【题目】I always wondered how people would react if I tried to approach a total stranger for help in a busy place like a street corner or a mall. I have always _________ a stranger who tried to catch my _________ in a busy place.

Yesterday I was in a busy shopping mall buying a large piece of luggage because I just had the _________ to do it after many days of planning. After the _________, I picked up my phone from my pocket to call my driver waiting in the parking lot but my phone was _________.

Then I requested the shop assistant who had _________ sold me the merchandise (which was not cheap), if she could ring my driver for me. She _________ that it was the shop policy that they cannot use _________ while working in the shop.

After I got out of the shop onto the busy street, I _________ a young mother with her two kids to make the same __________. As soon as I said “Excuse me, madam!” she grabbed her kids and ran. I __________ a kidnapper(绑匪).

I stood there wondering how many times I had __________ to strangers like the young __________. I stood there in the __________ street with people rushing by, looking at their faces to see if there was a sign of __________ on their face.

I saw a man pretty shabbily dressed compared to me who __________ to notice me. I just stopped him and made my request. He __________ called my driver and waited till my car came to make sure I was picked up, turned around __________ I could thank him adequately and was gone.

I was __________ by kindness and hope I will do __________ to strangers who try to catch my attention from now on.

1A. helped out B. hurried by C. smiled at D. taken in

2A. attention B. thought C. devotion D. sympathy

3A. right B. time C. ability D. way

4A. rest B. lunch C. bargain D. purchase

5A. lost B. dead C. gone D. wrong

6A. still B. simply C. just D. even

7A. believed B. promised C. replied D. predicted

8A. phones B. clocks C. watches D. computers

9A. noticed B. recognized C. welcomed D. approached

10A. mistake B. request C. apology D. comment

11A. met B. appeared C. felt like D. ran after

12A. referred B. objected C. reacted D. applied

13A. driver B. assistant C. man D. mum

14A. busy B. clean C. deserted D. dark

15A. eagerness B. forgiveness C. thankfulness D. kindness

16A. pretended B. seemed C. managed D. attempted

17A. suddenly B. frequently C. actually D. immediately

18A. before B. when C. unless D. while

19A. disappointed B. puzzled C. surprised D. frightened

20A. similarly B. normal C. quickly D. carefully


NACA (Native American Community Academy) involves students in academic activities and learning trips in order to strengthen the classroom learning experience. Some examples of our commitment to academic activities include:

Student Demonstrations

At the end of every school year, NACA celebrates student learning and growth through Student Demonstrations. Each student chooses a project that reflects their best work and demonstrates it publicly for family and community members. Through this process students also practice the skills of giving a proper introduction, sharing content knowledge, making a personal connection, bettering their visual and oral presentation skills and interacting with their community.

Student Council

Student Council is a group of peer-elected representatives. They serve as leaders of their grade level and promote NACA Core Values. They model positive relationships among each other and staff. Student Council will facilitate school wide events to foster school spirit.

Potential Leaders Development Trip to Washington DC

Every summer, about thirty 8th grade students take part in a Potential Leaders Development. A trip to Washington DC is an important opportunity that promotes youth leadership for students while engaging them on a deeper academic level. It provides an experience-based understanding of the endless opportunities that higher education can provide and encourages the pursuit of academic success. Students who attend this trip are greatly impacted, long for completing their high school education in a more focused and determined manner and begin making plans for college. The trip also creates awareness of the significance of Washington DC/US government and importance of government to government relationships.

1What’s the aim of NACA trips?

A. To equip students with social experience.

B. To help students strengthen what they learn in class.

C. To promote the awareness of protecting nature.

D. To help students with learning difficulties to catch up.

2How does NACA celebrate the end of a school year?

A. By organizing trips for students to Washington DC.

B. By choosing model students for their good relationships.

C. By getting students to present their best work publicly.

D. By making personal connections with the community.

3What does the passage say about Trip to Washington DC?

A. Its participants are future leaders of all fields.

B. Its teachers are all experts at presentation skills.

C. It sets models for students to socialize in real life.

D. It aims to inspire students for higher education.

【题目】When I was seven years old, I got the greatest Christmas gift ever. 1Now I realize I actually have the power to be a superhero. I may not able to fly, but I make a difference to someone’s life. We all have the power to be a superhero to someone. Here are four ways you can be a real life superhero.

2Think about what it is. It could be your support, time, advice, a small gift or a thank-you card. Sometimes, even just the most harmless message can bring someone out of darkness and into the light. It’s something that you have to give that can help others.

Keep yourself healthy. 3Look after your body and helping people will be easier. You’ll have a clear mind and energy to achieve any task in your way.

Pick your fight. Every superhero has a battle. It’s something that drives them to be the person they are. 4It could be anything such as working towards helping reduce the number of homeless people on the street. The fight does not need to be big, but it needs to be powerful.

Make someone’s day. Real life superheroes try to improve the lives of all the people they meet. 5You can also try your best to absolutely make someone’s day every once in a while. The people who get your help will thank you for it.

A. What’s your fight?

B. Stay happy all the time.

C. It was a Batman costume, complete with bell and shoes.

D. Use the things you have to help someone without them.

E. You can’t be a superhero if you don’t take care of your body.

F. They try their best to turn someone’s bad day into a good one.

G. They just want to get up, save the world and forget it ever happened.

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