【题目】The latest fashion in kitchen is the food steamer. All the stores are selling them; everyone wants one. Steaming is one of the simplest and healthiest ways of cooking food.However, that cooking time is usually longer than with other methods. In case you’re thinking of buying a steamer, I've done a survey about the steamers available on the market to help you decide which will suit you best.

●Folding Steamer

The simplest and least expensive is the folding stainless-steel (不锈钢)version.

Advantages: This is a good, basic design which sits inside a variety of different shapes of pans with the water under it; a ring in the center allows for easy lifting and it's easy to clean.

Disadvantages: It only holds small dishes. Also, if you put too much water in the pan, it will boil up through the vegetables and they will be watery. If you put too little water in and let it get dry, you will burn the pan and get strange-smelling vegetables.

●Steaming Pan

This is a three-layered black Teflon-coated version with a lid and two double-handled steamers, which sits on the oven ring. The brand I bought is called Nutritious Living.

Advantages: This is an excellent steamer, lightweight, easy to clean, and of all the steamers I've tried, this cooks the fastest. Fish and chicken can be cooked on the bottom with rice or vegetables on the top. It's easier to store.

Disadvantages: Water can boil away until the pan is dry, but if you make sure you fill the pan up to the suggested level and do not overcook the food, this should not happen.You cannot see the food cooking from the top. It doesn't supply a dish for cooking rice.

For serious users of steamers, I recommend having one of each version. If you just want to try it, get the folding stainless-steel type.

【1】Why did the author carry out the survey________.

A.To inform people of different steamers

B.To run an advertisement for steamers

C.To find out a suitable steamer to buy

D.To learn how to cook with steamers

【2】What can we learn about the folding steamer________.

A.It comes in different kinds of shapes and sizes.

B.It is designed for large families.

C.It is able to clean itself.

D.It is easy to take out.

【3】 The Nutritious Liuing steamer________

A.is more difficult to store

B.provides a dish to cook rice with

C.cooks different foods at the same time

D.cooks fish and chicken faster than vegetables

【4】According to the author, you should________

A.use steamers to save cooking time

B.buy a steamer with dishes supplied

C.do a survey before choosing a steamer

D.buy a folding steamer if you want to try

【题目】A life coach is somebody who helps you reach all kinds of personal and professional goals (目标) .Each of us has the ability to be our own life coach.Here are some tips for you:

Pay attention to your relationships with others

Ask yourself the following questions: How do you deal with disagreements? When was the last time you showed your family members that you care for them? Your relationships with friends, family members and teachers show a lot about the kind of person you are.

Face the fears about the future

Now, imagine that one of your good friends told you that he or she was not strong enough to go back to school.83 We often give better advice than we are willing to take ourselves.Remember that even the most successful people were probably told that what they wanted to do was impossible, but they followed their dreams and succeed.

Develop your talents

If you want to reach your goals, you will have to spend more time developing the talents you already have, and uncovering any hidden talents that you haven’t discovered yet.So you can take classes in subjects that you are interested in, even if you have no experience.

Be thankful

Take some time to be thankful for the things you do have.Remember positive memories.84 Think of the best day(s) you have had in the past month or year.Remember special parties, vacations and holidays.Appreciate the wonderful people you have in your life.


【1】Which tip do you think influences you most?


2Why should you pay attention to your relationships with others?







【题目】Earth Day is on April 22ndPeople say thanks to the Earth and learn ways to keep the Earth safe and cleanBut saving the Earth is not just for grow-upsKids are also taking an active part in it.

The American writer and filmmaker Lynne made a film called Young Voices for the PlanetIt lists a lot of stories about different kids who help to keep our environment clean.

Team Marine, US A group of students at Santa Monica High School started an organization called Team MarineThey tell people why plastic bags are bad for sea animals and environmentIn 2011, they successfully made lawmakers (立法者) in their city stop people using plastic bags.

Felix, 15, Germany In 2007, a 9-year-old boy, Felix, started a clubPlant for the PlanetIt encourages children around the world to plant trees in their own countriesFelix helped plant 25 million trees in Germany and 120 million trees worldwide.

Alec, 17, US When he was 12, Alec set up Kids VS Global (全球的) WarmingIt teaches kids about weather change and ways to stop the world getting warmer and warmerAlec travels widely to encourage people to help stop global warmingHe has given more than 70 talks across the country.

Olivia, 13, US When Olivia was 11, she heard about the 2010 oil spill (漏油) in the Gulf of MexicoShe painted 500 pictures of birds to raise money for the clean-upShe raised more than $200,000 to protect (保护) birds and other wild animals.

1What is the purpose of setting up the “Earth Day” and who can do something for the Earth?

A. To keep the earth peaceful and beautiful by adults and kids

B. To keep the earth balanced by adults only

C. To keep the earth safe and clean by adults and kids

D. To keep the earth safe and clean by kids only

2Young Voices for the Planet made by Lynne is ________.

A. a book B. a TV play

C. a film D. a club

3According to the passage, we know ________ doesn’t agree to use plastic bags.

A. Team Marine B. Felix C. Alec D. Olivia

4Alec travels widely to encourage people to ________.

A. raise money

B. plant trees

C. protect wild animals

D. help stop global warming

5The passage is mainly about how ________.

A. kids are saving the Earth

B. parents are planting trees

C. students are raising money

D. grow-ups are using plastics bags

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