
第 Ⅰ 卷(选择题  共80分)

听  力  部  分

一、第一节   听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每段对话只听一遍。 (本题共10分,每小题1分)

1. What’s the season?

A. Spring.         B. Summer.           C. Winter.



2. What time would the man like to see the woman?


A. Earlier than 6:00.           B. At 6:00.     C. At 8:00.



3. What does Tom want Mary to do?

A. To keep his new phone number.

B. To tell Andrew his new phone number.

C. To tell Andrew to call him at his new number.



4. What colour is the skirt?

A. Black.                B. Yellow.                 C. Light blue.



5. What did the man thank for?

A. The last bus.         B. The wonderful lunch.           C. The delicious supper.



6. Whose successful news is it?

A. Tina’s.              B. Amy’s.                 C. Mr. Jones’.



7. What does the man invite Judy to do?

A. To join in a birthday party. B. To join in a dance.            C. To join in a dinner.



8. Which floor is Mr. Johnson’s office on?

A. The ninth floor.             B. The nineteenth floor.          C. The twelfth floor.



9. What does the woman mean?

A. Having sports is good for health.

B. Drinking lots of water is bad for health.

C. Drinking icy water after sports is bad for health.



10. How does Jimmy feel?

A. Unhappy.              B. A little tired.                C. Very well.


第二节        听下面三段对话,每段对话后有3到4个问题。在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最




11. What is the report about?

A. Mrs. Green’s trouble. B. Mr. Green’s anger.            C. The city buses.


12. Why does Mrs. Green complain about the city buses?

A. Because the buses don’t wait for her.

B. Because the buses don’t arrive on time.

C. Because there is no timetable for the buses.


13. How long did Mr. Green wait for the bus once?

A. 15 minutes.           B. 50 minutes.                    C. The city buses.



14. Why does the woman like to watch the football game on TV?

A. Because she doesn’t like to go to the stadium.

B. Because she thinks it expensive to watch it in the stadium.

C. Because she can watch the football game more clearly on TV.


15. How does the man like watching the football game in the stadium?

A. No fun.               B. Very exciting.                 C. Very noisy.


16. What will they do tonight?

A. They will watch the game at home.

B. They will watch the game in the stadium.

C. They will watch the game separately(分别地)



17. What is the relationship between Mr. Smith and Helen?

A. Classmates.           B. Teacher and student.           C. Father and daughter.


18. Where was Helen’s family two years ago?

A. In England.           B. In America.                    C. In France.


19. What company is Helen’s father working for?

A. An American company.  B. A French company.       C. A British company.


20. What is Helen’s mother?     

A. A worker.                    B. A world traveller.             C. A housewife.


第三节  听短文,根据短文内容在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。短文听两遍。

(本题共5分, 每小题1分)


21. When did David see the accident?

A. In the morning.       B. In the afternoon.       C. In the evening.


22. What was the man doing while he was driving?

A. Eating a hot dog.            B. Drinking a bottle of milk.  C. Talking on his mobile phone.


23. What happened then?

A. The sports car crashed into the truck.

B. The truck crashed into the sports car.

C. The sports car and the truck crashed into each other.


24. How was the woman at first?

A. Too angry to move.           B. Too frightened to move. C. Too badly hurt to move.


25. Who was hurt badly?

A. The woman.            B. The man.                C. No one.



二、选择填空 (本题共15分,每小题1分)

26. -Excuse me, may I use your dictionary?

    --Sorry, I have no dictionary.

    --_______________ .

A. That’s right                B. Thank you all the same         C. You can buy one


27. Such a wonderful concert is really pleasant for our ________ .

A. ears                  B. heads                          C. mouths


28. ---- Is Susan going to her hometown by train?

---- I guess she ________ . I know she likes driving her new car.

A. mustn’t                     B. can’t                         C. may not


29. We had a party last month, and it was so fun. Why don’t we have _______ one this month?

A. more                  B. another                        C. the other


30. “Please don’t be angry with me,” said Amy laughingly. This made me even _________ .

A. angry                 B. angrier                        C. angriest


31. They’re trying their best to _______ enough money to build a school for the poor children.

A. spend                 B. cost                                  C. collect


32. - I won’t go to Ann’s birthday party this coming Saturday.

-- ___________ you told me you would. What’s happening?

A. But                   B. So                             C. And


33. His wife got hurt in the accident. I didn’t know how to tell him _____ bad news.

A. a                     B. the                                   C. /


34. Tina can’t see the blackboard because the boy who sits _________ her is very big and tall.

A. behind                 B. in front of                           C. next to


35. Mother’s Day falls on ____________ Sunday of May.

A. two                   B. second                         C. the second


36. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _____________ and see him.

A. you will come         B. will you come                  C. you come


37. - Haven’t I told you I like coffee without sugar? -- Sorry, but I only __________ a little.

A. am putting                   B. put                            C. will put


38. - Did David go to school yesterday?         - No, ________ he had a bad cold.

A. because               B. if                             C. though


39. The 2005 Asian Arts Festival _________in Foshan. We are still proud of it.

A. is held               B. held                                  C. was held


40. There are so many kinds of MP4 players in the shop. I can’t decide ________ .

A. what to buy           B. which to buy                          C. when to buy


“Let’s go,” Grandmother Smith said to Josh. She put two fishing poles and an old   41   box in the truck. “If we’re late,  42  will stop biting(咬). It’s best to go fishing in the morning,   43   they have had breakfast!” She started the truck.

On the way, Josh   44    the white box at his feet. It was full of lures(鱼饵), which looked like little toys. Josh wanted to touch them, but Grandmother her head.

On arriving at the like, Grandmother   45   the poles and a picnic basket, and Josh carried the box. They walked to the fishing area.

    “I’ll be happy when you   46   your first fish!” Grandmother said. She spread out a tablecloth and sat on it. She opened the basket and pulled   47   a box of cookies. Josh took a cookie and ate it   48   his grandmother worked on his pole. Very soon, Grandmother handed the pole to him. “When fish are hungry, they will bite   49   anything. I used to catch fish with bread, but now I like to use   50   . Would you like to pick one out?”



41. A. black                      B. red                     C. white


42. A. fish                       B. we                      C. animals


43. A. before                     B. after                          C. when


44. A. closed                     B. opened                  C. took


45. A. picked                     B. brought                 C. carried 


46. A. catch                      B. eat                     C. find


47. A. in                         B. out                     C. off


48. A. so                         B. while                          C. since


49. A. never                      B. hardly                  C. almost


51. Mrs. Brown thought it was more important for Penny ___________ .

A. to go to day camp than to study             B. to study than to go to day camp

C. to learn her rule than to study                    D. to spend her time playing games


52. In fact, Mrs. Brown wouldn’t like Penny to _____________  .

A. go to a new school                                B. have fun in the summer

C. move with the family                       D. study for the whole summer


53. From the passage we know that ______________ .

A. Penny didn’t like her mother        B. Penny hated to go to summer school

C. Penny didn’t want to go to day camp D. Penny wanted to move to a new state


54. Penny had to __________ if she wanted to study in a new school .

A. take a test                         B. miss some lessons

C. go to day camp               D. go to summer school in the afternoon


55. Which is NOT right?

A. Penny spent one hour studying in her room.

B. Penny came to a new state together with her parents.

C. Penny did not like her teacher in the summer school.

D. Penny had to miss her lessons for the move to a new state.


( B )

Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi returned home from the United States on the morning of April 10th after he had been expelled(除名)from the national team for four years.

“It has been a long time. I am so glad to be coming back home,” Wang told a CCTV reporter.

Wang, the first Chinese to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA) when he joined the Dallas in 2001, was welcomed by the Chinese basketball officials at he Beijing International Airport that morning.

“I realized I had made a big mistake (for refusing to return when he was needed). I want to say sorry to my fans and to the Bayi team which trained me and gave me the chance to play in the this time and win back my place in the national team.” Wang went on.

“Wang Zhizhi won’t play in the final competition of the CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) Because he didn’t register(注册),” said Zhang Bing, who works with the Bayi team.


56. Wang Zhizhi hasn’t been a member of the national team ___________ .

A. for four years  B. since April 10    C. since 2001        D. for 5 years


57. Wang Zhizhi says sorry to his fans and the Bayi team because _________ .

A. he refused to return when he was needed           B. he left the Bayi team for America

C. he didn’t play well when he was in China         D. Dallas didn’t want to keep him


58. In this passage, “make up my fault” means ___________ in Chinese.

A. 表现出色        B. 弥补过失          C. 珍惜机会          D. 得到谅解


59. From the passage we know that _________.

A. Wang Zhizhi was not welcomed in Beijing

B. Wang Zhizhi was a reporter on sports before

C. every player must register before he plays in the competition of the CBA

D. the Chinese basketball officials didn’t want Wang Zhizhi to come back home


60. Which is the test title for this passage?

A. Wnag Zhizhi Feels Sorry                           B. Wang Zhizhi in the Bayi Team

C. Wang Zhizhi Returns Home                          D. Wang Zhizhi in the United States


( C )

Many hospitals have blood banks. In these banks, blood of all types is stored. When blood is needed, it is taken from the bank. Healthy people then give blood to the bank to replace (取代) the blood that is used. Blood can be kept in the fridge for about three weeks with a kind of chemical.

When people lose much of heir blood because of operation a accident, they may need transfusions (输血). Some people may need transfusions because of illness. Sometimes only a part of the blood is used for transfusions. Plasma (血浆), the liquid part of the blood, may be given alone. Transfusions of plasma are often given when people have been badly burned.

When a person gets a transfusion, he gets blood of the same type as his. Or there may be a bad reaction(反应). To make it safer, before a transfusion is given, the blood to be used must be tested with the blood of the person who is to receive it. This testing is called cross matching of the blood.

Oswald Robertson, an American doctor, was the first one to give transfusions. He used blood that had been stored for some time to help wounded soldiers in 1918 in World War I.


61. Blood banks usually have __________________ .

A. only one type of blood                      B. one or two types of blood

C. two or three types of blood                        D. all types of blood


62. Blood banks get blood from _______________ .

A. healthy people         B. operations        C. accidents         D. transfusions


63. Before a transfusion, it is important to make sure that _____________ .

A. the blood is cold

B. the blood has been stored long enough

C. the blood is from people who have accidents

D. the type of blood to be used is the same as the patient’s


64. To make it safer, ________________ is needed before a transfusion.

A. an operation                                       B. a reaction

C. a healthy man                                      D. cross matching of the blood


65. This passage wants to tell us __________ .

A. who Oswald Robertson was                    B. the first transfusion

C. how blood banks work                 D. what blood banks are like


第 Ⅱ 卷 (非选择题  共40分)




66. Today is Tree Planting Day. The students are ______________ (挖)holes for trees.


67. The shopping-mall is on ______________ (营业)from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


68. He is still sad though his pet dog has been _______________ (死的)for five years.


69. It is hard to ______________ (选择)between staying with my parents and going abroad.


70. The temperature in Harbin is very low in winter, usually below ____________ (零).


71. The man seemed to be waiting for ______________ (某人) in the building.


72. I heard some noise from the room ________________ (在上面).


74. What a lovely morning! The _______________ (鸟儿) are singing in the trees.


75. Would you please ________________ (邮寄)this letter for me on your way home?





76. 杨老师说这个星期轮到我们搞卫生了。

Miss Yang said that ___________________________ to do the cleaning this week.


77. 你听说过关于三?水坝的报道吗?

___________________________________ the reports about The Dam of Three Gorges?


78. 别担心,他会尽快把地图还给你的。

Don’t worry. He will _______________________________ as soon as possible.


79. 醒来时,她看见爸爸在伏案读书。

She woke up to __________________________________  at his desk .


81. The parts making up of Scotland



82. Capital



83. Height(高度)of the peak



84. The most important river



85. Scotland’s separate system





86. Does Scotland lie in the south of England?



87. Can we that Scotland is between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean?



88. Is Scotland a country next to the United Kingdom?



89. Where do the tourists to Scotland come from?



90. From this passage, how do you know the United Kingdom has more than one type of currency?



八、书面表达 (本题共10分)




开小差:       be absent-minded           想象:        imagine

品尝:         taste                      愤怒地:      angrily

掉到地上:fall onto the ground            圣诞老人:    Father Christmas



In an English lesson, Miss Wang was talking about American festivals.
