【题目】 I took a job as a receptionist for a vet almost five decades ago. As a keen animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn’t bear to see any creature in pain.

At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely injured Doberman puppy in his arms and begging us to save his life. The four- month-old pup had been hit by a car.

The doctor and I ran back into the operating room. The only place the skin was still attached to this poor little animal’s body was around one shoulder. The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like hours, stitching him back together again. That was the easy part. The puppy had broken multiple bones, including his spine(脊椎). If he survived the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk again.

That day forever changed my life. The vet mentored me, and I became his assistant in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical therapy. I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his muscles from withering.

Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little fighter push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back till he could finally use his legs.

Fas-forward about a year, I walked into the clinic’s crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a huge Doberman who had been standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room broke loose and rushed toward me. I found myself pinned against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders, washing my face with abundant and joyful kisses!

I am still amazed at the display of love and gratitude the dog had for me that day all those years ago. I went on to be a vet tech for 14 years, and since retirement, I’ve volunteered at a no-kill animal shelter.

1Why was the author unwilling to assist the vet with injured animals at first?

A.She didn’t like animals at all.B.She couldn’t stand working with the vet.

C.She had no experience of tending animals.D.She would feel sad seeing animals injured.

2After the operation, the author thought the puppy___________.

A.would not surviveB.would lose the ability to walk

C.would recover soonD.would suffer great pain

3Which of the following best describes the author?



4What’s the best title for the text?

A.A dog’s gratitude.B.An experience in clinic.

C.I, an animal lover.D.An incredible miracle.

【题目】Receptionist / Clerical(文职人员的) Assistant / Part Time


Covenant Care was founded in 1994 by healthcare industry professionals who wanted to create a company that would exceed customer expectations through quality care. Through modest and focused growth, our“Family" has grown to include over 8,000 healthcare professionals in over 55 healthcare and rehabilitation centers. We care for over 4,000 residents and patients in our facilities.

Key Job Function

●Provide timely, friendly, accurate and helpful telephone support.

●Provide information and accurately answer resident and patient, family, employee and visitor inquiries.

●Handle volume of calls and visitors, and distribute messages accordingly.

●Timely and accurately maintain all assigned data bases and list, including residents, emergency telephone numbers, clergy, on call personnel, etc.

Minimum Requirements

●Must possess at a minimum a High School diploma or equivalent.

●Must have at least 2 years’ experience in a clerical position or successfully completed a secretarial science program from an accredited school / college.

●Must meet the general health requirements set forth by the policies of the facility or department which may include a medical and physical examination.

To learn more about Covenant Care and our recent successes, please click on the following link to view our Quality Report.

1What do a Clerical Assistant’s duties include?

A.Visiting every resident.B.Caring for patients.

C.Dealing with telephone calls.D.Asking visitors questions.

2Which of the following applicants is likely to be employed?

A.A person suffering poor health.B.A person with no work experience.

C.A person who just graduated from high school.D.A person who received training in secretarial work.

3Where is this passage most likely from?

A.A web page.B.A magazine.

C.A guidebook.D.A textbook.

【题目】 Many people take entry-level jobs in a company for experience and to get their foot in the door. 1 For those who want to get a promotion in the company, the following may be helpful.

Get a Mentor.

A mentor can help you learn how to approach a career, learn the company, and find position openings. 2 They can help to get through the challenges to show that you are a valued employee. Mentors may make a great reference if a person is going for a promotion.

Cautiously Self Promote.

No one likes people who do nothing but boast of their accomplishments and greatness. A person can offer to type up meeting notes and related information and send it out to others in the company. When sending the email there should be the email signature with name and title. 3


If a person makes a mistake, he should own up to it. This will show that the employee is trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes but how a person handles it affects their position in the company. If they handle it correctly, it will show they can take responsibility.

Solve Problems.

Whether you work in a small office, or a big one, space problem solving is essential. Doing so at work can show you’re ready for bigger roles. You also need to consider how complicated projects are handled and look for solutions to make the process easier.

5 If a person shows that they are responsible, can complete the workload, and can work as a team player, they can move up in the company and advance their career.

A.Take Responsibility.

B.Ask for Additional Responsibilities.

C.The more your name is known, the better.

D.They can give tips to do the work efficiently.

E.To get better positions, people need to show they are willing to work.

F.These are ways by which a person can move up ahead in a company.

G.The jobs may be below their level but they offer steady paycheck and advancement.

【题目】 Last semester in my final year of high school, I had a kind teacher whom I can never forget. I was not the best student when it came to writing tests. I had to work extra hard to get good marks, although I enjoyed learning. Anyway, this class that I truly enjoyed still had me struggling to do well on my tests. My teacher willingly helped me and was always willing to answer my questions, and I greatly appreciated it. He was a remarkable teacher, always reaching out to students and helping them achieve their greatest potential.

I remember the day of writing my final exam, I was the last one still writing in the exam room as always, reviewing my exam paper, while everyone else had already finished and left the room. After turning in my exam-paper, I started to leave the classroom, but decided to turn around and say what I had meant to say.

What I did right then was that I sincerely thanked my teacher for everything. What I said to him lastly meant a lot more to him than I thought it would —“I really enjoyed this class.” I did not think much about it. I was just being honest with him, but the look on his face was remarkable. He seemed really touched and appreciated my simple comment, just knowing that one of his students had truly enjoyed his class. That is what I call a simple, yet very meaningful act of kindness to brighten a teacher’s day, because they work so hard for us and truly inspire us to learn.

It is what we say and do to show concern to others that can make somebody else’s day extra special. I believe that a simple praise can mean a lot more than one can think.

1What can we know from the first paragraph?

A.The author was good at learning.

B.The author didn’t do well in writing.

C.The classes had me struggling.

D.The teacher answered all my questions.

2Why is the author thankful to his teacher?

A.He taught him how to learn.

B.He let him pass the tests.

C.He helped arouse his potential.

D.He listened to him patiently.

3Which words can describe the teacher?

A.Honest and kind.B.Kind and outstanding.

C.Special and patient.D.Skillful and clever.

4What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.A teacher is always helping his students.

B.We should be honest with others.

C.We should appreciate others’ help.

D.A simple comment matters a lot to others.

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