摘要: A. in B. out C. off


A big, mighty(高大的) tree stood in a forest. Its branches(树枝) spread out and its roots (根) went deep in the earth. A lot of people came here to have a rest under it. And a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance. The big tree was very proud all the time.
At the foot of the tree, there was a little plant. The plant was thin, and seemed to be blown down by any of a little wind.
One day, the two neighbors were having a little chat.
“Well, little one,” said the tree to the plant, “why not put your feet deeply in the earth, and raise your head high in the air as I do?”
“I see there is no need to do so,” said the plant with a smile. “In fact, I think I may be safer in this way.”
“Safer?” said the tree. “Are you safer than I am? Do you know how deep my roots are in the earth and how strong my branches are? Who can possibly pull me out by the roots or bow my head to the ground?” And the tree didn’t want to say anything to the weak plant.
But the tree was to regret its words very soon. One evening, a great hurricane(飓风) came. It blew the trees off their roots and almost destroyed the forest completely. It uprooted(将……连根拔起)the mighty tree and blew it away with great force.
When the storm had gone, the villagers living nearby came to check the damage. The mighty tree lay on the ground, but the little plant still stood there.
【小题1】Who was the big tree’s neighbor?

A.People.B.Birds.C.A little plant.D.Branches.
【小题2】Why was the big tree proud before its neighbor?
A.Because a lot of people came to have a rest under it.
B.Because it was tall and thick.
C.Because a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance.
D.All of the above.
【小题3】Why didn’t the big tree want to say anything to the little plant?
A.Because the big tree was tired.
B.Because the little plant knew less than the big tree.
C.Because the strong wind came.
D.Because the big tree looked down upon(看不起)the little plant.
【小题4】What did the villagers living nearby see after the hurricane had gone?
A.They saw the forest was flooded.
B.They saw the big tree lying on the ground.
C.They saw the big tree was still mighty.
D.They saw some birds singing on the little plant.
【小题5】 What’s probably the best title of the passage?
A.Trees in the Forest.B.A Mighty Tree.
C.Trees and Plants.D.A Clever Plant.


A mother in Australia was told by a doctor that her new born son was dead but she helped to bring him back to life by holding the baby against her body. She used a method known as a kangaroo care. The child, named Jamie ,was born after only 27 weeks with his twin sister, Emily, in a hospital in Sydney. Her birth went well ,but his was a different story. The doctor struggled for 20 minutes to save Jamie before announcing him dead.

“His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body.” Kate Ogg said ,“I took off my coat and put him on my chest with his head over my arm.” She and her husband, David ,said to the child as she continued to hold him for nearly 2 hours. During that time, the two-pound baby showed the sign of life. She said , “I told my mum ,who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my finger. ”Their tiny baby grew stronger and stronger in his mother’s arms, and their final goodbye turned into a hello.

The doctor at first ignored the baby’s movements, but when he put the stethoscope(听诊器)to his chest, his mouth was wide open and he said ,“It’s my fault, It’s a miracle( 奇迹).

“The kangaroo care helps the baby keep body warmth” Dr Pinchi Srinivasan said, “It also regulates(调节) heartbeat and breathing rates and is believed to help weight gain and improve? sleeping habits. Fathers can also use kangaroo care. The key to the method is skin-to-skin contact.”

?? The practice began in less developed nations. It has become a recognized pracitce in helping premature babies. The techniques is good for babies, and is used in many baby care centers.

1.After hearing what the doctor said, the mother________.

A. became so sad that she almost became mad?????

B. didn’t give up and tried to bring her baby to life

C. chose to believe the doctor

D. became angry at what the doctor did to the baby

2.When the baby first showed sign of life, the doctor________.

A. didn’t believe the miracle had happened

B. was too shocked to do anything

C. was cheered and tried to save the baby at once

D. was moved by what the mother did to the baby

3.From what Dr Pinchi Srinivasan said, we learn the baby came back to life mainly because of________.

A. the mother’s soft words

B. the doctor’s careful care

C. skin-to-skin contact with the mother

D. the father’s kangaroo’s care

4.According to the paassage, premature babies refer to babies that are born______.

A. with diseases???? B. before their time?? C. dead??????? D. heavy

5.What the main idea of the passage?

A.A baby was almost killed by a doctor’s wrong decision

B.A doctor in Australia announced a baby was dead by mistake

C.A mum in Australia saved her baby with “kangaroo care”

D.A mum in Australia invented a new method of saving babies



A rich man was ill in hospital, and the doctor feared that his life was ending soon. He called together his three sons and gave them the challenge, ‘One of you will get all my money. To decide which of you can get the money, I am going to give each of you a dollar. Go today and buy something that can fill this room.”

     In the evening, they all came back. Child number one went to his friend’s farm and bought two bales of hay (两捆干草) with the dollar. He brought the hay and threw it up into the air. But it couldn’t fill the room.

Child number two went to a shop and bought two pillows made with feathers(羽毛). He then opened them and threw the feathers all over the room. All the feathers settled down on the floor and the room was still not filled.

The third son took out a candle and said, “I bought a box of matches and a candle then I gave the rest to a charity.” He lit the candle and turned off the lights, and the room was filled.

“ Well done, my son. You will get all my money because you understand a very important lesson about life. You understand how to let your light shine. That is good.” said the father.

1.The rich man wanted to give all his money to one of his sons because _______.

A. he was dying

B. he was too old to work

C. he wanted to know which son was the cleverest

D. he want something special

2.Child number two ________.

A. asked his father for help        B. bought nothing

C. gave the money to charity       D. got feathers in a shop

3.From the passage we can know _______.

A. the third son is honest and friendly  

B. the father is satisfied with the third son

C. child number one is the cleverest     

D. candle is a good gift for family

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Let Your Light Shine      B. A Rich Man and His Three Sons

C. How to Get Money        D. The Cleverest Son



A boy carefully took his blind father to a seat in a noodle restaurant.

He called   1   for two bowls of beef noodles. When the restaurant owner was going to   2   the food, the boy suddenly whispered to him,“Only one bowl with   3  , the other without ---just plain noodles.”

In fact, the boy had a light purse and couldn’t afford   4  bowls of beef noodles. He called loudly just to let his   5  know.

When the noodles were sent to them, the father wasn’t in a hurry. He used his chopsticks to search in his bowls, trying to   6   a piece of beef. As soon as he succeeded in finding one, he picked it out   7  put it into his son’s bowl, saying kindly, “Eat some more. Have enough   8  so that you can study well.”

The boy accepted silently(默默地) and then quietly put the beef   9  to his father’s bowl.

When the restaurant owner saw this, he was   10 , then he asked a waiter to bring   11  some dishes from the kitchen. The boy thought   12  the waiter took the dishes to a wrong table, but the owner came up explaining with a smile, “Today is my restaurant’s anniversary(周年庆). The dishes are  13 .”

After the father and son left, the waiter   14  the bowls from the table and found some coins 15  one of them. The sum is just the price of the dishes.

1.                A.quickly         B.slowly          C.loudly    D.quietly


2.                A.ask            B.prepare        C.eat  D.heat


3.                A.pork           B.chicken         C.beef D.fish


4.                A.five            B.two            C.three D.four


5.                A.mother         B.father          C.friend    D.waiter


6.                A.look           B.listen           C.find  D.see


7.                A.so             B.but            C.or   D.and


8.                A.money         B.book           C.food D.work


9.                A.back           B.up             C.down D.off


10.               A.angry          B.afraid          C.moved    D.nervous


11.               A.us             B.him            C.her   D.them


12.               A.who           B.that           C.where D.how


13.               A.free           B.cheap          C.expensive D.best


14.               A.found          B.cleaned        C.finished   D.came


15.               A.out            B.in             C.on   D.under




A big, mighty(高大的) tree stood in a forest. Its branches(树枝) spread out and its roots (根) went deep in the earth. A lot of people came here to have a rest under it. And a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance. The big tree was very proud all the time.

At the foot of the tree, there was a little plant. The plant was thin, and seemed to be blown down by any of a little wind.

One day, the two neighbors were having a little chat.

“Well, little one,” said the tree to the plant, “why not put your feet deeply in the earth, and raise your head high in the air as I do?”

“I see there is no need to do so,” said the plant with a smile. “In fact, I think I may be safer in this way.”

“Safer?” said the tree. “Are you safer than I am? Do you know how deep my roots are in the earth and how strong my branches are? Who can possibly pull me out by the roots or bow my head to the ground?” And the tree didn’t want to say anything to the weak plant.

But the tree was to regret its words very soon. One evening, a great hurricane(飓风) came. It blew the trees off their roots and almost destroyed the forest completely. It uprooted(将……连根拔起)the mighty tree and blew it away with great force.

When the storm had gone, the villagers living nearby came to check the damage. The mighty tree lay on the ground, but the little plant still stood there.

1.Who was the big tree’s neighbor?



C.A little plant.


2.Why was the big tree proud before its neighbor?

A.Because a lot of people came to have a rest under it.

B.Because it was tall and thick.

C.Because a lot of birds stood on its branches to sing and dance.

D.All of the above.

3.Why didn’t the big tree want to say anything to the little plant?

A.Because the big tree was tired.

B.Because the little plant knew less than the big tree.

C.Because the strong wind came.

D.Because the big tree looked down upon(看不起)the little plant.

4.What did the villagers living nearby see after the hurricane had gone?

A.They saw the forest was flooded.

B.They saw the big tree lying on the ground.

C.They saw the big tree was still mighty.

D.They saw some birds singing on the little plant.

5. What’s probably the best title of the passage?

A.Trees in the Forest.

B.A Mighty Tree.

C.Trees and Plants.

D.A Clever Plant.



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