【题目】 Have you ever frequently put off things you should do for various reasons? If so, it is procrastination (拖延). Procrastinators often put off doing things and leave them to the very last moment. 1Lazy people simply don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators, on the other hand, have the desire to do something but can’t force themselves to start.

You might think procrastination is a bit annoying but fairly harmless. However, long term procrastination has bad effects on your health. Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life. Just thinking about what you haven’t done may cause discomfort. 2

Don’t place too much pressure on yourself. “This project has to impress everyone; I really can’t blow this opportunity,” 3 Overcome this mental block by simply allowing yourself to be imperfect with the next small task. You can always improve your work later.

4 Concentrating on the size and difficulty of a task will overcome you and promote procrastination. Any work can be broken into smaller steps. The trick is - with each step along the way to focus on the next achievable tasks. Make sure you can easily imagine the outcome of your small task. Don’t write a book; write a page.

Focus on starting, rather than finishing. For someone who’s having a hard time starting a task, imagining a hard-to-grasp future can be depressing. The solution in this case, then, is to focus on starting. 5 We all know that if we start, we’ll eventually finish the task.

A.Break a long project down into short tasks.

B.So procrastination is about managing the time.

C.So we should apply ourselves to overcoming it.

D.However, procrastination is different from laziness.

E.Focus on the negative effects of the procrastination.

F.Bring your focus from the future to what can be done right now.

G.Placing such high hopes on a project only adds anxiety and fear of failure.

【题目】Babies’ Look Changing

Researchers show that the early social behavior called look changing is linked to babies’ ability to learn new language sounds. 1. It is when a baby makes eye contact and then looks at the same object that the other person is looking at.

Rechel Brooks, one of the researchers, made a report, showing that babies’ look changing serves as a building block(基础)for more complicated language and social skills. 2.

In this experiment, nine 5-month-old babies from English-speaking families attended foreign language tutoring sessions. Over four weeks, the tutors talked and played with toys while speaking Spanish.

At the beginning and end of the four-week period, researchers counted how often the babies changed their look. 3. There they tested how much Spanish language sounds.

4. The more look changing the babies participate in during their tutoring sessions, the greater their brain response were to the Spanish language sounds.

“Our findings show young babies’ social engagement contributes to their own language learning – they’re not just passive listeners of language,” Brooks said. “They’re paying attention and showing parents they’re ready to learn when they’re looking back and forth.” 5.

The researchers hope their findings help people develop strategies for teaching young children.

A.That’s when the most learning happens

B.These skills are what preschool children can gain

C.The results were really amazing

D.We can’t imagine how look changing helps them learn so much

E.However, others may regard look changing as something useless

F.Look changing is one of the earliest social skills that babies show

G.After the experiment ended, the researchers brought the babies back to the lab

【题目】 It was a Saturday evening in Marchjust before sundownwhen we heard the screaming. I was out walking with my wifeMelissaand our golden retriever(猎犬)Kirabeside a lake when the peace was broken by a woman’s voicecalling out two names over and over.

We spotted heralmost immediatelythree or four hundred feet away across the lake. Spring had come but there was still snow on the groundthe water covered by a layer of ice that had just started to thaw. Two big dogs were walking across it. They appeared to be quite old and were moving slowly. As we watchedthe ice gave way beneath one dog and then the otherplunging them into the water.

We arrived at the scene a few minutes laterbut the dogs already seemed to be showing the effects of the cold as they struggled weakly to escape. We realized that calling 911 would be useless—the dog farther out was in water about 20 feet deep and I feared neither of them would stay afloat long enough for the emergency services to arrive. BesidesI was probably qualified to carry out the rescue myself. I was practicing the kind of deep breathing my grandfather had taught me as I walked in. I wasn’t alone—Kira swam alongside me. Having Kira there was a huge support. We were able to go back to shore quickly.

The second dog was further out and I had to pause before I went back in. That’s when another technique I’d learned from my grandfather came into play. He’d taught me about a pressure point on the wrist that when pressed in the right way sends out an electrical signallike a jolt of energy. That kept me warm as I set out again withKira. I maintained eye contact with the dog as we approached. With Kira’s encouragementit followed us back. The owner was emotional—“I’m the luckiest woman alive!”she said.

1What does the underlined word“thaw”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?



2Why didn’t the writer call 911?

A.The writer’s dog has been trained to save lives.

B.The dogs could save themselves from the cold water.

C.There wasn’t enough time to wait for the emergency services.

D.The writer’s grandfather had taught him how to save the dogs.

3What do we know about the second technique the writer learned from his grandfather?

A.It makes him brave.B.It keeps him warm.

C.It allows him stay focused.D.It helps him walk quickly.

4Who accompanied and helped the writer while saving the dogs in the water?

A.His wife.B.The dogs’owner.

C.His grandfather.D.His dog.

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