Nice to meet you.

A.My                     B.Your                   C.Her                       D.His


23.--What kind of          is your favorite.Kevin?

--Chinese food! I like it very much.

A.city                     B.food                    C.sport                      D.book


24.--Let’s play ping-pong!

--Good idea,         I don't have a bat.

A.so                       B.or                       C.and                        D.but


25.--Where is London? I have a pen pal there.

--It's          England.

A.on                       B.in                        C.at                          D.of


26.--Is that your sister Tara?

--No,it isn't.It's Tina.Tina is          than Tara.

A.short                   B.shortest                C.more short             D.shorter


27.You          cool! Are these your new sunglasses?

A.taste                    B.look                    C.smell                     D.sound


28.--Hi,Cindy! How are you?


A.How are you?                                         B.How do you do?

C.Yes,it is.                                               D.I'm fine,thanks.


29.Which Fuwa comes from a panda?



30.The          in the picture is a kind of animal.I learned about that in my biology class.

A.cabbage               B.robot                   C.dolphin                  D.ruler


31.          sunny day it is! It's really good to go out for a hiking.

A.What a                B.What                   C.How a                   D.How


32.I'd like          bowls of noodles.One is for myself and the other two are for my parents.

A.one                     B.two                     C.three                      D.four


33.--Did your class have a party last night?

--Yes,we did.We really enjoyed         

A.yourself               B.ourselves             C.itself                      D.herself


34.--         eggs do you need for the soup?

--Well,one is probably enough.

A.How long            B.How wide            C.How much             D.How many


35.Would you mind          the window? It's cold outside.

A.going                  B.putting                C.closing                   D.taking


36.We are going to finish the work the day          tomorrow.

A.before                 B.across                  C.after                             D.between


37.Make sure to          the lights when you leave.

A.turn over             B.turn left               C.turn off                  D.turn right


38.--When is the speech contest?

--Oh.         Friday,September 29th.

A.They're                B.It's                      C.I'm                        D.She's


39.Those are my three cousins.         of them are interested in soap operas.

A.Each                   B.All                      C.Both                      D.One


40.If you take a bus at the airport,          will take you half an hour to get here.

A.they                     B.it                        C.that                       D.these


41.The boy in brown is your neighbor,Ted,         he?

A.doesn't                 B.don't                    C.isn't                       D.aren't


42.We should do          to help the people in trouble.

A.nothing               B.somebody            C.something              D.nobody


43.What do you want          when you grow up,Sally?

A.to be                   B.does                    C.did                        D.be


44.Excuse me.Could you please          for us? We’re thirsty and tired.

A.make money        B.make a living       C.make coffee           D.make trouble


45.Please          up your bedroom,Jack.It's too dirty.

A.set                      B.stay                     C.clean                     D.cheer


46.--I want some students for the school concert.Bill,         you sing?

--Yes,I can.But only a little.

A.would                 B.must                    C.should                   D.can


47.--So,what do you think of your birthday party?

--I like it.It's really         ,I think.

A.great                   B.boring                 C.ugly                             D.young


48.Pass me one more pen,please.         only one here now.

A.There are             B.There is               C.There be                D.There were


49.--What did your teacher say to you?

--He said         

A.I was good at math                                  B.what do I like

C.where do I live                                          D.how could I read it



1.Zhou Jie,15,from Shanghai,“I have heard that although Senior 3 is a   54   year,students feel less stressed out in Senior 1 and Senior 2.I hope there’ll be time to enjoy   55  ,especially tennis.The Tennis Masters(大师)Cup will be held in Shanghai.I’m going to volunteer to help out and I’m sure I’ll really enjoy it.”


2.Jin Li,16,from Harbin,“I really enjoy science.I’m crazy about   56   model planes,although I’m not good at   57  .I’ll learn more science in senior high.Anyway.sometime in the future I’m going to build a super model plane!”


3.Wang Ya,15,from Xiamen,“I hope I can be   58    in senior high school.I’m only 155 cm.I want to be 162 cm  59    most of the girls in my family don’t grow any taller than 160 cm.I hope I’m different.”


4.Li Fan,15,from Puyang,“I hope I can make more friends.In senior high.I’ll meet different people from different areas.I hope I can learn new things   60   them.”


51.A.walk                   B.study                   C.play                       D.write


52.A.When                  B.How                    C.What                     D.Where


53.A.Let's                    B.It's                      C.What's                   D.That's


54.A.hot                      B.hard                    C.light                      D.kind


55.A.book                   B.show                   C.photo                     D.sport


56.A.making                B.sitting                  C.cooking                 D.cleaning


57.A.us                       B.him                     C.it                           D.her


58.A.shorter                B.stronger               C.thinner                D.taller


59.A.So                      B.But                     C.When                  D.If



61.A.Sure.                B.Of course not.     C.I don't know.        D.Sorry.I can't.


62.A.How is he?          B.Where is he?        C.What is he?             D.How old is he?


63.A.What class is he in?                                 B.What is his hobby?

C.How many languages does he speak?            D.Who is his Chinese teacher?


64.A.Why does he learn Chinese?

B.Does he also think it hard to learn Chinese?

C.Who does he learn Chinese from?

D.How does he learn Chinese?


66.Why does Mr. Green often forget things'?

A.Because his head got badly hurt.             B.Because he often drove cars.

C.Because he was too clever.                        D.Because few men could trouble him.


67.What did Mr. Green want to do when he walked in the street?

A.He wanted to have breakfast.                  B.He wanted to buy newspapers.

C.He wanted to post a letter.                         D.He wanted to go back to sleep.


68.Who knocked at Mr. Green's door?

A.A man from the forest.                          B.Two hunters.

C.A postman.                                              D.A policeman.


69.Where did the two hunters find the dead man?

A.In the street.                                         B.Behind Mr. Green's house.

C.In the forest.                                            D.Near the post office.


70.What color were Mr. Green's socks?

A.Brown.             B.White.              C.Black.               D.Blue.



FIFTEEN YEAR-OLD  Liu Xuyang said he has more than 30 pairs of shoes.But some are old.He doesn’t want them any more.

Where should these old shoes go? To the garbage or to be recycled?

This is bow Liu began to care about old shoes.He shared his thoughts with his classmates at Beijing No. 35 Middle School,Luo Hao and Yang Mengwei.The three then decided to do some research.They found out that old shoes can pollute the environment if not recycled properly.Earlier this month,their research paper won second prize in the Beijing Youth Science and Invention Competition.

The three first spent two weeks designing a questionnaire on how people deal with old shoes and how the shoes are treated.They gave over 100 questionnaires to the public,to shoemakers,garbage stations and recycling stations.


Doing the survey,They found that on average(平均),a family throws away 5.17 pairs of shoes each year.That means millions of old shoes are thrown away a year around the country.

However.most old shoes are not treated properly,according to the students.

“Usually.the old shoes are just burnt or buried(填埋)with other garbage,”said Luo.

Most of the shoes are made of chemical materials.If they are burnt or buried,they can give off gas(气)or other things that pollute the air and rivers,said the students.

They suggest there should be big boxes in cities f6r people to put old shoes in.The shoes could then be taken to recycling stations to be treated.

On the other hand,the shoemakers,said the students,could use more environment-friendly material to make shoes.


71.Liu Xuyang                 

A.has fifteen pairs of old shoes

B.has more than thirty pairs of old shoes

C.has more than thirty classmates in his class

D.is a student of No. 35 Middle School in Beijing


72.Liu Xuyang began to care about the old shoes              

A.because he decided to do some research

B.when he wanted to throw away his old shoes

C.because his thirty pairs of shoes were all very old

D.when he sent the shoes to the recycling factory


73.What does the word “questionnaire” mean in the underlined sentence?

A.A station to deal with the waste materials.

B.A recycling station to treat the old shoes.

C.An office to deal with the problems of old shoes.

D.A list of questions to be answered by a group of people.


74.How did the three students begin their research?

A.They designed a questionnaire first.

B.They wrote a research paper about the old shoes.

C.They gave out the questionnaires and won a prize.

D.They visited many shoemakers,trash and recycling stations.


75.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.More recycling stations should be built around the country.

B.Old shoes will pollute the environment if not recycled properly.

C.The students' survey shows millions of old shoes are thrown away each year.

D.The students suggest that environment-friendly material should be used to make shoes.




When Wayne Mix was a child in the 1930s,his family sent him to a school for the deaf and blind.He learned American Sign Language.With American Sign Language,deaf people use their hands to communicate.They can spell words with their fingers,or they can use signs for whole words.Wayne communicated with teachers and friends in sign language.He graduated at the age of 20.In those days,people who were deaf did not get jobs and were not part of the community(社区),so Wayne went back to the family farm.His family did not know sign language,so Wayne communicated a little by making simple motions(手势)with his hands.He was never able to tell them his thoughts and feelings.


Wayne's father died in 1971.There was no place for Wayne to live,so they sent him to Mountain Meadows nursing home.He was only 51 and much younger and healthier than the other people in the nursing home,but he was treated like the 80 and 90-year-old people because he did not hear or speak.No one knew that Wayne was able to use sign language.

Twenty-nine years passed slowly and silently for Wayne.Then one day he saw a visitor using sign language with her deaf mother during a visit to the nursing home.He walked up to them and signed,“I’m Wayne Mix.”

Suddenly everything changed for Wayne.He found many people who knew sign language.These people communicated through sign language,e-mail,television with subtitles and a special telephone that prints(打印)the words that are spoken.It was a whole new world for Wayne.Now he could tell people his feelings,his needs,and his thoughts.

The people in Wayne's town were sad about the thousands of days in Wayne's life when no one knew that he could communicate.They wanted to help Wayne to do some of the things he always wanted to do.The workers at the nursing home found out that as a young man he loved to swim,and he loved to see pictures of dolphins swimming.When he started signing again,they asked him where he wanted to go.“Water.” Wayne signed.

Mountain Meadows workers had an idea.“Let’s send Wayne to Sea World in San Diego.” They told other people in town about their idea.Many people in Wayne's town and in other states gave money to help Wayne make the trip.The people at Sea World were very kind to Wayne.They let him swim with the dolphins and help them feed all the sea animals.Newspapers wrote about Wayne,so many people gave money to buy him a special TV and a telephone set.These were things Wayne never knew about before.


76.How did Wayne Mix communicate with his teachers in the school?

A.In American Sign Language.                  B.By drawing pictures.

C.By spelling words on their hands.                     D.By making simple motions.


77.Why did Wayne Mix go to live in the nursing home?

A.Because his family moved to another town.

B.Because nobody in his family knew the sign language.

C.Because his family was not able to provide him a room to live in.

D.Because he like to talk with the old people living in the nursing home.


78.How did Wayne’s life change after he met a visitor using sign language in the nursing home?

A.He told the visitor who he was.

B.His life stayed the same as before.

C.He could send e-mails and make telephones to his new friends.

D.He could “talk” with people,telling them his needs and feelings.


79.Why did people feel sad after Wayne began to communicate with others again?

A.Because he was sent to the nursing home at a young age.

B.Because he failed to communicate with his family for such a long time.

C.Because he was not able to communicate with others while he could.

D.Because they were not sure how to look after Wayne later on.


80.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Wayne tried to find a job after he graduated from the school but failed.

B.Many people gave money to buy Wayne a special TV and a telephone set.

C.The nursing home workers sent Wayne to a Sea World to swim.

D.Wayne Mix lived in silence all his life though many people helped him.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题       共40分)




81.My mother bought me a computer         /geim/on my ninth birthday.


82.Shall we go to the         /zu:/first? I want to see the monkeys.


83.I don't drink         /ti:/at night because it makes me feel difficult to fall asleep.


84.Most of the students in our city go to school by         /baik/.


96.Judy can write stories.(改为否定句)

Judy                    write stories.


97.Mr. Li's family watch the CCTV news in the evening.(就画线部分提问)

          do Mr. Li's family          the CCTV news?


98.The reporter asked the girl.“Do you enjoy your volunteer work on weekends?”(改写句子,句意不变)

The reporter asked the girl          she          her volunteer work on weekends.


99.Should I arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner? (改写句子,句意不变)

Am I                    arrive on time or a little later if someone invites me to dinner?


100.Teachers can use cartoons to give examples in lessons about AIDS.(改为被动语态)

Cartoons can                    to give examples in lessons about AIDS.





You must show your                    when you book an air ticket.



The weather report said it would be cool this weekend.                   going to Wohushan Reservoir to fish?



The people in Wenchuan                              a lot of difficulties with the help of the PLA.


The course(路线)of the marathon has changed,too.Instead of running around Central Park,the runners go through the five districts of New York City:Queens,Brooklyn,Manhattan,the Bronx,and Staten Island.The marathon begins at the base(基座)of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in Staten Island.The runners go across the bridge into Brooklyn.Then they go up through Queens and into the Bronx.The marathon finishes in Central Park in Manhattan.The complete course is 26.2 miles,and takes the best runners less than 3 hours.

Although it has changed since 1970,the New York City Marathon is always exciting.Through the years,many unusual events(事件)have happened during the marathon.For example,Pat Tuz and John Weilbaker got married a few minutes before the race.Then they ran the race with their party members.Some people run the whole marathon as a family.Other people run the race backwards.

In the fall of 1992,Fred Lebow,the founder(创始人)of the New York City Marathon,slowly ran his last race.He was very ill with cancer,but he did not want to stop running.In October 1994,Fred died.Howeverthe New York City Marathonand all its excitementwill continue for many years to come



The course of the New York City Marathon in 1970 was to                    the Central Park four times.



Look at the map.A runner has to go across                    over the river before he completes the whole course.



In October 1994,                  to Fred Lebow,the founder of the New York City Marathon.





What does the writer want us to know about the New York City Marathon from the passage?





       参考词汇:1.donation box捐款箱  2.quake-battered areas地震灾区
