
第一部分  选择题(共1 00分)








(二)对话理解(共10小题,1 5分;每小题1.5分)你将会听到几段对话,然后根据对话内容选择正确的答案。听第一段对话回答第(6)题。


6. What does the man like best?

A.  Swimming.             B.  Listening to music.      C.  Travelling.



7. Why can't the woman go to see a film with the man tonight ?

A.   Because she will go to the cinema with her workmate.

B.   Because she is busy with her report.

C.   Because she will have a dinner with her boss.


8. When will they go to see a film?

A.   At lunchtime.

B.   Tomorrow morning.

C.   Tomorrow night.

听第三段对话回答9,l O题。


9. Where did the woman's family live for two years ?

A.  In London.             B.  In York.            C.  In Oxford.


10. What is the man most possibly?

A.  A professor.         B.   A guide.             C.  An officer.



11. What colour is the T-shirt the woman decided to buy?

A.  Brown.            B.  White.          C.  Black.


12. Why did the woman make such a decision?

A.   Her father liked the colour of the T-shirt.

B.   The T-shirt was on sale and she could save 8 dollars.

C.   She hadn't got enough money to buy an expensive one.

听第五段对话回答第1 3~1 5题。


13. For which day did Mr Smith make a booking finally?

A.  20 th of March.          B.   22 nd of March.            C.  21 st of May.


14. What kind of room does Mr Smith want?

A.  A smoking room.        B. -A non-smoking room.         C.  A double room.


15.  How much,  will Mr Smith pay for his room?

A.  70 dollars.            B.   80 dollars.          C.   150 dollars.




16. How will the travellrs go to Loch Ness?

A.  By bus.           B.  By car.         C. By train.


17. When will they get to Loch Ness?

A.   At about 7:30 P. M.

B.   At about 8: 30 A. M.

C.   At about 11: 30 A. M.


18. Where will they have breakfast?

A.   At the hotel restaurant.

B.   At a restaurant near Loch Ness.

C.   At a restaurant near the car park.


19. What is the blue ticket used for?

A.  Taking the bus.          B.  Parking the car.         C.  Getting lunch.


20. Which of the following is true?

A.   The speaker is a person-living in Loch Ness.

B.   It can get cold even in summer in Loch Ness.

C.   Travellers must wear jackets all day in Loch Ness.




21. Miss King has visited the art museum. I am going to _______her somewhere else this afternoon.

A.  take         B.   bring         C.  push         D.  carry


22.   - What about Mr Black's speech?

-Wonderful! There were________people there.

A.  a large number of         B.  much

C.  a great deal of            D.  lots


23. My uncle went to Australia last year.  We haven't seen him________.

A,   since almost a year        B.  from almost a year on

C.  after almost a year         D.   since almost a year ago


24.      Do you like the new coat,  Jack? -Well,  let me________and see.

A.   wear it on        B.   put on it         C.  try it on         D.  dress on it


25. -What would you like for________breakfast,  Mr Scott?

-Three pieces of bread with________cup of black tea,  please.

A.  a;  a      B.   不填;  the             C.  a;  the       D.   不填;  a


26.- What are you looking for,  Michelle?

My cousin's MP3 player.  It   ._____right in here,  and now it's________.

A.   has been;  gone   B.   was;  gone      C.  was;  going      D. is;  going


27. - Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?

- Yeah.          we had!

A.   How a fun          B.  What fun    C.  What a fun     D.   How fun


28. -Can your brother make model airplane?

- Yes,  this week he________a new model.

A.  builds            B.   is built       C.  had built     D.  is building


29.  Mr White is of great help;  you________let him go.

A.  had not better        B.   had better don't  C.  had better not      D.  had no better


30.  My grandfather wants ________ around  the world  because  he enjoys ________ new places.

A.  travelling;  seeing          B.   to travel;  to see

C.  to travel;  seeing           D.  travelling;  to see


31. Mr Watson won't be here next week,  and________.

A.  neither his wife will          B.   neither his wife won't

C.  his wife won't neither         D.  his wife won't either


32. What about Sally? She's done her best these days, ________?

A.  hasn't she          B.   isn't Sally  C.   hasn't Sally         D.  isn't she


33. All the children like Mr White very much because he often makes them________.

A.  laughed          B.   laugh      C,    laughing       D.  to laugh


34. - Oh,  these presents are so nice.

-  The CD is from Betty and the books are from________.

A.  I and Helen                B.   Helen and me

C.   Helen's and mine          D.   Helen and I


35. - Do you like western food?

-  No.   The food of our country is________that of western countries,

A.  rather good than            B.   much better than

C.  more better than            D.  not so good as


36.  Mr Green,  there is someone at the front desk________would like to speak with you.

A.  he            B.   who          C.  which            D.  whom


37. This is________that all of us believe it's very important.

A.  such useful information          B. so useful an information

C.   so useful informations          D.  such a useful information


38.  A neighbour helped to keep our dog.  It________while we were on holiday.

A.  was taken care         B.  took care of

C.  is taken care of         D.  was taken care of


39. - Can you take sure________?

-Sorry,  I can't.  But I did see her just now.

A.  where did she go                B.   where she had gone

C.   where she has gone             D.   where will she go


40. Mrs Shute wouldn't leave the TV set,  ________her children were waiting for their supper.

A.   if           B.   because          C.   even though       D.   as soon as



An old friend from the U. S. whom I was looking forward to staying with,  telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still at the (41) at that time,  but I had got everything ready for his arrival. After letting him know where my house was,  I told him that I had left the (42) under the door-mat (门垫). (43) I was likely to be home rather late,  I told him to go into the      (44)  and help himself to food and drink.

Two hours later my friend (45) me from the house. At the moment,  he said,  he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful (46) . He had found a cooker and (47) two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the ice box. Now,  he said,  he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped I would (48) him. When I asked him if he had reached the house without difficulty,  he an­swered,  "I was not able to find the key,  .(49) luckily the living-room windows just by the apple tree were left open and you know what I could do. "

I listened to all this in (50) . In front of my living-room there was no apple tree at all.


三、完形填空(共10个空格,1 0分;每个空格1分)

41. A.  living-room       B.  office           C.   airport      D.   house


42. A.  address          B.   telephone number C.   key         D. travelling plan


43. A.  As             B.  When            C.  If           D.  Though


44. A.   store          B.   restaurant        C.   fridge       D.kitchen


45. A.  invited         B,    asked          C.  answered      D.   telephoned


46. A.   meal          B.   rest             C.   time        D.   picnic


47. A.  got            B.  broke            C.  fried         D.  bought


48. A.  visit           B. join               C. thank          D.   remember


49. A.  but            B.   so              C.  or           D.   and


50. A.   interest       B.   anger            C.   surprise     D.   excitement



Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted,  "Look! That's a spaceship up there and it's going to land here. "

Frightened by the strange spaceship, all the young people got into their cars and drove away as quickly as passible except Peter and Mary. They were more curious (好奇的) than frightened.   They watched the spaceship land and saw a door open,  but nobody came out,  so

they went to look into it.  In the centre of the floor,  there was a lot of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not hear the door close be-- hind him.  The temperature fell in no time and very soon the two young peo­ple didn't know anything.

When they came to,  they were surprised to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship had gone.  Their car was nearby.

"What happened?" asked Mary,

Peter scratched his head,  saying slowly,  "Don't ask me. Perhaps we had a problem. Come on.  It's time to go home. "

After driving about fifty metres,  they found a thick wall made of something like glass stood in their way. On the other side of the wall,  a few strange aliens were looking through the wall and reading a notice which,  translated into English,  said: "New comers at the zoo: a pair of earth villagers in their field with their house on wheels,  n

